so why do we even care wats happenin in turkey ?
Didn't we hate them ?
So why do we even care wats happenin in turkey ?
It's the only actual happening in recent years.
because based assad may have outlasted yet another enemy
I-is that bear ok?
They are being raped by potentially the same enemies.
We feel with Turkroach.
for you
We don't hate secular Turkey.
Sup Forums has a fetish for any sort of happening
How can you not be worried about me, user? I'm just a wittle helpless roachie poo...I'm afraid Sup Forums, hold me please?
>t. Mehmet
Do you want Turkey to be an Islamic state or secular?
Any turkfags cathing pokemon there?
france yesterday
turkey 2day
????? tomorrow
Turkey nukes ISIS
Hoping for maximum bloodshed personally.
Is she going to get impregnated or bulimia simply won't allow it?
dont worry user youre not alone. i dont give an ounce of fuck
>Didn't we hate them ?
spoken like a true sheep.
>mexican intellectuals
men can't get pregnant you fucking retard
Turkey has the Potential to better itself now.
Don't fuck this up roaches
We do not hate no one they make us who we are
BLM will shoot at least another white cop in the next 72 hours. Check these dubs.
We should care.
You realize the military strength they have?
It would take all of Europe to unite in order to stop if they so called please to invade.
Also chemical weapon and nukes at their disposal.
t. Ahmed
Yes, we do hate them. That's EXACTLY why we care. We're all collectively jerking off watching the fall of Roachistan.
It's like every Christmas morning I've ever had combined into one glorious happening.
We love Turkey and we hate Armenia and Israel
They're one of the main reasons why ISIS still exists
With Kemalists in power instead of Erdogan the money, supplies and recruits streaming in from Turkey will cease.
If this goes right then you will see unironic "BASED ROACHES" posts as they crack down on Islamists and restore stability to the area.
Its your fault for giving them so much almost free shit burger. You did this. Fiki fiki this, Poland to the rescue against mad Turks again?
>so why do we even care wats happenin in turkey ?
>Didn't we hate them ?
yes we do , it's why we care
fuck of ugurlu
We care because Putin is going to charge in when the roaches are crippled from civil strife and unrest and reinstate Constantinople, tear down all the mosques and outlaw Islam.
The roaches will finally be a respected people and will be treated thusly on Sup Forums