Why is it the people who are against feminism tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike? What is it about anti feminism that attracts manbabies?
Why is it the people who are against feminism tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature...
The whole "manbaby" insult that feminists throw around is hilarious. There are several videos of feminists screaming, stomping, banging, and literally crying because someone criticized feminism. Feminists are notorious for throwing temper tantrums when ever their views are challenged, yet the think they have any room to call others "babies"?
thay have the time to think, atractive intelectuals have always been a minority.
Why is it the people who are pro feminism tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike? What is it about feminism that attracts tumblrinas?
Why is it the people who are for feminism tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike? What is it about feminism that attracts manbabies?
>its a manly dominate trait to bow down to vagina overlords and be a cuck
What in the actual fuck?
It's also ironic cause it if was true it would highlight the failure of said 'manbabbies' moms to raise them properly, especially the single moms created by feminism.
Feminism btfo of it's self once again.
Those types of men talk about it because they have poor social skills. All men think feminism is stupid, but most of us have good enough social skills to keep it to ourselves.
well women are just grown up children, so you can't get too mad at them
that's just identity politics in general, anyone who spends all their time criticizing stuff is going to be unpleasant in a variety of ways
wtf i love feminism now
Because the attractive men are too busy getting laid to be concerned about feminists.
> Tries to shill for feminism
> Posts a fitting and common example of a fedora tipping "male feminist"
Why is it the people who are feminist tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike? What is it about feminism that attracts babies?
Women can have feminism or gynocentric chivalry. One or the other. Currently they have both, and it has turned them into spoiled cunts.
Anyways, your thread is absolute trash OP. You are just projecting and insulting who you see as low-values males because you're upset that Chad does not want to date you, and he has not returned your texts yet.
This thread is bananas
You know what they say "Hurt people, hurt people". Most are traumatized by a female relative or friend at young age etc..
The Amazing Atheist is 6'7. If he worked out, he could be a motherfucking viking.
The "men" who feel a need to preach about it over YouTube tend to be unattractive losers.
Never seen a male feminist that wasn't scrawny, awkward, effeminate with low-test features.
But there is some truth to what you say, it mostly concerns the guys who hate feminism for shit reasons like women choosing to fuck other guys instead of them.
But there are legitimate reasons to oppose feminism. I've never encountered any of these hyper feminist SJWs irl, I'm pretty sure most of these fags are social losers.
Some failed males know, whether they admit it to themselves or not, that they are inferior to women. That's why they need structural mechanisms to make them appear valuable to society.
In truly equal society women don't need to marry to get ahead and that means men have to work harder. Of course the less desirable males are scared to death by this.
Why are you calling me immature, childlike ?
YOU are.
i guess difference is that fucking faggots like over here thinks that they get laid if they go full nu-male on feminists. of course later on they realize that closest for them getting laid is going full cuck-mode, jerking off in the corner while ahmed fucks the feminist in the ass
fist me daddy
The pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, and now women, along with feminists and traditionalists, are pulling out all the stops to shame men back into our gender roles, so we can serve and worship women. I don't care if women don't need to marry men anymore, what I do care about is how women now want all the goodies without any sacrifices, and without them earning it.
The pressure for men to get women is immense. Women need to stop being hypocrites.
>earning it
Remind me, how did you "earn" your male privilege?
HannibaltheVictor13, staunch feminist and Sarkeesian fan.
That's kind of ironic coming from someone who I presume supports an activist (as in you try and argue for social change of some kind) group who is so childish and delicate that they are incapable of receiving criticism without using one of these tactics:
Or discards arguing entirely and retreats into a hugbox where everyone else agrees with you, or simply throws a literal temper tantrum and vomits forth a constant stream of vitriol and insults or bangs or throws things. I guess if you can't win you might as well just drive everyone else away so that people who disagree with you are so disgusted by your behavior they just leave, right?
>self proclaimed anti-sjw
>supports bernie sanders
Small feet symbolize slavery.
He looks ridiculous.
>Is right about one thing.
>Is wrong about something else.
Humans aren't perfect creatures, if there's a person who's been right about absolutely everything, I've never heard of them.
All men are against feminism.
The only ones who feel they need to be vocal about it are losers though. Most men just laugh at feminists. It hasn't been relevant since 2014. It's done.
Who fucking cares... There's a ww3 about to start and all of your feminist tumblrina triggered shit will mean nothing soon the world how you know it it's about to end faggots
Seems to have taken second place to race crap
Except that Bernie Sanders is a huge SJW and TJ claims to be against them.
The more time passes the more I realize Schopenhauer was right
Why are Sup Forums so easily taken in by strawmen?
because manchildren don't have ramifications when they criticize others
Once again first post is best post.
What male privilege? The privilege to be drafted? To have people go extra hard on me because I'm a man? To be expected to serve women while they behave like cunts?
Your bait is alright, it needs a bit more work though. A lot of cunts think that they are entitled to feminism AND gynocentric chivalry because we have "male privilege", but male privilege doesn't exist.
I fully agree. The first time I read it, I got suspicious. 15 years later, it's spot fucking on.
How to build a woman. You take a man and remove accountability and responsibility.
Men earn more money so I'm sure you can afford to pay for a date. If you could get one, I mean.
He's right about SJWs being shit.
He's wrong about Bernie Sanders being good.
Also, considering that Bernie just stabbed everyone who supported him in the back, I wouldn't count on TJ being in favor of him for much longer.
What do you look like?
people that care about their country know that bernie is full of shit.
just saying "free education" makes you sound like a fraud
>tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike?
That describes nearly everyone in the modern era
I couldn't say anything about Norway, but here in the US men earn more money because they do more work. Men in this country work more dangerous jobs and more shitty jobs for longer hours and take less time off, in exchange they receive more money.
I have yet to comprehend how that is unfair in any way. Why should women get as much money as men if they refuse to contribute as much work? It is after all their own choice to not work overtime, to take vacations, to have kids instead of working, or to stop working after getting married, nobody is forcing them to get paid less and if they are we have laws which allow discriminated against workers to fight back.
>Men earn more money
Source? In Canada, and in every other western nation, it is illegal to pay women less for the same work, you retarded slut.
>so I'm sure you can afford to pay for a date
This is your way of trying to justify you wanting feminism and gynocentric chivalry. You're a stupid cunt.
>If you could get one, I mean.
This is your way of admitting that as a female, only your holes matter.
Because if women relied on men they'd have a chance at trapping a 4-5/10 whom they think are 10/10 and not the 2-3/10 they usually have a shot with.
When women aren't reliant on men, they generally go for confident, sociable and attractive men which is a polar opposite of manbaby/neckbeards (although sometime confident, they lack the other traits).
woman always rely on men in some way
if its not the husband, its the boss, if its not the boss then its the repairman, if its not the repairman its the plumber
i know woman have wet dreams of running a small colony by themselves with no men allowed, i have no respect for them at this point.
I don't know what he looks like but Kraut and tea has sexy accent
>i know woman have wet dreams of running a small colony by themselves with no men allowed
And how do you know that?
because woman always say they don't need a men to accomplish their goals/dreams
Why is it the people who are pro-femanism tend to only use ad hominoid attacks in response to valid points and arguments?
feminism is cancer, drink bleach, nigger faggot.
Just because you are extremist in your views doesn't make them true. It just tells me you need to get out more and actually talk/experience the world next to women.
It sounds to me like you base all women on your limited social circle, plus the examples you gave can be said about the modern male as well.
I've personally known many women that are just as capable as men, although maybe not at lifting heavy things, but intellectual.
Kind of sick of neckbeard virgins bashing women for everything when the entire general population are helpless retards and the only thing that matters is the individuals.
>210 lbs
Dude's a fucking sphere.
ad hominems are still ad hominems even if you are concern trolling.
fuck off troll.
there is a difference between being capable and doing.
the only reason you are not "doing" is because men will never allow a woman to lift a pack of bricks or carry a weapon, we have responsibility towards woman and its always been this way.
but woman are taking full advatange of that and go out in claims that they can accomplish anything, but yet don't really seem to come halfway to men's help building the world
tl;dr its nature, there is no point arguing about this subject anymore
it's literally all they have left.
>"you don't agree with me? here, let me heap shame upon you"
sure, feminism, whatever you say baby, now be a good girl and go fetch me another drink
Not like an aging faggot desperately clinging on to his youth.
Amazing atheist is disgusting.
That's because women have been subjected to oppression and stay at home gender-role for longer than negroes have been slaves. They are these days breaking out of these gender-roles and people like you seem to think history is a good example of their accomplishments when they've literally been locked up for the majority of it.
Like I said, women are just as capable as men on an intellectual level and even surpass them in educational facilities on average. This is fact, no point arguing it.
feminists say "i don't need no man"
mra's say "i don't need no women"
but in the end they were both socially retarded bitter people whining. the end.
Feminists and mra's are both degenerate. Both are hyper individualist views that ignore the importance of family.Waaa being a man sucks. Waaaa being a woman sucks.
Grow the fuck up and have kids.
Nice b8
In the evil white male patriarch 50's women in STEM fields were almost at parity with men, while they now make up only about 25% in the great, progressive, multicultural, liberated current year.
Women only started surpassing men in college attendance in my country when affirmative action became common, affirmative action which is by its very nature both a racist policy and a sexist policy, because it discriminates for or against individuals based on their race and sex.
These are both facts, they are inarguable.
When will they drop the tsundere act?
keep in mind that this pic probably gets 98% of all women horny as fuck
Has that bitch killed herself yet?
>turbo manlet
>sex offender
I'm not even surprised
True, but western society expects men to just "man up" and worship women, and acknowledge our individual, non-existent "MALE PRIVILEGE" that doesn't actually fucking exist.
The irony is that men are biologically predisposed to not feel sorry for themselves, and be the tougher gender. That, along with being fed propaganda on how easy men have it, and how women are victims, leads a lot of men, especially young men, to side with women and fuck over their fellow man.
You don't have to tell friend, I've already seen this shit in action.
True, leaf knows what he's saying.
This especially happens on Sup Forums the most.
I don't know how those people are assuming that they are red pilled.
The same reason the people who are pro-feminism tend to be physically unattractive, emotionally and mentally immature, and overall childlike. Most people who aren't physically repellant are enjoying their lives, and don't give a shit. That goes for men and women.
Because in real life there aren't actually enough pissy feminists to make people care. This shit is only real if you spend all day on the internet. Same goes for male feminists
>a lot of it has to do with the retarded feminazis
> I am a woman.
>true feminism has been fucking dead since tumblr fucked it all up.
>real, actual feminism is what no one will see because some stupid asshole messed it all up.
>mfw I know the future girls and women of this country are screwed because some asshole today didn't like being called fat or some stupid shit and got all feminazi on shit and fucked it up.
> mfw a transgender has more respect than an actual woman.