What is your country's equivalent to the American "deep south" or "dixie"?

What is your country's equivalent to the American "deep south" or "dixie"?
I'm talking about the rural/suburban backwater region filled with conservatives and traditionalists that seemingly every nation in the world possesses, and might have a rivalry with the more urban parts of the nation

Here in Greece it's the Peloponnese and Crete, the inhabitants are very traditionalist and have an actual clan system, with clan rivalries and 'vendettas'
What is your nation's wild west, anons?

Some of the biggest cities in Andalucia also look like an mmorpg because of the number of clans living in it with vendettas and shit last week I saw a documentary about a shooting in Granada in the middle of some commieblocks, the camera man taped some corpse with the gun of the murder in the floor surrounded by people crying and then you can literally see how a woman with a hat takes the gun from the floor for herself.


>Here in Greece it's the Peloponnese and Crete
But those regions are not actually poor backwater.
Here in Japan, it's definitely Kyushu (South Eastern part of Japan), they are not only poor rural backwaters, corrupted cities are literally controlled by mafia, it's like Sicily of Japan.

Fukoaka is based your cocky Kanto fag.

The south of Norway is the land of bibles, prayer houses, and trailers.


Wales I suppose

These maps are horsecrap, it's still a very undeveloped place, hell, I live in Greece myself so I can tell you that with certainty

my family's farm is in Romerike, and I've seen it mentioned a handful of times by Norwegian posters here as a conservative (relative) region full of hill billies

spell right if you want to defend them... and no, no one would say they are based here. At least they are good at being poorfags, a number of hobos in Osaka are from Fukuoka.

Is that what I think it is? A WE WUZZING of Rome by Norwegians?

They're just actual christians, which compared to the rest of Norway makes them ultracrazy conversative radicals in their eyes, but they are quite liberal protestants really.
Well yes, but the etymology is after a river, not Rome.

>he is a Kanzai fag and complains about other being poor
Fukuoka is based. They are people that are nice and easy going and not that typical asian soulless robot prude stereotype.
That's why I like them. It way nicer to live with humans than with drones.

A female American friend of mine said she had worst experience when she tripped to Fukuoka. She got imitated her gaijin-ish dialect by a local man, and she felt offended.

People in Kyushu are similar to Koreans, loud, violent, but yes, they are easy going too. Fukuoka people are still more open-minded than other Kyushu because it's city, anyway.

>A female American friend
> and she felt offended.

That was like anodah shoa. Americans really don't deserve to live on gods beautiful earth.

Brabant and Limburg

South Italy

I don't think we have one in particular

The north (Nord Pas de Calais) and maybe PACA (it's full of rich 'conservative' people)

Queensland, we call it the Deep North.

Wouldn't it be the North? Birmingham/Liverpool etc


Tasmania/ northern teritory

The western provinces except for southern B.C.
>Conservatives everywhere
>Everybody goes to church
>Farms, oil, coal, gas, logging
>People unironically wear cowboy hats
>Everybody drives a truck
>Country/gospel music
>Resentment towards yuppie provinces
>Lots of guns by Canadian standards
Only thing is that they aren't poor. Alberta is the economic heart of the whole country and it's neighbor provinces aren't far behind.


no the north is very left wing
not so much in rural areas but rural northerners vote for the same type of conservatives as the south

Crete is actually well developed and somewhat rich, compared to the rest of Greece, whiile simultaneously being very conservative and bible thumping. Peloponnese is actually poor if you don't include the big cities, however.
And there are only vendettas in Mani (whoever is left there anyway) and only in a couple of villages in Crete.

You're north would be like our Rust Belt/ Midwest I feel like. You dont really have a South.

If you are only going by poor and rural that would be like your appalachia.
the lower south is only poor because they have a high percentage of black people

Limburg I suppose


The entire north. Enly they're not traditonalists, they're commies and S*mis

>Very religious
>Stereotyped as "backwards"
De Achterhoek. On a more positive note it's the most green part of the country, the most white part of the country and the only region where white peopel are actually having babies.

Not really, they're just the """catholic""" parts of the country. They don't really check any Deep South boxes.

Deep South =/= Wild West

everything from lazio and below is the most developed region of italy, idiot.