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what didn't he grew up with?

A father evidently

Hmm Hollywood. Shit out more sequels in my mouth. I want your next Marvel flick like a smelly turd. Delicious.

insert literally anything so it seems like Stuckmann's opinion has credit even though he probably never even watched [insert franchise] as a kid, because how the fuck is it possible he literally grew up with literally everything, yeah I liked a lot of shit as a kid but even when I was a kid there were some franchises/tv shows I wasn't into, I was never into Bond, never got into Godzilla, etc, but I was aware of them. just because I was aware of something and maybe saw a movie or two when I was a kid I wouldn't say I grew up with Bond. hell there's really not that many movies I'd say I grew up with and I watched a lot of movies as a kid, Chris says he grew up with fucking everything


like despite he says it and constantly shows off his pop culture merch I don't believe Stuckmann read the comics or gave a shit about any of the characters before MCU movies yet he'll say he grew up reading the comics

Wow, he literally played the "I grew up" card with black people
Wow stuckmann wow
Let me guess, this was part of his Get Out review wasn't it?

It was indeed.

Why do Generation Z kids get so triggered by this? Seriously how pathetic are you fucking kids?

I grew up in the 90s. (born 87) and nothing about Sutckmann's childhood seems like he's trying too hard or unrealistically forcing shit that he didn't actually grew up with. These were times before the internet became the thing it is today. The only thing we had were games, television and movies. I was a huge fan and grew up on a lot of the same things.

based stuckmann could make his wife cum at the same time as he did, could you ever be a chad like he is?

Thanks for your contribution, Chris

Thanks for the meme post, Generation Z faggot.

I hate this nostalgia fetish that has infected society and pop culture. People don't grow up. They remain children mentally. Patethic!

She's so cute. I'd cuck the Stuck in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

I still think he's a cunt, but yeah most of the people making fun of him were probably born post 1995 and think that liking 'nerdy' things is something you just do to look cool

You guys seem to know an awful lot about his videos and their content, almost as if you watched all of them just to meme him. Who is the real winner here ?

He has an adorable wife who loves him, so I guess it's him.

>I was a huge fan and grew up on a lot of the same things.

This. To a certain extent. It seems odd that so many people on Sup Forums have huge issue with this though.

But we get to meme

He didn't grow up with anything "nerd" related. He just hopped the bandwagon. None of his collections look dated and all his opinions are formed to appeal to other "nerds" that apparently grew up with the same thing