I'm more into Jewish girls but I'll take it
Lol another southern faggot can't handle they lost the war. Nice fantasy photo
>have a boot on our necks for 150 years
>herp derp I'm so proud my ancestors fought for the Union so my sister could suck nigger cocks
Is it nice in the South?
what do the nazi's have to do with the civil war? god,no wonder you people take pride in flying the flags of the losing side
gets really nice in the fall and even winter nowadays. spring is the best time
this is assuming your smart enough to recognize the gold jew star and swastikas
if you like being surrounded by inbred hillbillys who voted for donald trump
Is it true GA is a good place to go if you have jungle fever?
how about california instead,soyboy
Donald Trump is awesome you nigger cock sucking Jewish cuck faggot.
>little pregnant Jewish girl dropping a diary
>SS troopers strewn all over the ground
We're not in Dixie anymore boy.
>implying there is going to be anything friendly about an encounter between a good ole' Southern boy and a Nazis
I tried to hit retweet but remembered where I am so just bumping this shit
I think he was implying that there was going to be some dvp in the ensuing Gangbang and the confed was going to get hit in the eye by nazi jizz
No, that's up north. Down here in Atlanta I'm surrounded by a bunch of inbred niggers who didn't vote.
The South is too hot for white men. This creates the paradox that the Southern US is home to the most degenerate segment of the white race on the face of the earth, followed closely by Southern Africa and Brazil.
you should play war of rights, based civil war game
>The South is too hot for white men
>what is Zimbabwe (the entirety of sub-Saharan Africa for that matter) and Australia
I used to be very into finding the darkest skinned niggers with big asses
I used to browse backpages in niggers areas across the country and from what I've seen georgia does have some good dark skinned niggers with big nigger asses
You misspelled Rhodesia