This faggot will be impeached by christmas.
This faggot will be impeached by christmas
God... do you liberal faggots EVER shut the fuck up?? You people are worse than cancer.
You'll be homeless by Christmas.
It's not like they have jobs or anything. Sitting around on welfare they got plenty of time to complain.
impeached, yes.... removed from office, sadly no.
that is your left testicle!
Literally every day this shit from the libfags
2019 and still being this fucking stupid
Hey look guys the 1% of Democrat and Republicans are fighting each other again over nothing they understand.
Take pictures.
As an Aussie I just cant understand posts that say "Bastard will be impeached". People have been sure of that for 3 years now. Still aint happened, and based on the evidence, wont. Also, to be impeached, your Senators need to agree, so it aint going to happen. The lack of actual proof, and the vehement retoric of dems has convinced a whole lot of voters its a given. When this all falls through, and it will, voters are going to figure theyve been lied to.
just wait til the "autistic screeching guy" shows up and you'll be sorry!!
Yup. But nothing will happen unless the faggot resigns.
Idk. He will undoubtedly be impeached, but only when it most politically advantageous for the left. Is that Christmas?
I think it's when ever they can flip enough republicans to threaten splitting votes up in key states. Trump Republican Vs Classic Republicans while liberal Democrats position themselves to pick up their base and any scraps, I don't think the plan is to remove him from office, unless they can remove pence first.
No, 99% of non retarded Americans hate Traitor Trump
but it will die in the senate and you will get 5 more years of trump ...
Got a job. Believe in so-called right-wing economics. This goofball is fucking retarded. If you listen to the words that come out of his mouth and think otherwise ,you are fucking stupid. How do I need to defend that? Almost every word he says is either wrong or bullshit. I don't need to prove it. It's been done.
Don't know if he'll be removed, but it's going to be hilarious watching this fucking toddler flail around during the impeachment process. I look forward to the entertainment.
impossible - takes too long. Only way that could happen is if he shot someone on video.
I think you mean re-elected.
My prediction is he gets impeached, and everything looks like the Senate will let him off the hook, but then he gets butt hurt and does something even more stupid and immoral and/or illegal.
I mean he did the Ukraine shit just a couple days after it looked like he got our the the Mueller investigation without charges.
Trumptards post the same shit daily too. Anyone blindly dedicated to either side enough to spread propaganda on a volunteer basis daily is a non thinking moron.
More like he will be naming RGBs replacement by Christmas.
She's decomposing fast.
If Trump gets 3 judges the dems are going to expand the court after 2020. Its stupid, but I also can't blame them after the stunt they pulled with Obama and Garland.
This. I'm an Aussie too and even from here it's plain to see the Democrats have lost their fucking minds. They're so wild-eyed and foaming at the mouth to have that little black mark on Trumps record that they're practically handing him the re-election.
It takes a while. He has been doing debatable impeachable things since before taking office, that is why people have proclaimed 'i give him six months' and all that shit because Trump does stupid things simply because this isn't his line of work and he doesn't usually understand that he is sometimes breaking the law/not following the constitution by breaking the norms. When the Left took the house by such a margin, it became a when will he be impeached vs a will he be impeached. Now it's about presenting the most compelling case that he should be removed from office against a senate that will for sure save him. This is all to convince the voting public to flip against Trump and Republicans. The worst case for the left is that trump is impeached and then reelected, and especially reelected without winning the popular vote. If that happens, trumpsters gets to lick all the liberal tears.
Hows shit in the outback, still fucky as ever?
Which one Jacob or Ben?
I'm a conservative and I want him gone just as bad as they do. He's a liability.
They won't win 2020 and they can threaten all they want.
Won't happen.
>99% of non retarded Americans hate Traitor Trump
You're a moron and and that statement is the reason you're gonna find yourself screaming at the sky again in 2020
Kind of a stupid response. That doesn't happen until November 2020, you're making us look stupid, get off the internet.
So what do we do? Weld, Flake, Kshit? It's like nobody gets that he is damaging the party,the libs are going to use Trump as their go to attack for the next 20 years.
He's a criminal, and perhaps even worse, the worst presidential embarrassment America has ever known. Why should true American patriots shut up?
He will have no choice just look at poor Ruthie.
Trump will notbe impeached. Just another democrat hoax.
They have voted to impeach twice. The most votes they got was 69 out of 435.
The wacko left will never get it. Their propaganda masters do.
Can't be a criminal if they can't find a crime to charge you with. That's why they have to try to invent new things.
Sad attempts to deflect attention away from the lefts own crimes and corruption
cool number.
They have the votes now because they don't have their base to lose. It isn't that hard. He wont be removed from office. But he will be impeached.
Ah, the old they don't have evidence but I sure do defense.
If fact is subjective, we truly are doomed.
Trumps re-election in 2020 is going to result with you dangling from a noose, isn't it? Far left extremist suicides are gonna be an epidemic come November 2020.
Dude I don't know. There is no conservative party anymore. The Biden-style Dems are the closest thing left. Every big conservative outside of Weld and Kasich has totally sold out to the Trump cult. I find it painfully obvious at this point that the US gov no longer functions for the people on any level and there is little to nothing we can do about it.
If they had the votes and a crime, they would vote to start the procedure. Trump would have to comply at that point. Trump would also have considerable rights.
You would think they would find something other than their planted evidence after more than 3 years and millions and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars. But nope. Now it's let's rewrite whistleblower guidelines and get one of our lackeys say what we come up with.
But they even fucked that up so...
When did the left ever care about fact?
Great argument, and a 3 year old meme.
Don't need a crime, that isn't how impeachment works. It's a political racket not a criminal one, High crimes and misdemeanors is essentially symbolic. You all remember that slick Willy was impeached because he didn't want to admit to having an affair and lied about it. 20 years later, hardly seems impeachable, it's almost like it's always been about partisan bull shit.
All of that is pretty much true.
Also, you know it is bullshit because of all the generic statements. He obstructs, traitor, etc. If you were to get an impeachment their must be specific crimes with dates, statute references,etc. Everything given in every courtroom in the country from jaywalking to murder.
The wacko leftist are to arrogant to notice how they sound. Their propaganda tells them they are the best and brightest. After years, they accept everything.
Did you take american civics in middle school? This is basic shit.
Listen, you are too dense to reply . Sorry. Study Clinton's impeachment maybe? I couldn't care less.
historically no. they're still 4 months behind Watergate pace.
of course Nixon didnt go on tv and do the same stupid thing again live on Fox...
Nixon was not impeached. No vote to start proceedings. Take a hike, junior. You are too fucking slow. I have no interest in responding to you. I do not care what you believe.
>I do not care what you believe.
As though this place was ever about caring? I add that to your list of delusions.
Trump = your Jefferson Davis
>The wacko leftist are to arrogant to notice how they sound.
Well duh, b/c they are wacko, right?
But the moderate liberal base is just tired of him. I think we can do better. I think the Republicans can do better.
But what about JOE BIDEN!!!!
Bookies got Trump 6/5.
The fake news media and big mouthed leftwing lunatics cannot control us anymore
Well said user
What exactly do the 'Trumptards' post everyday? You can come here 24/7 and you all will have 6-10 Trump threads and 6-10 nigger porn threads. What can possibly compare?
This is not a reply.
When there is an actual impeachment you will know it. Everybody will. There will be no if discussions here. Like Clinton.
Given my advanced age, I can say, the person most responsible for Trump is Obama. The one most responsible for Bush the Lessor, is Clinton. The same with Carter/Reagan. All 3 repubs will have served 2 full terms.
If the democrats do not change, this is the way it will be.
and yet trump fags will be the fall of all the chans
It survived Obama-turds licking Barry's clit and swinging from Michelle's nutsack. It's indestructible.
hopefully user. hopefully