gae boi
Gae boi
the gayest
Feels that way honestly.
I have trouble believing compliments because nobody ever did so growing up, now suddenly everyone thinks I'm nice?
Ye, I feel it.
The compliments make me feel so much worse than an insult ever could.
pls more fem
I should start smoking cigarettes so I die faster. I always wanted to.
It's the internet. The more depressed you are, the more people will project their feelings, and tell you they care when they just want to be seen a certain way because depression brings out the worst in people; the truth, and nobody wants to hear the truth. That's why everyone eventually stops talking to me or caring, I'm not fake like everyone else. Everyone who is depressed and sad is "cute", which is really just virtue signalling so they can feel better about themselves, and it just makes everyone else feel worse. The more I try to get people to be real the less they care because they don't want to confront someone who only tells shit exactly how it is, that's a 'no-no' in modern society.
I just wish I weren’t a faggot, honestly.
you ever consider some people actually mean it
I wish I were a woman so I actually had a shot at meeting people in real life. Being an androgynous dude who doesn't give a fuck about fitting in anywhere or being fake doesn't work when everyone is fucking gay, and just want sex and "cuddles". I don't even attempt to hide my true colors, which is a turnoff for everyone.
No, I don't.
Guess they mean well but damn
I sorta agree with you there.
To me it feels like I'm not allowed to show feelings or even express some sort of desire to be happy.
If I wasn't being watched I'd totally starve myself again, but I can't.
>I have trouble believing compliments because nobody ever did so growing up, now suddenly everyone thinks I'm nice?
You should realize that "cute male" is not something most people appreciate. To most people that's effeminate, unmanly. You're supposed to show modicum of masculinity to get praise.
I'm sorry. I just feel like the more human and real I try to be, the less people care about me as a person. I feel like the internet just brings out sides of people nobody wants to show in real life, and everyone just has a stupid act which is why so many people are depressed. Everyone is too afraid to be themselves and have real conversations about life and the world around us. That's too much for people these days, and just leaves me feeling alone.
You show when you're depressed, and for that reason I think you're pretty cool. Just being here for the past 7 years, I've noticed how nobody is allowed to show when they're depressed because it's too hard to talk about actual feelings and be a normal person.
That's exactly why I stopped trying to be 'cute'. It felt so fucking fake, like I just project my own insecurity onto others, in turn hurting myself and the other person. Yet being honest is a turnoff to anyone who wants another person. It's a lose/lose situation of, "play up an act", or "not have real conversations with people because it's hard to be human".
Y'all need to stop "trying" to be something and just be yourself. That's the real problem.
I don't even come here for the porn. I just come here for conversation which nobody actually cares about anymore.
I still see bullshit everywhere. It's obvious to me when people are hiding shit and play up some act by being flirty and cute, or just say nothing. I don't have to hear or read actual words to know how people feel. The cute shit in these threads has gotten so dull, it's so stupid and fake it's unbearable at this point.
Has it gotten fake or have you gotten bitter?
i love you user, I hope you know that.
I guess.
I'm not masculine at all is the problem there.
Caught me by surprise...
I'm pretty much like that all the time. Not one to pretend I'm happy.
I feel like my problems are pretty insignificant, or at least simple to understand.
Like I said I'm not allowed to show feelings.
Being myself is being this unlovable dreg.
I'm not sure what you mean, how what you said relates to what I said. I was merely pointing out to prince that the people giving him praise for his looks today have entirely different standards than majority of people in real life do, hence the disconnect.
Hence why you got little to no praise in real life, but get some among people who like effeminate homos, you know.
Ye, it’s shitty.
Life isn’t really worth living when that’s the only people we have to interact with.
It's always been fake. It was when I was doing it. I don't look any different, my sexuality hasn't changed one bit, but I don't try to be cute or RP anymore because it's dumb. It's just a fantasy people want to live in because reality is harsh and true. And I don't live in fantasy, just on the internet where I can read everyone else's.
Well you show enough for me to see that you don't care about acting a certain way. That's a huge deal in this day and age. So even if it sounds fake, I actually do like you. You remind me a lot of myself.
Cute doesn't just mean physical attractiveness, you know. I used to get the same shit until I made it very clear I'm aware of how fake it is.
> I don't look any different, my sexuality hasn't changed one bit
> It's just a fantasy people want to live in
> I don't live in fantasy
I'm confused, what are you talking about?
o shit the smoosher is here
I've made my point extremely clear multiple times. I don't like how people want to flirt in these threads because it doesn't seem genuine to me at all. It seems vapid, like nobody wants to know about that person, and just want to think with their dicks. Whatever happened to genuine conversation, about life, philosophy, science, engineering, politics, the world and universe around us? It's so much easier to brush it under the rug and say "you're so cute tehe ^.^"
>Cute doesn't just mean physical attractiveness
Ah I guess it doesn't. I was talking just about that in this case.
Outta the lurking for just a moment, and then gone, to bed.
Of course you were because you're exemplifying my point about being fake, and not looking past the surface. Everyone just wants to objectify and fuck like monkeys, not converse like humans.
goonight cutie boi
It just sounds like you're upset and taking it out on the thread instead of trying to fix yourself or seeing/talking to someone about it.
But I dunno I'm just a deer
Hey I haven't seen this name in a long time.
Meanwhile I've changed mine like twice so I'm a stranger to you probably.
Hello again in any event!
Suppose ill check in for a minute
Okay then.
No shutting up here right.
Yeah I guess that makes sense, but it's still hard for me to take them seriously.
Yeah I'm pretty straight forward and sometimes dull.
Thanks you're pretty cool too.
Ooh I dunno how to take that, hopefully it's good.
hey boi
It's so frustrating to me because I feel so alone. I'm not a talkative person in real life because it feels like nobody truly understands where I come from, and I come here and nobody wants to understand when I do speak the truth, not just my feelings.
Of course I'm upset about people being liars and pretending to be shit they aren't. That's what the internet is for. Looking at porn, and showing a side of you you won't show to others in real life. It's dishonest, and I'm not.
Well do you want it to seem bad? Because it was intended as a compliment. Then again I do hate myself.
Hey man if you wanna believe that then go ahead, I won't stop you. I don't have any patience for that and I don't like pity parties so if you wanna throw one for yourself go right ahead but I'm not going to indulge.
Whats up good evening
Whats up good evening
Whats up good evening
Whats up good evening
This is the issue with going on Discord and being a part of these threads and RPing
It's a porn dump thread, trying to find some emotional connection or feelings from literal coombrains is the worst idea
not much, looking at things i can't afford
how bout you?
wadup drokar
I think these threads are a breeding ground of toxicity and false identity. Everyone is so god damn afraid to be themselves, whereas I'm blunt and brutally honest about my feelings, and clearly that's not getting me anywhere. That's not a problem with me, that's a problem with society as a whole.
I don't ask for pity. All I ask is that people stop being afraid to be normal, and hide their true feelings because hiding behind screens is all I see in these threads.
Hey, how are you guys doing?
I completely agree. The internet, particularly porn, has made everyone indulge in sex even more than before. Everyone is bombarded with no filters on the internet, so they create their own filters through basic needs like sex, rather than communication. That leads to people being really lonely and depressed: dishonesty, and disconnection from oneself.
Not at all, I just can't say if I've ever heard anyone say I remind them of themselves.
It's appreciated though.
I'm cold.
>Of course you were because you're exemplifying my point about being fake, and not looking past the surface
Now you're just being unnecessarily antagonistic, Dash. I was talking simply about why people would not compliment Prince's looks in real life in the past, no more, no less. Alright, I guess you meant to talk about more than just visual appearance, which went over my head, I don't see how that is me being fake, or even me not looking under the surface. Whatever, I'm going to bed. See you another time.
Mhmm. Well it's been explained to me that you're previously Dashy, now Mio, so it's all good. G'night.
You fo you. Good night to you.
How many of you guys are actual fags? What kind of gay are you (twink, gachi, femboy)? Do you really participate in the gay on a day to day basis?
Because I always figured this place is mainly filled with deviantly-minded normalniggers who fuck girls
Of course you haven't, because I speak honestly, hah.
Way to just brush it all under the rug, again. Sorry, and I hope you sleep well.
see, quads of truth
actually the opposite. i ended up finding the love of my life that moved in with me and was with me for the pass 3 years. we are broken up now and it destroyed me as a person but i dont regret it and i refuse to give up in it.
not much, trying to man up and start moving forward with my aching heart. but i cant stop thinking with it and my EX that broke up with me cant stop thinking with his head. he says that we could never be together but the way he keeps saying things he still talks like he cares a lot for me and dont want to hurt me again. but he does not realize that i hurt so much more without him then with him...
Watching twitch and being a vegetable talking to a few good people on tele. Life is pretty okay right now.
I think you're over analyzing what's going on. You won't believe me but hey it is what it is.
I'm a tranny so I don't know where that puts me.
Also whats up good evening
Im good multi tasking with a pokemon box thread and multiple dms and admining my discord server and im at the mall eating chinese food having a miller light after buying a new build a bear
Cute cubs
puts you in the good girl category
Maybe I am. Maybe I'm just wrong about everyone, but I rarely see any real conversation in these threads anymore. There's been a steady decline, and I've observed it in the near 8 years I'd been on Sup Forums. Everyone used to be depressed as fuck, had real conversations about society, and didn't want to be 'cute'. Now people revel in it, and society has indoctrinated people into these beliefs because it disconnects people from reality, and all of our problems. Because talking about problems is bad!
That's quite a busy list
kys pedo
cub is wholesome and cute :3
That doesn’t help either. People in here are all the same damn way. Just post your fucking yiff and move on.
Bitterness is a sign of accepted reality.
I'll say good night on discord.
Ah well makes sense, and speaking honestly is good!
>Bitterness is a sign of accepted reality.
Yo this is true. I feel like most people know this too, but are too afraid to accept reality. It's not like people don't know what they're doing, they just don't think about it because nobody wants to think anymore.
>Everyones so fake
>I'm the only real one
>Because of that I'm brutally honest ...kiddd
I can't tell if you're baiting or not
But I gotta agree with you user
Going around the gay circles and trying to find someone who isn't disgustingly stereotypically omegagay or looking for a fling and just wants to hang out and experience life together is nigh impossible
Over sex and easy aces to porn has ruined a lot of things in terms of healthy relationships but I still have some hope for the future
It's because there is so much of this going on that no one wants to talk. It's always people bitching and whining and talking about how lonely they are and how they'll never have friends or never kiss or have sex or cuddle and that shit gets really old really fast. No one likes talking when that shit is going on and we go into PMs to avoid the drama and let the sadness circle jerk happen, and then let the thread die.
Not always.
Jeez when did this become a feels thread
Why would I be baiting if it's true? Lol. Like I said, I am so brutally honest it drives people away from me, but I'm glad to see that some people are willing to admit it, and talk about the real shit with me. I genuinely appreciate that honesty.
Yeah, just avoid the drama. That sure solves problems. See, that's exactly my point. I don't want to RP and live in fantasy. I want someone else who lives in reality with me.
I make things feels threads because I like to be a psychologist, and speak truth about humans and our weak will
when it became ad boi hours
>I don't even attempt to hide my true colors, which is a turnoff for everyone
Sounds like the real problem is you're an asshat. I don't hide my true I don't have that problem
If you want that then act like a normal person. Stop complaining about your problems, suck it up and talk normally. We all have fucking problems, dude. We don't feel the need to constantly whine every thread every day.
>Yeah, just avoid the drama....
doesn't that make searching for it here pointless?
It’s easy to shove your head in the sand and just pretend things are okay.
Everything’s fucked, we’re all degenerate dregs, and nothing matters anymore.
>I am so brutally honest it drives people away from me
You and literally every single incel ever. Chances are you're not "brutally honest," you're just an asshole.
I am angery
Mhmm, go fuck yourself.
*And finding someone who just wants to hang out
Fuggggggg Hopefully anons still got what I was saying I am not gay
Nah user it's just the way you worded it, it sounded very obviously like bait especially in a thread like this
>Humans weak will
Calm down there bud
With an attitude like that you won't find anybody at all, and even if you do it'll be some drug addict or fucked-up drop-out who'll dump you in just under 3 months of meeting you, life doesn't need to be so negative, of course there's a lot of awful things but it's honestly better to focus on the positives while keeping the worst at the back of your mind. So you have the chance of finding someone worth while but also retaining the wisdom you've gained from your years of suffering
whoooaa calm down
what got you so pissy, oh wait, i don't care
>all of the angst
>The only sensible ones are the muscle posters
>Trapfags have the highest amount of issues
Really makes you think
>With an attitude like that you won't find anybody at all
That's the problem. They don't actually care about finding anything. They WANT to complain and bitch and moan and whine and vent. Any single chance at a solution they'll push away because that eliminates their one purpose here, to complain.
The only person who has the right to complain here, and partially because it's tradition, is Nibi.
makes me think you got poor taste in bois but what can i say about a persons preference
both of those words interchange very easily. people think you are an asshole when you are honest with them...
I like girly boys and I'm reasonable