>want to try alcohol for first time
>get mead
>fizzy and semi sweet, odd but good taste
>drink a whole mug of it
>feel nothing, not even a slight tipsy
>5 hours later, go to bed
>wake up with dry throat and it hurts for a little while
>no hangover, infact i got up better than usual
is there anything more to alcohol than a kind of fruity soda? am i not drinking enough or am i just resistant to it or some shit
i burped a lot and had a sore throat in the morning, but thats about it
Want to try alcohol for first time
it's not a good drug at all, one of the worst actually
You're not going to get drunk on one beer. Try the hard stuff, vodka, bourbon, scotch etc. Beers will make you bloated before you get a good buzz, but vodka goes down nicely. Then you can become an alcohol like me (I drink a fifth a night).
> am i not drinking enough or am i just resistant to it or some shit
You’ve literally had one drink in your life and you can’t tell if you didn’t drink enough or you think that you might be “resistant” to the effects of alcohol?
Are you retarded? You obviously understand that one drink, odd choice btw, isn’t enough to get you drunk or depending on abv have any effect whatsoever.
What’s the point of this thread, you autistic underage b& faggot?
Drink more.
i thought i would atleast feel a little tipsy is all nigger
how much alcohol percent does mead have anyhow?
Why did you think to only have one beer
Mead is the cheerleader beer for men. Simple as that. I'm gonna guess it's not even 5% per volume. That being said I'm pissed no where around me sells mead.
Worst drug. Try some bud. You’ll feel pretty good after a couple drags. Don’t over do it whatever you take tho
it's because of carbohydrates and sodium or something
First, if your Mead had Carbonation, it was very low ABV. Little more than beer. Try it again, and drink more.
Second, Mead is technically wine, the fermenting sugar comes from honey instead of fruit.
Third, Mead is a good starter alcohol beverage.
Fourth, dont ever drink light beer
what are you a fucking mormon?
>Mead is technically wine, the fermenting sugar comes from honey instead of fruit
That means it isn't wine, technically or otherwise
Nothin wrong with light beer.
You gonna Google it, or attempt to argue with me?
This is an alcohol thread you fag he isn't asking why he didn't get high his first time
Yep and alcohol is a shit tier drug faggot
If you are a fat Sup Forumsastard on drink wont get you. Get a case and start drinking, you'll get it eventually
Session means tend to hover between 4-7% while more potent meads can be upwards of 10%. It’s not a beer and it really isn’t a “cheerleader” drink either, you’re thinking of beers that have “lite” on them. Mead is a super hipster drink
mead, beer, wine, hard cider and hard soda is all just wattered down alcholoic soda (at least here in the states)
If you want to actually get drunk?
like shit faced?
Hard Liquor
Assuming you are Caucasian?
Thats the only shit that will get you drunk.
Bruh ya'll talking about 5% mead? Wat? My local liqour store sells like 6 kinds of mead, it starts at 8% and goes up to 15%.
ok yea i looked on the bottle and its like 5%
the reason i thought i would feel something is because i thought mead generally had like 15%
Wine is made from fermented grapes. Mead is made from fermented honey. Every sort of booze includes sugar from some source for fermenting. If you want to classify mead as wine, then every alcoholic drink is also wine because mead and wine have nothing in common that is intrinsic to wine, but they have the one critical difference that is intrinsic – honey v. grape.