Serious question, how can i loose my humanity ( emotion, empathy). I'm tired of being the slave of my brain...

Serious question, how can i loose my humanity ( emotion, empathy). I'm tired of being the slave of my brain. I already know nobody will answer

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If you stick around Sup Forums long enough it just kind of happens. You can accelerate the process by calling everybody a niggerfaggot, liberal use of the phrase "kys" and laughing at other people getting rekt.

Stop being an edgy faggot who idolizes psychopaths simply because its counter culture.

You're no different than a whore fucking a bunch of 'bad boys' to get back at her father.

Seriously, neck yourself.

>want to lose my humanity
fuck off, asking dumb shit like that is why you'll always be a moral fag

get hooked on crystal meth my guy, you will become an empty husk whose only instinct is to get more. plus you get to be high all the time

kill yourself

meth, lobotomy, brain injury etc. All have negative consequences that are worse than your edgy fee fees. Just nut up and stop being a pussy

cough surup and a ton of it

google cognitive behavioral therapy and use it to get rid of your emotions.

bad news user, you can't because those are working processes of your brain. You would have to be autistic which would mean you were born without the ability to feel certain or all emotions.

>Or this

Also stop being so fucking edgy, you wanna lose those emotions but yet you were raised by people with them. Go ahead and leave your moms house and sleep on the street starving for a few months, see how well "having no emotions" will do you

Live in a society.

Train yourself to dull all emotional response. Push down any feelings of pity for your fellow man and make yourself believe that it's you or them.

> Serious question, how can i loose my humanity ( emotion, empathy). I'm tired of being the slave of my brain. I already know nobody will answer

Everything is gonna get easier for you after high school, user. I promise.

If you’re serious about it smoke weed while binging rekt threads.
Worked for me.

Start by killing and torturing small animals until you're no longer disturbed by it.

As a supplement to that, blow your money on something and force yourself to subsist for a while. Covet any chance to gain, even at the expense of others, until you no longer feel sorry for them.

Take into account Murphy's law; and apply it to your daily life, be prepared for when things go wrong. This is vital for dulling your emotions. By expecting the worst all the time, you will never be disappointed, and you will grow cynical at the lack of good things.

Get a full time job in a fast food place. Ask to work the drive thru. That shit'll kill your soul in a big fucking hurry.

drop acid and lurk rekt threads

Become this queer

...meaning lose your sense of humor

Tfw u realize all your emotions are based on what the Bible and society tell u to think about life.
Ppl are responsible for their own emotions. Not you. Empathy is a made up thing that is forced on us because it is bad to make other ppl feel negative emotions


Pick up the bible and do everything our lord and saviour Jesus Christ teaches us to do

You need your pain user.
It makes you who you are.


This will unironically work

Ha gotem

Start to compartmentalize your pleasure vs other people's feelings. Fantasize about acting this way repeatedly and the results will be yours to reap.

your humanity doesn't necessarily come from your brain
your brain can reason but it might arrive at the imperfect solution or understanding
I bet if you went and volunteered at some place you would find a lot of enjoyment for those hours, perhaps enough to carry you through the week until you help some one out again and again in the weeks and years to come

DXM DXM DXM. Or better yet Ketamine if you can get it.


Reclaim your mind, retard.

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you may be too shallow for the deep end


It's simple, fgt. Kys.

do loads of cocaine and booze every day for a couple years. Maybe heroin too

Your humanity absolutely does come from your mind.

What separates man and lower animals? Reason.

You are operating on subjective value. You will become the Joker if you're not vigilant.

> Or better yet Ketamine if you can get it.

Ketamine literally cures depression and restored my humanity and got me off meds.

and it's illegal in most places. humans are an intelligent fucking bunch aren't they?

First, this is a stupid thing to wish for. It's not something to idolize. At all. How about you focus on making you life better instead of trying to regress.
But here's how
>be born that way
>kill lots of animals and torture them
>kill and torture women
>kill, rape, or sell children/women
That's about it. Either become a monster, or actually focus on making a good life and not being a loser because you're sad about something.

kill yourself retard

> and it's illegal in most places. humans are an intelligent fucking bunch aren't they?

That’s changing, thankfully. The legality of ketamine part, not the humans being fucking retards part.

I wish it did that for me I feel like i wanna shoot someone then jump in front of a bus when im on it but somehow it all feels ok

Suffer a Tbi and you will see things differently

what, just find a female and make her your slave, you'll still be a slave to your brain, but you'll have a slave too.

the joker isn't a psycopath the term is wrongfully used

joker is more anti social

It's very much an organic process, you never lose all feeling but it just takes time. Try binge watching lot's of WW2 pacific theater, Vietnam(Especially on the secret war in Laos), 1/2 gulf War, Bosnian civil war, and Syrian civil war documentaries. Then move onto crime documentaries focusing around organized criminal syndicates such as Cartels or mafias. Soon you realize the reason the reason most of the world needs help is the fact that they won't help themselves, soon you see that it translates to everyday life and slowly but surely you end up losing empathy. Emotions will always persist, annoyance, anger and hate begin to become a bit more common but at least you can laugh at people dying in china or whatever third world shit hole you want. And after all laughter is the best medicine for mild mental illness.

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thats a difficult question to answer as your premise is false
you arent a slave to your brain
you are your brain
i mean you have other organs too but everything you experience comes from your brain so you are your brain
your brain is hardwired to respond according to the given situation
emotions and empathy are a part of that
a mentally healthy individual will have emotions and experience empathy towards his common man
if you want to eliminate that you have to physically/chemically alter your brain
this can be done in a few ways
electrical/magnetic stimulation
psychological stress
if your end goal is to eliminate your emotions you are going to have a terrible time attempting any of those options
good luck and godspeed you absolute faggot

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yeah just spend the next 20 years not going outside and on various chans

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