Russian appears on screen or video games

>Russian appears on screen or video games
>epic choir plays for every scene he’s in

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blessed nation just like the jews

Isn’t Poland famous for the epic choir

But aren’t you famous for ballet

what the fuck is this

>этo вaм нe гaндoны! Этo вaм пaтpoны!
Battlefield 1

closed after 5 seconds. this is turbo cringe

How is it cringy

How is shitty, forced faux-russian yelling cringy? Who knows.

It’s just supposed to be a battle speech. Curb your autism

You don't get it.The voice actor performs extremely bad.It's like if someone not from USA tries to speak like cowboy from Texas

It fails spectacularly

People do that all the time though

You havent seen italian western movies


Battlefield 1 makes an attempt at being realistic and having a good attention to detail, they could have just used English voice actors speaking with Russian accents, and many of the weapons are pretty realistic.

[spoiler]when some foreign country fails at representing England, i find it hilarious[/spoiler]

>they could have just used English voice actors speaking with Russian accents
Honestly, it would be better. At least it would be funny. This is just bad.

>Russian villain appears
>he is not a short tracksuit wearing ugly mongol
>is a tall blonde Scandinavian instead

What's up with this?