He he, stinky!
He he, stinky!
are you still trying to post this?
you are one pathetic homo
I go full homo for Andy Sixx.
sniff sniff
>still trying to keep this faggoty FAIL thread alive
log fag, you are the king of the cuck faggots
>hates logthreads
>continues to lurk for 30+ minutes
somebody's fudge-curious ;)
you sure are desperate to interpret anyone doing anything as proof of your cuck fetish
no wonder everyone says you're mentally ill
sorry i couldn't hear you over the sound of andy's BRRAPPing
You're actually the only one who visits our threads so that makes you the only one who thinks I'm mentally ill.
Grow up already Eustace.
the huge poop
Up. Grow there
Can someone explain this meme to me
you think everyone is that eustace guy don't you? you are one retarded homo
Grow up Eustace kek
sure fag, whatever.
Cry more Eustace.
hot damn I love me some fuckin shit logs
its fucking slidding baby
Eustace you seriously need to shut the fuck up
that was someone else, you retarded faggot. you really DO think everyone is eustace like the mentally ill faggot you are!
killl yourself