Black introvert AMA Porn edition
Black introvert AMA Porn edition
u r gril)
Femanon here
Do you like white girls?
I like women of all races
If you're asking if I'm a girl, I'm not
fuck off nigger lover
reminder nigger loving whore
nigger faggot slaves love to suck white cocks
you are a gross whore and your father hates you
Have you ever had a white girlfriend
What is the problem with liking black guys? Maybe if you stopped being so racist you would get a girlfriend.
cause they're stupid fucking worthless nigger slaves you stupid fucking trash whore
if i was your father id knock your little whore ass out and then i'd kick you the fuck and disown you you ungrateful little bitch
you're a stupid little gullible little bitch who wants niggers cause the Jews like Harvey Weinstein love to see little white girls fuck niggers cause they're still angry about Hitler killing Jews for being commie fag promoting freaks
cause they're vermin who live on welfare, are mentally retarded and still live in mud huts in Africa
what do you want to live in the ghetto in a rooming house smoking crack with some AIDS infected nigger?
No, I've never even had a girlfriend
Wow just wow, this racist website has really brainwashed you into becoming some kind of fascist. If a women decides that she is atracted to black men there is nothing wrong with it. love is love.
How come you have never had a girlfriend?
you didnt decide shit you stupid fucking whore
you have no mind of your own
you were brainwashed by Jews who run the media to believe you like niggers
you have no free will
women are not are even real people
everything useful that has ever existed was made by men mainly white men
no my grandfather was from Nazi Germany and we fought for the right side not like you stupid Anglo American slave loving subhumans
niggers are inferior to white people and should know their God damned place and stupid fuckinig whores like you had ought to do the same
feminism was invented by Jews to destroy the white race
women are not equal
you are inferior property who should ALWAYS be subordinate and obey men
You are just jealous that the avarage black man has more sex with white women than you do.
nigger fucker do you know that we would literally lynch you if you fucked a nigger you 150 years ago? like you would be publicly hanged in the town square
Because I spend most of my time in my house playing games, and I have social anxiety.
what is so special about white women? if white women are so special why were we out in the slave quarters fucking black women all day and night? we fucked black women so much the average American nigger has 20% white blood and it's been proven that almost all of their white blood comes from white MEN not women. white women have never accomplished shit. you have flat asses and age like milk. all the accomplishments of the white race were by white men
nigger get off this website go into your ghetto and find a nigger girl and nigger friends
get off the internet nigger
you don't want white girls
go find a nice nigger girl in your neighborhood and get your dick sucked
Bitch please we all know you got a desktop of loli and kiddy porn fuck off back to redt nigger lover
You should go to parties more i bet
You could easily meet a nice girl if you'd be yourself. Tinder is also a option.
what makes you think that you stupid fucking slut? because he's a nigger? he might be ugly and fat as sin. why do you try to give niggers a pep talk? what the fuck is wrong with you?
fat ass pink haired whore
I always find this picture funny because bc knocked stipe out in the first fight and he's probably gonna do it again in the 3rd if he sticks more to his wrestling
I literally have girls begging me to fuck them
He poked him in eyes and cheated. He poked Stipe in the eyes so much he's gonna need retina surgery. Niggers simply can't compete compete without cheating. Just like Jon Jones the steroid abusing nigger dicklet who also pokes people in the eyes
Well there goes white supremacy
Whitaker isn't white. His mother is Samoan. FYI if you ever met ME in person I would knock your faggot chink ass out in one punch.
your sister doesn't count user, everyone's fucked her
How do you get invited to parties when you have no friends except for other introverts?
Jon Jones should be banned from MMA for life for using steroids
it's a proven fact that steroids affect your muscles for life
he's a cheater and needs to be permanently banned
Ok well explain Demetrius Johnson 11 win streak or Anderson silver or how welterweight was dominated by Tyron Woodley for so long only to be beaten by kamaru usman a American Nigerian ??
I don't have a sister, nigger and everyone knows every black woman in the hood walks the street and sells her pussy for 5 dollars
your mama doesn't count either
WOW it's almost like there are individual people. fun fact it's you niggers are FASCISTS
you claim one nigger has a big cock so all niggers do
you claim some niggers are good athletes so all niggers must be
it doesnt fucking work that way
and us white men are sick of you niggers and your lies and your fascism being excused
yes there are some niggers who are good athletes but you aren't
fyi Anderson Silva got his leg broken in half by a white boy and got knocked the fuck out by another white boy lmfao
Look at me guys. I'm a Sup Forums white guy. I get so angry, jealous , scared of the big bad scary black man. But, I like to get long stroked up my ass by a big black cock behind closed doors!
vs reality
black men are shorter than white men on average
>big bad scary black man
nice Jew meme
Oh my gosh, somebody stop me, before I go back to watching blacked porn to stroke my tiny whittle white pee pee again!
I'm guessing you are gay.
How bad do you want to pound a black man booty hole?
My dude who hurt you ? By the way my I'm white I just like mma and those stipe pics make me laugh the most dominant fighters in a sence of records have been Jon Jones, mighty mouse and Anderson silver , they all look pretty black my guy but don't worry you just do you my guy the black man can't hurt you
I'm still here btw
when you already nutted but your girl wants round 2 so your boy hits you with a reload
Is this your all white American hero yeah ?
Jon Jones: is a cheater: eyepokes and uses steroids
Mighty Mouse: fought in a midget division
Anderson Silva: got knocked the fuck out by Chris Weidman and then broke his leg in the rematch and finished his career on a 1-6 streak
A. you know jack shit about MMA
B. you are a cuckold race traitor pathetic disgraceful faggot
why do you love nigger so much you race traitor faggot?
sa>implying I haven't MANY times
Wut my nigga?
My dude that's Paulo Costa he's Brazilian
>mfw people think all the racism on this website is actually serious
why do you support and defend niggers you race traitor faggot? what have niggers ever done for you?
where do you think name Costa comes from? He's of European descent, faggot. He's clearly not a nigger or a Native American. He's a mutt maybe but his paternal lineage is from Portugal.
Bruh you clearly don't know much about mma if you disregard some of the best fighters because all I'm heading is wahh he fights in a small weight class or wahh he pokes people in the eye ( true regardless he's also a shit guy but he's still the champ ) and wahh he got beaten by a white guy . Shits weak son but still if we are gonna get let her what about isreal and the reign of black in welterweight since gsp left
We're getting off topic people
>the "best fighters"
let's go down the list:
>Silva: loses humiliating losses against Weidman twice and finishes on 0-6-1 streak
>Jon Jones: steroid using cheater who eyes pokes and should be banned for life
>Mighty Mouse: manlet irrelevant weight class that no one gives a shit about
My guy it isn't even about race I'm just pointing out the stupity of those stipe pics there has always been great black fighters in the ufc , I just don't understand these white superiority guys. And ps boxing isn't my thing it's shit tier unless it's a vasily lomanchenko fight as we all know he's p4p the best
Well you're a shit racist because the elite ones would throw him to the dogs as Well
white beta male insecurity fills this thread.
no you're just a cuck who doesn't understand competition
you are fighting against your own kind
you are a massive faggot cuckold
do you think niggers sit their online and defend whites against nigger supremacists? no. they don't give a fuck about whites. they are loyal to the black race and black brotherhood.
you have no grounds to decide who is "elite"
how do you know, you don't even know any black people. you are isolated in a house, playing video games , jacking off to blacked porn and have social anxiety, probably smoke cigs too... white boi
oh wow.. is porn suppose to hurt me. soy boy white boi?
My guy I'm just not that racist that I need to find my self worth in seeing a fighter with the same skin as me knock out a black guy and then pretend like whites are the best , I'm gonna say it and I didn't want to because it's properly gone hurt you're feeling as much as that time you're mother left you're dad for Jamal but when it comes to mma .....your.....a......filthy........casual...
how the fuck do you know about me when you've never fucking met me, faggot
i lived in the hood for a year in a rooming house
you can suck my dick you stupid fucking faggot
you don't know jack shit slave dick sucking faggot
no i don't smoke cigarettes cause i'm not a fucking idiot
you literally so fucking retarded you were wrong fucking everything that you said
your intuition is shit
and actually i fuck black women and have a black girl begging me to fuck her this weekend, bitch
so then why you on the internet talking shit shlomo?
yet you'll do the opposite and post blacks knocking out whites cause you're a such a self hating traitor cuck bitch
But you're reaching for Brazilian fighters to be on yours roster of the all white express , dosnt work that way my guy
you are calling me schlomo? if i was a fucking Jew why would I be standing up for white people while a faggot like you cucks out?
i think your problem is , is you are delusional and you really insecure white boi about your own race.
Thier the best on paper from records wich can't be overlooked , if you want current best fighters from my stance Khabib is fucking unstoppable, isreal has a bright future , Jon's Jones is Jon Jones , and Amanda nunes is a nightmare for any woman . But please enlighten me in your all white top fighters you fucking casual
it's funny that you will bash me for being white and standing up for whites yet you are so retarded that you will figsht for blacks when you are not black
what is fucking wrong with your brain
is there something mentally wrong with you
like you're actually a cuck
i actually think you'd let a nigger fuck your girlfriend
I'm still waiting for more questions
says the cuck who shits on his own race
YOU ARE WHITE you fucking retard.
sometimes I wonder if you were abused as a child or neglected from the way you acting right now.
ITT: dick loving faggots
how did you get so fucking retarded that you will stand up for another race to the detriment of yourself and your own reputation and status
you probably used to be a normal person, then you came to Sup Forums and lost your damn mind over this white superiority race war bullshit.
MY NIGGA I'M NOT SAYING THEY ARE AND WHY ARE YOU TYPING IN CAPS I'M JUST POINTING OUT THE FACTS OF SOME FIGHTERS IN THE UFC SINCE WIERD PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF ARE JUST KIDING YOURESELF. I just said Vasyl Lomachenko is the p4p greatist boxer i truly belive that id say he startches tank and crawford but that dosnt make me a faggot for ukrain , i thi k the main issue here are your insecurities were you can't even give another guy a heads up because he got different skin from you it's kinda sad really must suck to be you that you feel that insecure really
you were born a faggot and you still
white people are under attack
do you know that we killed off the indigenous population of this land? do you know there are tons of Jews, blacks, Arabs, Latinos, etc who hate white people and want revenge on us and would love to see us all dead? do you know that the world is a warzone? do you know what survival of the fittest is? do you know our kind is losing population and influence? do you know if we don't fight back we will subjugated and enslaved such is the way of the world? you are so naive and sheltered.
Nah I was pointing out Paulo whould probably be against your shit as Well , I'm still waiting for you're all white American list of fighters like I'm genuinely curious my guy , like lighten up a bit you keep saying what have black people done for me when I think I should be asking what have black people done to you ?
race is more than skin color and why don't you tell that shit to all the black pride niggers? why don't you tell that to the Hebrew Israelites who are on the streets preaching about how whites are inbred mutant albinos and subhumans on the streets of every city? did you know more than 10 niggers in congress have ties to Louis Farrakhan who has openly stated that white people are a race of devils?
did you know that, you have no idea what you are talking about?
what does nationality have to do with it? nationality has nothing to do with genetics you fucking moron
i know a lot more than you you stupid ignorant little boy