Was this the greatest military mistake in movie history?

Was this the greatest military mistake in movie history?

Are you trying to make Denise look ulgy?

not listening to Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day

The asteroid was accidentally pushed from its orbit by an American ship. It destroyed Buenos Aires and the government jumped on it as a false flag to get public support for the extermination. We don't know if the government actually knew their own ship caused it. The point is that everyone in this future is a mindless fucking moron.

Holy shit, I would take her on a candlelit dinner and then bring her back to my house and make sure she felt super comfortable before making gentle love to her by candlelight.

>Not falling for Dizzy and her weird but charming breasts.


That is what happened?


More or less.

The movie simultaneously criticizes fascism and makes it seem really damn awesome.

But it's always supposed to look awesome. That's one of the main point of fascism. It started as an art movement: the futurism

Just so unbelievably naturally pretty.

Good point.

it was an attempt to deal with liberal modernity

There's no way that nose is natural though

Dizzy Flores best girl

Any new movie with her or has she faded out?

Age hasn't been kind to her looks or career, but if you haven't watched it yet I strongly recommend Wild Things for top tier Denise.

strictly fascism didnt start as futurism, the futurists just merged with Fasci Italiani di Combattimento to form the PNF

this and the bond movie she was in was great

being married to charlie sheen for all those years unfortunately has taken its toll

Do you really think the bugs can make the complex maths needed to float an asteroid to earth?

The ruling party of Earth needs to be at constant war or adventure to keep their citizens focused on other things than their liberties, privacy etc.

Dizzy flores is a man in the book and dies in the first chapter.

wtf gb to ogrish you freak.

Does she have AIDS?

going for this whore instead of perfect dizzy

because the book was strictly pro-fascism but the paul (((((verhoeven))))) decided to make it more post modern and anti war.

God is cruel for thots.
I bet that this is the punishment for makind Adam to pick that damn apple.

Nigger did you even read the book? It's clearly satire, like everything else Heinlein wrote

>mfw her playboy shoot was done at the apex of her physical attractiveness

>letting women drive

i would if i could!

Would the movie be better without this weird ferret scene?

Christmas Jones nukular scientits vs. Jane "Totally Not Molly" Millions from mnemonic?

There wouldn't be much psychicky lead up, could be disjointed

Yeah, but they could have still done the card guessing scene and omitted the ferret entirely. The ferret is brought up once in the beginning and then never mentioned again.

still would

What about activating Skynet?

Killing Gaeta


>Do you really think the bugs can make the complex maths needed to float an asteroid to earth?
The movie revealed two things
1. Psychic bullshit
2. An intelligent overmind sort of bug
Once you bring in psychic bullshit as a story element you got a way to get away with a lot as long as you set it up well.

She has done that herself!

Maybe the liberals were on to something. I can imagine this guy saying like, "facts don't care about your feelings, and the fact is, might is right!"

She looks plastic with a fake nose and fake lips. Probably a Jew.

Dizzy was more pretty than her frankly.

Dina Meyer is best girl

Jake Busey was best girl, Dina Meyer was runner up.

>Probably a Jew
Nope. She was married to Charlie Sheen. Another non-Jew. Those Jews stick to their own.

Getting involved in a land war in Asia

except he did lead Rico to Carmen like the ferret to the grub so it was used again.

Carmen and Dizzy are for boys and plebs. Captain Deladier is what men would choose.
> she will never bully you about not doing your starship duties
> why even live



>she will never bully you
She will never bully anyone, ever. Uncharacteristic of a captain, she never makes a peep while Carmen does all kinds of reckless shit. She only shows up to introduce herself and then later, die.

See you in a week.

>"While it was satire, I think Verhoeven does agree with certain elements with what he was satirising. Particularly, the idea that citizenship should be tied with the ability to defend the state. Rico's parents, who aren't citizens, are portrayed as cowardly idiots, whereas Ironside is shown to be at least a principled and upright character. A lot of the times in the film, I get the sense that Verhoeven hates fascism because he envies it - the people in this fascist society are all stupid and brainwashed, but they're all beautiful and physically healthy; everyone is a violent psychopath, but there's unity and common purpose; society is destructive and warlike, but they're able to go to space and engage in grand, epic endeavours. It's very much a satire about, but also a conflicted love message to, totalitarian, Plato republican societies."

a wine of the finest vintage

There's a qt grill that comes into my work that looks exactly like prime Denise Richards but I'm too scared to talk to her

any Sup Forums bros have a starship troopers pick up line I can use?

"they call me Rico because you make me dizzy" is the best I can think of but it doesn't reference Denise Richards in any way

>no panty line or thong strap
i said goddamn


You think some plasma shot from a bug's ass can warp an asteroid across the entire galaxy at FTL speeds with the accuracy to hit Earth?
The only question is whether Carmen hit the asteroid intentionally or not.

Buenos Aires was an inside job.

no, the Constable of France charge in Agincourt will forever be it.

>not listening to Jeff Goldblum in general


Short of I think maybe the Fly remake when has ignoring his advice ever ended well?