Nice googled image, faggot
spitroast u
Average looking basic bitch that thinks she knows ANYTHING. Too stupid to realize you are dumb as fuck about most things. Nose ring symbol for dumb slut. Trying to look like that bitch from FRIENDS ended up looking like a drugged out boring thot only good for sucking dick.
My nose ring is special
tits and face with timestamp
You've got a huge pimple on your nose.
Nothing about you is special. You are not a magical snowflake that is unique, you are a run of the mill NPC. Let's see those saggy or flat as a board tits.
Why are you all such assholes
Resting bitch face extravaganza!
You all are just jealous of my looks
yeah you are pretty, but could do with smiling maybe?
ur hot post bobs
you look like the type of girl to walk laps in gym while eating hot cheetos while in cookie monster pajama pants
ya'll know the type
Isn't that a faggoty Reddit thing? Go back there bitch ass faggot
& vagene por favor
It is not a joke. Look around, girls with similar looks as yours are a diamond dozen. You are a 6 thinking she is an 8. I'm not going to say it again either, tits or GTFO
Few min driving back home
you look like the cum dodges you
Basic NPC Bitch #23459. Nothing about you stands out. Now tits you dumb whore.
id fuck her
what were you doing?
You look like the type that ate another girl out in college once. Because guys think it's hot.
u have great brows.
i checked and yandex says its legit
getting picked up from starbucks by her coal miner dad
Jobless bitch
Going out now assholes!
And thank you the few gentlemans
Coalburner getting picked up by a coalminer. Checks out.
You are most certainly welcome m'lady. It's been an honour.
you guys know its not real right?
Tf these are pics from IG/VsCO threads
you want more attention in your life, tryhard to be edgy and don't give a fuck about life, usually bad with social interactions and hates self, faggot not having a pleasant life and spend most days looking at social media
kill yourselves
Super cute. What else can we see?
itt incels
These are just pics from IG
Anyone know her sauce?
timestamp to prove your not a faggot
She left already