OH fag here. 80 minutes until day of rage kicks off in Cleveland and Columbus. Who /comfy-scared/ here?

OH fag here. 80 minutes until day of rage kicks off in Cleveland and Columbus. Who /comfy-scared/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=9/11 28 pages&t=ha&ia=news

I didn't know they set a start time...?

Fuck off with your low energy happenings.
There is a coup going on in Turkey right now.

Some apparent knockoff anonymous twitter said they wanted to add Dallas to the list.

I got away from Austin just so I wouldn't have to deal with traffic blockaids, god help my city.


Fuck you, Muhammad. There's always war in Turkey.

>Turkey has a military coup
>Implying anyone gives a shit if Murica has as 0.1% uptick in violent crime

No one cares Amerifat.

The 9/11 pages were released today..

>day of rage

Jesus Christ, could they protest in any poorer taste? In Dallas, really? I hope there's good footage of riot cops in cowboy hats clubbing twinks and chimps.


nothing to see here, goyim


duckduckgo.com/?q=9/11 28 pages&t=ha&ia=news

Im north in Round Rock. Should be quiet here, I hope.

what level chimpout will it be?

prolly cat 2

Level 5 gets me every time

I live in a gated community in Connecticut, but across the street is quite ghetto. On my way in from work, I noticed about 20 dark youths gathered in the park. They might have been playing Pokemon, but no way of knowing for sure.

Nothing planned for Connecticut, but these "youths" tend not to care about organization.

None, the day of rage was a plan from 2014.
This is just old shit someone dug up and posted, now everyone is running with it because no one on Sup Forums knows how to do research anymore.

>mfw there is literally nothing happening today
> mfw all of Sup Forums got trolled hard in their blood thirst for anything to demonize the black community.

>showing up on time ever

Send in all auxiliary roof Koreans. I repeat: send in all auxiliary roof Koreans.

Fellow OH fag reporting in. I live about 30 mins away from Columbus, but I'm comfy as hell.

40 minutes from Cleveland here. I work outside of Akron though, which is where I'm at now.

45 minutes outside Columbus reporting in. Nice and safe from the chimpout in my medium sized city.

>Civic center park

Literally nothing but homeless panhandlers and drug addicts hang out there. And its near a busy intersection, so if they wander in the road, they will just create more Trump supporters.

Super comfy here in buttfuck Attica, OH. Don't gotta worry about any Kangz here

Are they raging yet?

any dead niggers?

From safe Arlington, TX. Family all decided to make a trip to Chicago this weekend. We're getting into the city about now and they're supposed to pop off in a half hour. Our hotel is across the Chicago river from where it's supposed to happen. We'll be seven blocks away. Will keep Sup Forums informed.
>tfw you're entering belly of the beast

You forgot to mention hordes of food trucks.

is it still happening. I can't keep up with all this shit

dude i live in the burbs, as much as i'd like to come to the city i dont want to leave my sisters on their own at home

my dads a fucking blue-pilled libcuck who's totally unprepared for this and I can't trust him to keep them safe

keep me posted dude, not afraid to come rescue a fellow poltard is need be

I'm in augusta ga should I even bother to load some magazines

In Milwaukee. Been quiet so far. Will give updates.

damn, solidarity polbro

T minus 9 minutes. All quiet so far.

These have already been released nerds.

Fuck yea. Augusta born, myself.

Not many niggers in Cedar Rapids. Thank God Iowa is a white state! Only riot will be in the capital of Des Moines, which is 2 hours away.

I have to stay in Des Moines from today to Sunday.
How fucked am I?

We're going to see scattered CAT 2's across the country with 1 CAT 3 popping up in one of the selected cities. As the season progresses we will see more chimp outs. Thanks Ted back to you.

>sitting about an hour out from LA
>getting drunk on my 21st birthday
>getting some black fucking angus and going to hollywood to see my uncle's sabbath/ozzy tribute band play later

>In Pennsylvania town
>99% white
good luck to you cucks in ohio, im all good here

In Maricopa County here. Enjoy your burn and stab wounds, everyone not guarded by Sheriff Joe.

Three minutes Brothers.

The one planned for Durham is getting rained out, niggers hate water

Damn BLM must be pissed. So much work and they are ignored because of one guy with a truck and a bunch of roaches.

Hello brother.

they'll fucking drown in rain
>and them blame white people

Please let something good happen.

I live right next to downtown Minneapolis. I don't care enough to check, but I heard some protest-esque chanting a few minutes ago. I think they're starting to group around here. We get so many random marches in downtown Minneapolis that the police are quite skilled at getting traffic barricaded without notice.

Live in St Paul myself, nice to know I'm a decent distance away from the chimps tonight

Wow, the master race sure is terrified of black people.

scared =/= prepared

maybe if you nogs didnt have a reputation for being violent and uncivilized

I live in the Detroit suburbs.

Am I going to die?

...I've got a double barrel 12 gauge and lots of buckshot...

Bong here. Is the day of rage happening? or was it a hoax? can any burger confirm?

I haven't seen any news or live stream at all.

>In small, almost all white Pennsylvania town too
Hey friend

youre gonna die mate. Chimpout advisory guide says you need an assult rifle.

>if you're not one of us you're one of them

I'm white; it just amuses me how much of your identity is wrapped up in cultural supremacy and economic privilege. We've been treating the black population as a third-world internal colony for centuries - they've got a reason to protest, tbqh.

I mean, you guys are ready to burn down the world just because it's harder for you to find a job now. They're getting executed by police on the regular. If white Americans were treated like black Americans for one day, they'd be going far beyond what you call "chimping out".

Try living in (more specifically near) New Orleans...

They're gonna scream for about 20 minutes, realize everyone's too busy caring about Turkey to pay attention to them, then spend the rest of the night dancing on the street.

i think you're on the wrong site m8

Any Phoenix anions here? Protests have been going on lately and if it has anything to do with this or just some nigs who gonna get heat stroke

Anons* ffs

This shit is no joke,
My buddy who is an EMT in one of the major cities on the list was issued a Kevlar vest for his shift tonight. Things can very well get dicey.

Oh, is this your neo-nazi safe space? Sorry, didn't mean to trigger you.

In Atlanta and it's 7pm here. 11 minutes past the time they were supposed to start and nothing has happened yet

No new news. We already knew the Saudis were behind the attack & that we let it happen.

No one gives a fuck
> niggas need to step up and do some radical fatal shit to compete with world happenings

Happy birthday! Hope you get laid, brother.

this gave me a laugh, thanks.

Fuck right off you miserable insect. "They're getting executed by police on the regular"? Yeah. Okay. Not even fucking close.

mebbe if i use dere words i can bother them

I'm heading up to Phoenix in a few minutes to do some sword fighting.

I'll be at the Scottsdale civic center so hopefully I see something neat.


>you're a neonazi if you don't want to put up with shitskin antics

you libcucks tickle me pink

GUYS. I live in Kansas City near downtown. Should I bail to the suburbs for the night ?

I hope they attack white suburbs outside the cities. Nothing of value will be lost and nothing fun will happen if they stay in the zoos.

Coup was an epic fail. Now stand at attention and Seig Fucking Heil!


Oh please. How have you been treating as second-class citizens? Poor blacks have the same rights and even more opportunities than poor whites.
Every single shooting last week was justified. The police was far from being in the wrong from shooting dangerous criminals. They certainly weren't executed either. Why would any policeman shoot a black knowing he'd be crucified by the media for racism alone? Think a little

Yes. Just in case, brother.

Does the BLM think Turkey is a white conspiracy to draw attention away yet?

he was a suspect who was reaching for a gun and you are a cuck who is reaching for his rigor mortis cock

Equality is an unobtainable goal. I have ZERO intention of feeding clothing and babying the millions of blacks in this country with my money, and I don't give a damn what happens to their parasitic, violent community

It'll be a cold day in hell when I give anything of mine to feed poor niggers who've done nothing for me, my family, or to better my country

Yep, no ultra-nationalist white supremacists in here. KEK

>50miles south of Pittsburgh :)

that wasn't what i was implying you autistic spitfuck

Reminder that "day of rage" is the exact name of something """"Palestinians"""" do every year and our leftist media glorifies

This entire concept of "day of rage" comes from the globalist far left. Yet another proof that the far left is orchestrating the BLM movement.

Fuck off
Phoneix here to represent are you ready phoneix bro

And that line is from some video I watched it was a spoof. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

Fuck I don't want to go to my parents house. But I have literally no weapons other than knives at my apartment.

Nothing on local news about protests tho

God speed pol

I'm smack dab between the I94 shutdown last week and the Southdale mall they are planning on hitting on Sunday.

Put a full tank of gas in the truck, 10 gallons of drinking water in the living room, 8 loaded mags of of 7.62x39 and another 8 of 5.56x45. Plus a mountain of 9-pellet 00-buck that I scooped up for who-the-fuck-knows-why.

I hope this is bait because the whole "police killing blacks" meme has been BTFO by a Harvard researcher. There is no racial bias in police shootings.


>we're not nazis
>American ultra-nationalist white supremacists who support fascist dictatorships don't speak German duh

Oh, ok. Now I understand the difference.

>economic privilege
Oh boy he fell for the Jared Diamond meme.

>"It's the white man's fault I can't stop killing raping and dealing drugs"

this far-left bullshit don't even exist, far left ideology is pretty much dead and the media is riding on some hipsters with twitter accounts because they want to enforce their version of democracy

How mad are you

congrats you fell for the memes. now get out, we don't need any more newfags.

I'm not your 'Guy' pal.