Tis my birthday frens!
Post happy things
Tis my birthday frens!
Post happy things
happy bday user
May the hand of God be with you.
Happy Birthday you person on the internet
Happy birthday little buddy. May many more come your way.
Happy birthday user
Here have a warm and fuzy nope rope fren
Hope you have a good birthday!
I think that pepe is the happiest thing I have seen all day. Thank you and happy birthday.
Happy birthday user.
I may be 2 hours late, but happy birth!
I has computah. Love me please. Thank God for the great equalizer AKA the internet
Bible does not address animal rights in the contemporary sense. Indeed, it is clear that animals do not hold a place in the mind of God except as subservient creatures that should be bent towards Man's will.
14 So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this,
"Cursed are you above all the livestock
and all the wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.(Genesis 3:14)
God condemned animals to be servants and tools of Man. There is no account in the Bible that suggests that we should care for animals beyond what is good for man and what suits our immediate needs. The problem with animals rights activism is that human beings have developed an inflammed sense of anthropomorphism which has caused a belief that animals feel pain in a fashion that we can identifiy with. Animals feel pain very differently than humans and for the most part only respond to injury out of instinct. Too many fairy stories! Some of the higher order animals might deserve some sort of basic dignity, but again they are to be used for our benefit, enjoyment, and consumption.
Animals do not have souls. They do not go to heaven. Animals should not be given any rights.
How is it that we came to identify with animals as if they were equal parts of nature? Man is the superior organism on earth and should be rewarded for his ingenuity. Besides the abuse of an animal that is the property of another human being, why would we care to give animals any compassion beyond a regular feeding to keep them healthy for our eventual consumption?
Happy day young believer
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday user. Heres some water
Wholesome check'em
nice try OP, not falling for that bamboozle again
happy birthday op
Ya got no tits and you're funny looking.
Happy birthday user
Happy birthday faggot!
>bcuz OP is always a fag
Happy Birthday user,
Happy birthday from Fuzbork
Happy birthday, OP. Enjoy your day
birthday user c: