
Letterboxd general

Discuss recent watches and other film things

This is the better thread. I hate when the other OP doesn't use the lb logo because then I can't easily find the thread in the catalog

these threads are so bad nowadays.
one faggot dumping his archive "knowledge" and other guy posting his s4s folder


Obviously, but the shitposters of /lbg/ are always up to make things worse.
Things are slightly better because that one autist got down again, but still the usual types are around.

Is this a new trend to have 2 treads

No. And it shouldn't be.
But it's really egregious when shitposters are so thirsty to make their disgusting OPs

you're right.
every thread should have a photo of emily jean from here on.

A healthy obsession, I'm sure

It's really however hard to keep these threads alive without shitposting. Like the other one demonstrates so clearly

this thread is nothing but talking about letterboxd threads

you are confusing how shitposting killed all discussion to the threads being dead (because of shitposting killing them).

And yet it's better by default because it's without your childish ''''fun''''posting

no it's not, slept.

Damn, another guesser. Yes, because only the niche of namefags exist in these threads.
You're not very far off from the major autist

no, slept.

Do insist, retard.


Wow, he posted the Stone dumb face again. Winner of any discussion


oh well

oh well

oh welly


oh well

oh wally