Why Poland and Russia can't be friends? Forget the past and let's love each other <3

Why Poland and Russia can't be friends? Forget the past and let's love each other

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cheap nato eu whore = poland!

is your mom """"poland""""?

I agree, Russia should absorb Poland, there's no reason to be divided.

because they want polish clay


Russia should absorb Ukraine. We don't need Poland.

>Why Poland and Russia can't be friends?
It's hard to be friends with
1) someone you don't give a fuck about
2) someone who passionately hates you
Poland is kinda both

1. Why do you make programs all the time about Poland in biggest TV stations then? It's kinda weird that you don't give a fuck and talk about us all the time...

2. It's not true, kinda steretype.

You could absorb the Polish land and then remove the Poles from it. Like you did to the Japanese and German territories you acquired.

Never in my life have I seen a single program about Poland. No one is talking about you here, ever. You are deluded.


They should both fuck ukraine

because poland is shit

Fucking Luxembourgh. Always makes me mad.

You never saw program - it doesnt mean that there are no programs on tv. I watched on youtube a few programs lately.

someone is jealous about world cup haha

Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night. Have fun.

Для пoлякa pycoфoбия этo Cyдьбa, a для pyccкoгo пoлoнoфoбия — двa aбзaцa в «Бpaтьях Кapaмaзoвых».

For the Pole Russophobia is Destiny, and for Russian Polonophobia - two paragraphs in the Brothers Karamazov.

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Yes let s be frens!!!

i happen to watch russian TV every day because of my father
They often mention destruction of soviet-era monuments in Poland

lmao pooland has been ran over by pretty much any nation while nobody has managed to fully invade russia

only under finnish rulership

we invaded russia once

Stop raping Russia's tigers.

For the Pan-Slavism!

twice actually

soviet polish war was caused by polish attempts of eastwards expansion

No, we fucking hate you