Asian thread

asian thread

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Chinese Meg?

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This thread can’t drive

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My ex that cucked me with a white guy

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Pic related

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Is there mega?

Those tits are huge for asian

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It's something that happens with these westernized asian girls

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You mean protein?

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shud up meeg

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She also lost weight and gained a few inches in height huh?


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High class slut

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Hot as fuck

not your fault man
white guys are like cocane to them

Any more of either?

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Ha, this is my OC. That pic was during her first year of University when she was 18, and was the first time she had ever shown her tits to anyone. She's really cleaned herself up since then and looks really good now.

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prove it by posting a newer pic of her

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Soo, he was behind of all that..?

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Ass pics of her please
Gf or wife

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I just tried, but I'm on mobile data right now and apparently on a blocked IP range. I've posted some other pics of her in the past - she's 24 now and recently sent me a vid of her using a vibrator which I'll have to turn into a webm at some point.

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Tell us more stories !

Well, I just got a new phone. It's got 128 gb of storage, which holds a lot of asian and gay porn.

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Do con tinue

Gf taking dick

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She was just a Chinese University student who randomly started messaging me on QQ one day, wanting to practice English. Short, kind of dumpy, ugly haircut. She always bemoaned the fact that she thought she could never have a boyfriend.

I nudged her towards the topic of sex over time until one day she brought it up herself, and oh man, that really opened the floodgates. I started sending her porn for "educational purposes," taught her how to masturbate so she could have her first orgasm. Eventually started sending each other nudes - I remember the way she sat there with her mouth hanging open and literally caught herself drooling when she first saw my cock.

I decided to further take her under my wing - "I'm going to get you laid." I advised her on changes to make herself more attractive, how to approach guys. She grew her hair out, started dressing better, started working out and lost some weight.

She did eventually get herself a boyfriend, who is now her fiancee.... But all the porn I had been feeding her kind of took a toll. She's additionally had an affair with a rich lawyer, and just recently fucked her gym trainer. She continues to send me nudes through it all, and some day when we can meet up she absolutely plans to drain my balls too.

She's actually not the only Chinese girl I've done this with, but she's by far my most successful project. Ugly little asexual Chinese bug girl, who I've turned into a fairly hot little whore.

Full frontal standing

ProZD has really fallen on hard times.

whose dick?

Yeah nah, I’ll post what I feel like

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Mine my dude, not into getting cucked

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This conversation just prompted me to message her to catch up since it's been a while since we talked. She's telling me right now that she's fucking a 4th guy now, thinking of breaking things off with her fiance.

that you're aware of...

Needs more boobs.

asian milf i was with.

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Any nudes?

in 2005 when compact cameras were still a thing

Damn straight

More tits?

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Damnn, didn't expect wins. Keep going

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Birthday today. Gonna creampie her and blow in her mouth. I’ll give it a stretch and ask for a picture too

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RIP Sulli

Got any more pics to share before you go?

Fuck it, I’ll share the birthday festivities

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Moar !

Damn nice
Age ?

Only one with face for now. Got to go soon though, sorry mates

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Holy fuck that body. Saving, bring us more OP


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Here’s one for the road, I’ll finish strong. Be back with material

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pig whore asian from nyc

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Nice little upskirt

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Yeah nah

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Spoken like a cuck.