They offer about 12% more than I currently make, but that 12% is all bonus so it could become 0% if things don't go well. If I move I lose my 5y seniority, which comes with 8 extra days off, and I'll only get them back in another 4 years (4 days in 2 years). On the other hand, the new company is a BIG multinational corporation and they're offering to put down in writing another 5% raise next year and a jump to a sort of "minor director" role (legally and contractually recognized here) the year after that (contingent on performance of course). If I stay where I am this will likely never happen - it's been promised to me before, but there's just no space in the company. Of course there's another catch in that the director role comes with loss of overtime pay (which I have right now). But it also comes with another ~15% raise and likely with a company car. Then again that would get me properly started down the management path and I'm not entirely sure I wanna go there.
To top this all off there's an idea that's bouncing around the back of my mind which is to leverage the situation by resigning and telling one of our clients who has me in high regard and could conceivably offer me an equivalent position there instead. This way I'd essentially keep doing what I'm doing, but probably with appreciably more money and benefits (client's another huge corporation). ...I guess I'll just look at scantily clad anthropomorphic animal women for now.
Is decent. This weekend was.. Meh. Had my last race of the year, a 2 day race. Qualified poorly Saturday because of an engine problem, got that sorted out then won my heat race, second in the trophy dash and 3rd in the main.
Made some adjustments for Sunday, qualified much better, ran a match race between two guys from Alberta and me and my race partner. I won that easily. Then it started raining so the rest of the show was canceled.