...but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
For he is a great god, who acts like an innocent fetus until his bear claws clasp the world with fear, for those who pray have sinned and doeth noth sinneth forth anouth no god.
Colton Ortiz
imagine orbiting sono
Easton Howard
Psalm 139:19
If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
the niggerfucker somehow seems dumber with every post
Jace Adams
Revelation 19:2
for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants. > > i am so sorry. i have been lost for a while now.
I was enraged by their sinful greed; I punished them, and hid my face in anger, yet they kept on in their willful ways. > > a dollar short, and a day late-mate.
You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. > > and i have felt you. without a doubt.
I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. > > the void can be a horrible place. raining horses it is.
dear yuifren in heaven, today work was not as humiliating as always I made a total of $1.60 i got spat on which was not nice but bearable they at least left me a free sandwich they threw towards me also, great tits! lately i have been feeling sick but not in any position to go in for treatment as i am less fortunate than brother and lack the necessary funds it is getting worse I am coughing up blood every now and then
i will see you again at least when I die dear yuifren till we ultimately meet again, -kanako
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
hi there, me. it goes i'm chilling and watching videos and waiting for the world to slowly end, which is to say, i'm just waiting for my 6-day break to end how about yourself?
hey there i'm doing alright, yeah. just chilling... nah, i haven't slain any heathens today... maybe later. i don't have any medicine to take, i don't think... walking down the street
you know how you sometimes get so overwhelmed with emotions? i do! i would totally hug u rn and we'd discuss what would be the most effective way to depopulate humanity, featuring plans including biological weapons and also death through mass panic
i have arrived at the conclusion that the planet is better off without us filthy-nignog-fucking-polluting humans. humans make earth sad. prove wrong right now.
i guess, yeah... well, i dunno what to say. i kinda like existing, but i guess that's selfish of me... a lot of wildlife might die if humans ceased to exist right now, but i guess they'd come back.
oh wheeeew!! you are so right! heavens! how could i not have thought bout that! my world would be in shambles if you were to ever cease existing. i was foolish, forgive me.
Good on you bud. Our Dixie forever, she's never had a loss! Down with the eagle and up with the cross! We will rally round our Bonnie flag we'll rally once again! Shout! Shout! The battlecry of freedom! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!
oh, it's okay, don't worry. maybe we can all build our own fallout bunkers and then hide out for a couple of months underground after we nuke the entire planet and then come out and chill with just the few of us remaining.
oh i'd totally live in a bunker with you! =w= we would lie down and share stories about all kinds of things whenever we'd get bored. i can clearly envision it.
no, we're all going to bunker down at our own places, and then we'll have to travel to meet each other after the bombs drop. it'll be fun! real life Fallout! ... all this thinking about surviving a nuclear wasteland is making me want to actually live in one, now...
it might be safer to travel together, but... the lonesomeness is part of the experience. the finding someone else and togetherness is part of the experience.
There isn't that much merch for her, I do have a figure of her, and once it ships, a dakimakura cover, and I may even print out a picture of her to put in my wallet down the line. Can't say I've done a blood sacrifice, though, don't think it would be something she would support.
So you're a man of the South. Adopt me and I'll de facto inherit that heritage. I've got a crazy plan, it's so crazy it has to work. Just trust Hitler alright? Still the way of life, some die old some die young.
and some die due to the whims of an amazing individual.
what is that? im not submissive if you mean that... i'd rather dish out the cock but honestly if the situation calls for it, im also okay with receiving... eh...
I think there're some anons here from the South. Maybe they could adopt me for a month or so. I don't care about the red-blue divide it's all the same liberal nonsense. I just want to fly the old dixie on my ranch in Tennessee or W Virginia. Shoot whatever and whomever I want on my property and grow cotton, lots and lots of cotton! Did you kill someone?
Thanks man. I love and hate different aspects of USA. I really like the people. Most people living in cities are generally assholes so I don't count them when judging a a nation.
as can you, of course :) thats great! im glad to hear it :) yeah im doing alright, i have today and tomorrow off, so im just taking it easy, playing some fallout right now, although eventually im gonna need to blow through the rest of the ps4 spiderman game, so i can return that to its rightful owner. work has been okay, a bit busy, sort of. some days are busy some arent, its just having to work several days in a row that tires me out, i think. otherwise, just great! i cant tell if youre the astolfo ive talked to before or a new one that wants to know more about my waifu if the former, then hello again! how are you? and if the latter, she's hatoba tsugu, a virtual youtuber, i can give more info if youd like
Not sure what kind of pleasure you mean. I'm not sure if we've spoken before, the other Astolfo that I know is the funny anti-lewd one. And please, tell me more about Tsugu.
oh new vegas right right you did a new play through i remember! are you far into the main quest line yet or have you been doing all kinds of shit on the side??
well at least you get some time off now so you can recharge from busy days
the pleasure of KNOWLEDGE! KNOOOWLEDGE i tells ya!
and anal. fucking anal. im not fucking around, straight to the point. yandere trap hentai is dabest my fren OWO
then you definitely aren't the one i know. hello! well i dont know how much you know about virtual youtubers, but you can watch her videos here: youtube.com/channel/UCGaUWM5OQ7hU1JwbqvNBR4w/videos?disable_polymer=1 she's very cute and her videos have a certain asthetic that some find.... not so cute, but i love them, and her! yes! uhhh so in the new vegas quest ive only just started stepping foot in new vegas, i havent dealt with benny or talked with mr house yet. ive done some dlc content, and on the fallout 3 side ive rescued my father and hes waiting for me in the jefferson memorial, so pretty early on both fronts im doing mothership zeta right now because i accidentally activated it (walked too close to the ufo) apparently the samurai armor has +10 melee damage which is preeeeeeeeeeeetty good. for me. im doing a melee build.