Why aren't you even ATTEMPTING to be a vegetarian to save the planet?

Why aren't you even ATTEMPTING to be a vegetarian to save the planet?

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Because I dont care

Why are you creating these threads?

I am vegetarian retard

Steak is delicious,
I like moo moos just as much as anyone but I’m still going to eat them.
It’s my right as a human.

Because changing your diet wont even come CLOSE to making a dent in human driven global warming.

cause China. I could fart oxygen all day and it wont matter with the fucked up shit going on there

because there are too many animals that fart shit that make the ozon layer broken and bc of that the earth becomes hot and there will be nature disasters in the future

do i even have to explain?

I have been a vegetarian for 25 years now and i hope you reactionary nazi assholes choke to death on your animal carcasses.

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I have IBD and oddly one of the only things I can eat without issue is meat. Mostly poultry and not red meat, but still.

That's why. Otherwise I'd entertain the idea. If I stopped eating meat (I've tried) I would lose a bunch of weight and muscle (it's happened when I tried) and I wouldn't be able to sustain my life long term.

Because if I couldn’t hunt and eat elk I would kill people for fun

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I just had some ham and turkey for lunch. We're having steak for dinner tonight.

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That's a good thing,it's more logical and pure to kill people than animals

>moo moos
get out

Rather just kill off the mentally challenged and autistics and misewell go for the physically feeble while we’re at it, maybe if we didn’t let them reproduce it wouldn’t be a issue. Basically if we remove all the mentally handicapped people that fuck up our gene pool we would be a better world for it.

Remove mental disabled people from the gene pool

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being a vegetarian is like the opposite of saving the planet

Plant-based (with meat a couple of times a week) is good enough, just for health reasons.

vegan masterrace
checkem, polluter faggots

I’m not saying be vegetarian. What I’m saying is eat bugs instead of meat. It’s a lot healthier for you.

No stop it. Eat the fucking bugs.

BTW Who listens to entitled brats without education or Nobel Prize?

A) Because the world is not in danger
B) It wouldnt make a difference
C) there are bigger problems that climate change right now

Some shills get paid, others become brainwashed and automatically replicate the shill posts

Because being a vegetarian won't save the planet