I got about 15mg of alprazolam. I weigh about 230. Is this enough to kill me? Mix with lots of alcohol of course

I got about 15mg of alprazolam. I weigh about 230. Is this enough to kill me? Mix with lots of alcohol of course.

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.38M)

Probably not, dude. You'll just pass out for a while, and feel like shit the next day. Its not advisable.

How much do you recommend?

You are FUCKING stupid

Hey faggot user.

As much as I despise your fatass, I don't think you need to leave the world just yet.

Put those shitty tablets away. Don't drink. Go fap and sleep, then rethink it tomorrow and do the same.

Maybe If you throw a laxative in there too. Has to be a laxative though.

Slit your throat fucking fat bitch

Seriously, flush the tablets and go fap to your favorite porn with your favorite chips and drink. You've earned it.

Nothing is worth giving your only chance at life away. Help will find you.

Also, lose the weight you fatass. (after sleep)

Most likely you wont but if you add any opioid in them aswell and drink your alcoholl fast you will die if no one finds you when you pass out

Nope. You’ll need probably triple that + booze.

Only of you buttchug a bottle of everclear after taking them.

Just take tylenol dude. Lots of it. Painless way to go.

I took 50mg propavan
Still breathing


bruh not a clue. but i suggest reading or listeningt to the book "infintie jest", it's about suicide and addiction and, most importantly, recovery.

better don't do it dude.
if it fails you are just going to be retarded or someshit

Quit being a pussy and just cut your throat or shut the fuck up because no one cares about you or your cries for attention.

don't do it. you know why.

Not even a chance.

Crush the pills, mix with booze and do a butt chug.

Instant death

Why so serious

For goodness sake don't do it. Man up and face the bs that is reality like the rest of us.

If you're actually serious then research some better methods. Sodium nitrite is very available, the amitryptyline cocktail is also very effective, DDMP2 etc.

no, you will just sleep hard.

>feel like shit the next day
Seriously, OP. Xanax will steal your soul.

>Painless way to go.

Take what ever is in your bank account and take a trip somewhere. If you're going to An Hero at least have fun first. Hit a whore house in Mexico near a beach or something. And who knows maybe it'll help change your mind, but even if it doesn't there's no taking that cash w you anyway so why not?