I don't think Sup Forums realizes the real world damage of just typing the word "nigger" on Sup Forums. The further you continue with hate speech, the more violence that will be committed against minorities.
>An increase in hate speech on social media leads to more crimes against minorities in the physical world, a study shows.
>Academics from Cardiff University's HateLab project collected Twitter and police recorded crime data from London over an eight-month period to analyze whether a significant association existed.
>Their results show that as the number of "hate tweets"—those deemed to be antagonistic in terms of race, ethnicity or religion—made from one location increased, so did the number of racially and religiously aggravated crimes—which included violence, harassment and criminal damage.
Whoever takes Sup Forums seriously must have some kind of mental illness
Increases of hate crimes are then, due yo such mental health problems, not a random website, nor a social media platform
Dominic Foster
who cares,zoomers grew up in a generation where they never went outside,and never did shit outside of the internet.this is why stuff like "online hate speech"is a problem
Grayson Rogers
>mental health problems
coming from the crowd who will most likely call you mentally ill if your white,a gun owner and support conservatives
Liam Nelson
Nigger tier bait
Juan Ramirez
You're telling me i can call someone a nigger AND possibly indirectly kill a minority?! Two birds with one stone
nigger nigger nigger faggot niggerfag nigger nigger this is Sup Forums not social media this is Sup Forums humanitie's cespit NIGGER WE DONT CARE
Adam Thompson
Luke Edwards
Found the Nigger
Chase Cox
So if I keep saying Nigger on the internet, more niggers die in real life? That's AMAZING NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
Luke Perez
white people are the minority now.
the hate against """minorities""" is the brown majority fighting each other, there are so few of us whites that it's outlandish to think that as we're walking around by ourselves that we're picking fights with gangs of Hispanics/Blacks
>Reported but unverified hate crimes >the definition of hate crimes expands drastically >only people who we like are helped and policies we want now can apply >what a coincidenceeeeeeee