You guys DO realize this means that a 'secularized' Turkey will (conveniently) be better absorbed into the EU...

You guys DO realize this means that a 'secularized' Turkey will (conveniently) be better absorbed into the EU, and Turkey will then serve as a huge open gate through which the Middle East and Africa can enter Europe, not to mention all Turks.

Why are some of you cheering for this? This means Turkey flooding Europe.

>implying anybody in the EU is any use


the only people cheering for this are near-sighted retards

It would just lead to more exits from the EU.

Also Erdogan was well on his way to starting WWIII while hiding behind NATO membership. This is good for everyone except ISIS who will have to get their oil someplace else.

2 years left of open borders until britain has the opportunity to close them. Once they in, the citizens are too cuckish to kick them out.

Seriously, you want Turkey in the EU?!

When do these 'Western' interventions into these Muslim countries EVER mean more stability for the West?

It just means more Muslims flooding into Europe.

Oh, so you see the chaos and trouble this would cause as an accelerationist solution to the migrant issue?

In other words, by exacerbating the situation, more countries leave the EU, the EU dissolves, distinct European nations regain self-direction and close borders...

I suppose the EU are going to use this as another opportunity to try to play the sympathy card. "Oh, those poor Turks, we must show solidarity and welcome all refugees, it's the moral thing to do..."

Basically try to shift the moral weight back to their side. Unlikely to happen, but that's probably the strategy here.

Basically. The bleeding hearts are always the minority. Most EU countries can't afford a few million more Syrians let alone the notion of 20 million Turkroaches.

With just the Brexit they've had to revert to a "superstate" model. France, Austria, Hungary or even Sweden leaving would be bad for them. In fact if they do it on their own it might push Merkel to let Turkey in regardless.

The EU won't have negotiations with a non-democratic government. And when Turkey has sorted the shit out the EU is done already.

no, Turkey won't join EU for at least 5 or more years.

Also erdogan down means Turkey won't fucking support islamics getting into Europe anymore.

I bet the turkish government had all the plans for blackmailing EU to accept more refugees.

Yeah, I suppose a measured response to it all is out of the question now.

Accelerationism is probably the way to go now. Just let all the blue-pilled Europeans do their thing, see what kind of Pandora's Box they've opened, and then wait for the pendulum to inevitably swing to nationalism. Almost a sure thing at this point.

It's funny, because I'm not even necessarily a nationalist all the time - I'm a centrist - but when things get out of balance, I'll root for the corrective developments that will put things back in balance.

But the problem really fixes itself. History oscillates.

You have to be a full democracy to be able to join the EU, I once read even Lichtenstein don't meet the level of requirement, a Turkish military dictatorship has no chance.

He's saying the coup succeeding might have unexpected consequences in that secular Turkey might be more palatable as a member of the EU. But if we're lucky on the other hand they'll stem the migrant flow and clamp down more on radical durkas. Who knows at this point.

>Also erdogan down means Turkey won't fucking support islamics getting into Europe anymore

Oh man, that's an exciting prospect. I really hope this is true.

Still, I don't see this as not somehow being partly orchestrated by the usual parties and ultimately serving the aims of expansionist, globalistic capitalism at the expense of nations and cultures.

>turkey ever joining the eu
0% chance

Europe should let all of the middle east move to Europe. Then, all of the Europeans should move to the middle east.

I agree OP, I want Erdogan back to keep fucking Turkey up so people can't go "but Turkey is an example of a good Muslim country".

Whether Turkey joins the EU or not, this will certainly lead to yet more hordes of 'refugees' flooding Europe.

Just pray that there is law and order in that new regime, and no war or chaos. Otherwise, millions of more migrants.

Instability and happening is good in general. It means that more peoples will be likely to say fuck this noise and start building walls.

Peace and stability are the greatest dangers as long as the jew is in power.

We still have the hourly ferry rides from Africa to contend with.

Turkey would flood Europe anyway with muslims. Erdogan was an ISIS supporter.

Just look at the streams now, Turks in the streets shouting "Allahu Ackbar".

there's no way that a nation that consistently has military coups every other decade or so will be allowed into the EU. I think Brussels had expected Turkey to grow up, but they proved that wrong today. Its NATO membership is probably in question as well

The military doesn't want these ISIS-supporting fucks in their country anymore than Europeans want them.

They're actually citing the security situation (the recent terrorist attacks) as one reason for attempting the coup.

>secular turkey
>implying the turkish military doesn't have to do this every 20 years

Don't fall for their tricks.

>implying eu will exist in a year
top kek

They're not going to be able to join in 2 years

Brussels wants Turkey in the EU
Without drastic changes that will happen
The conditions of Turkey are irrelevant

>You guys DO realize this means that a 'secularized' Turkey will (conveniently) be better absorbed into the EU

Lel, we've been applying for EU for 60 years. We've been secular for 50 years. Erdogan is a recent thing

And yet we still weren't accepted.

Historically the reason to prevent Turkey from qualifying from joining EU has been that it's not democratic enough due to the constant military coups. Erdogan fired all the generals that had the means and motivation to do a military coup (obviously not all of them). I'm expecting this to set Turkey back at least 10 years for qualifying to join EU.

tell me do we have to give u visas now?

Ukraine went full retard trying to de-Russify its eastern territories and their prospects for EU and NATO membership are now completely hopeless.

What makes you think Turkey, which already met hard resistance from most of the EU and arguably doesn't even want to join, will get in when shit is going to hit the fan harder than ever?

The EU will fall before Turkey gets to join. Even leftists hate Turkey.

The death of Europe is something to cheer on, fool. Eurocucks deserve all the cucking they can get, and more.

Get cucked to death, fags.

It's basically giving more stress to the EU system, which was being overly comfy for 4 decades already.
If EU is able to take all this pressure without cracking, maybe it's the right direction after all. UK and many other countries should join.
If not, well, nothing of value is lost.
Win-win to world politics.

Eat shit. Your country is essentially everything right-thinking people want to avoid.