Will she save the DCEU lads?

Will she save the DCEU lads?

i hope so. i liked BvS and I'm hyped for this superhero movie the most I've been hyped for a superhero movie in 13 years, but the trailer looks like it's going to be trash

My Bridget Regan should have been Wonder Woman

has been my opinion since i heard they were introducing Wonder Woman to DCEU

Gal Gadot certainly won't save shit

Remember when Wonder Woman as too complicated for DC movies while Marvel gave us talking space raccoons and trees? Remember how it turned out it was easier for Marvel to do said talking space raccoon and tree than a female led movie?
Such good times

the edit with blue eyes makes it look ten times better

It does indeed

DCEU is doing fine. WB is making ton of money of it. Don't fall for the Marvel shills. It's not going anywhere.

she's probably too "proud jew" to wear lenses, or get fit, or learn to act

only thing that can save Wonder Woman is an amazing villain, fantastic plot/story, effects, visuals and choreography, but having seen the trailer i'm doubtful

Does he have skin cancer?

remember when wonder woman could take a punch from Doomsday without bleeding and now she is fighting infantry and security guards?

She's already fit. Contrary to fag opinion, people don't want to see muscular girls.

i don't want her to be muscular, just fit, Gal is barely above skinny

She's a model. That's what they are.

Wonder Woman is so strong the sheer force of her leg creates a wind gust that knocks her opponent over

I unironically think it will flop when compared to other capeshit
Call it sexist but none of my friends have showed any interest in watching this, not even the girls though so I don't know what it is
I think it will barely break even

Its called being born as a pure ginger

Going to see everything in the DCEU. MoS and BvS have both been great.

Why does she dye her hair? I think the black hair looks gross like a wig or something.

Bridget Regan had to have her hair chemically straightened and dyed brown for the role of Kahlan. She was originally a redhead.

Also her current roles need her to be a blackhead

Anything that can speak proper english woulda been better.

nothing can save it

but people seem to like what they've seen

You can save something that already died

s-shut up the Black Widow movie is going to be announced at comiccon or D23 you'll see they're saving it

What's her superpower again?

She has a rope that makes people tell the truth

Ezra Miller is cuter than Gal Gadot


They are aliens.

well yeah

all the guys are cuter than Gadot

She has feet that compel men to tell the truth

>over 2 billion dollars at the box office
>needs saving

So she relies on magical equipment to be a superhero? Kinda like Iron Man or Batman, except that Iron Man and Batman both have to use their intelligence and resourcefulness to make their equipment while Wonder Woman just has magic shit fall into her lap.

>cyborg somehow looks even worse in the concept art

i'm not even mad, that's amazing

it's a miscast then?

Who is this Z-list old trap? I didn't know Wonder Woman was supposed to be a bland faceless middle-aged fat tranny

Basically yes.

And her "powers" a shit

She's half god.

Can you stop posting this in every capeshit thread? It's not funny.

I get a good vibe off this movie. Having seen the preview of the Justice League, I have high hopes for what they flesh out in the way of back story.

Has the check cleared?

I will wait for the dvd screener

Did the GoTG2 thread prematurely 404 again?

Don't worry, maybe Marvel will finally get a movie worth talking about one day.

Is Ezra taller than Zack? lmao how does anyone respect that manlet?

First film about.WW1 by Hollywood since forever



it's a movie, retard

so, a brainwash tool.

>First film about.WW1 by Hollywood since forever

Watch more films

>Carter, even in her old age is still hotter than Gadot

This is a travesty, the only reason she got cast is because Snyder couldn't give less of a fuck about directing women, the big closet homo

Alexandra Daddario should have been Wonder Woman.

>Justice League will undoubtedly beat its predecessors because of their popularity
Feels fucking good

How's the wifi in the refugee center Ahmed?

It's not like there is gonna be a Hawkman movie.

Save from what? Not pleasing numale critics? They made 2.2 billions and won an oscar

>all the guys

Marlet too underaged to remember Malin Akerman.

>this same buttblasted fag

give it up. shes a shit actress that will never make it big.

she'll save me the price of admission

You implying she's supposed to be a straw looking schizophrenic cunt?

Gonna flop, like Ghost in the Shell.
They have to learn a lesson.

What lesson is that?

She's closer to Superman's strength level than Batman's, but her skill comes from being by far the strongest JL member that actually knows how to fight more than just super powered slugging.
She's also much more brutal than the rest of them (excepting batman, but only sometimes) and she can fly under her own power.

She's a great hero but her power often has to be neutered so as not to make Superman not look like a mary sue.

>Wonder Woman is still small and puny

WHY. Literally WHY.


she really showed that mannequin who's boss

dont make shitty movies

You're homo if you think people want to see Wonder Woman towering over Batman and Superman.

You haven't seen the movie.

And if that was the lesson, how come Marvel got away with Dr Strange?

It's funny. All the new guys are excited, unknowing of the doom that awaits, whilst Cavil is smiling his "I like money and friends and that's why I'm still here" smile.

Then there's poor ol' Ben Affleck, his face askew as it has been stuck between several emotions: anguish, madness, suffering, and anger. Zack, however, enjoys this, and knows that eventually, all will share the look of Affleck's torment, and proceeds to jiggle his penis in his pocket.

MCU will save the DCEU

They're all pretty hyped though you sad fuck. Momoa himself is 110% energy all the time and Cavill is said to dedicate himself to his roles. Affleck looks rough but he's out of rehab now.

Yeah, but she shouldn't be the exact opposite end of that, should she? Just because she can't be tall doesn't excuse for her being short and thin, looking hilariously out of place. She looks so tiny and weird amidst these super burly guys. She doesn't have to be as muscular as Cavil or anything, nor taller than any of them, she's just gotta be a good height, a good physique that is at least PASSING for an amazonian warrior, and that's all. A tiny girl with a sword isn't Wonder Woman. It's a tiny girl with a sword.

No, but Batgirl will.

How can you save something that doesn't need saving?

Wonder Woman is just another precious nugget in Snyder's goldmine.

She's not tiny though. 1.7m is not tiny. It's the world average height for men.

Party pooper.

Because he saved capeshit.

>1.7m is not tiny. It's the world average height for men.

will never learn

Yes JL should be big for WB. Atleast on par with BvS which means quite a substantial profit to be extracted.

affleck's fucking steroid face is so bad he looks alcoholic. needs to get some advice from cavill on roiding up without killing his liver.

JL trailer will end up at about 30m views which is half of BvS and SS first trailers


#DChads wanted a real artist like Refn do to a Batgirl movie

Maybe he can do Black Canary

I'm 1,83. Never in my life have I ever been turned off by a girl's height. 1,7 is actually ideal height for a girl for my height.

He has struggled with alcoholism for many years. in fact just recently he revealed he finished rehab.

I'm talking about the actual painting, and how that's what they had in mind.

I have my own problems with Gal Gadot, but I'm talking about why that concept art bothers me in how they think Wonder Woman should be done. I could just as easily go on to yak about the Flash and Cyborg too.

And I'm more concerned about physique and character-portrayal. And height means nothing if you're skinnier than a twig. I mean, you can have a muscular man at 5'5 be laughed at for fuck's sake. The woman just doesn't look, nor act the part, and even then, the part was flawed to begin with because the creators had the wrong idea.

ahahaaha i didn't know. well then between that and his obvious roiding lately his liver fails when?

Ben is too good for that movie.

I'm looking forward to it and I still think that.

>JL trailer will end up at about 30m
It hit that in just a week. And that's only counting the official channel. JL will do fine. No doubt Marvel's goons will run around and scream flop no matter what but huge profits for WB are guaranteed. DCEU is a goldmine to them.

How old are you?

>It hit that in just a week

It's at 23m
I'm only counting the main youtube channel for BvS and SS too

>saving anything


older than you

Yeah, for YOUR girl's height. But this is WONDER WOMAN. I have no hard feelings to Gal, because she looks pretty (but occasionally sickly), and I do think she's genuinely trying. However, she's not a good actress, and she doesn't even look like Wonder Woman.

She DOES look like a Princess though, so I guess they got that right?

it's not funny senpai

Ben's a good lad

>because she looks pretty (but occasionally sickly), and I do think she's genuinely trying

opinion discarded

Son, this is your father speaking.

I'm disappointed in you, even in death.

uh you do realize BvS need 1.5 billion to break even?

Then you are truly a sad 26+ year old. If underaged, I would've atleast had some sympathy for you.

Okay, okay...she CAN look pretty.

you can tell she's trying because she does her "acting face". doesn't mean she's a good actor