>Be me
>Live in anus UK
>Be today
>In garden, digging veggie patch like mummys good boy
>Find grubby little grub grub
>Since I am autistic as all fuck I bring my new best friend inside the fucking house and into a jar
>Pic related
>Realise I need a name for this little fella
>Research and find out it may grow up to become a cockchafer (fucking kek)
>Glorious British 10 pennies for scale
>Dubs get to name
Be me
Eat it
Fucking hell, that was quick.
Feed it by giving it your cum until it grows up in to a cockchafer
first post is dubs, you better eat it faggot.
I expect timestamped proof or OP has the big gay.
Dubs gets to name it you fucking braitarted threehead gluttonous hamplanet
rip thread
Yes but 3 dubs on the first post is law
No, but please invite yourself to die
Looks like it's got one in the chamber. Squeeze it out wipe its ass and enjoy
Pjotter the devouring meatyboy
Gaylord hankypankman
Chum bum the eater of cum
>Glorious British 10 pennies for scale
Oi, wanker!! Do you 'ave a loicense issued by 'er Majesty's bureau of bugs an' creepy crawlies fer keeping that there insect in captivity? Because if you don't, we'll 'ave to fine you the maximum penalty under the law, we will!!
And don't forget those trips
Gorgeous Geofry Gerfrid George
Because of that, the bugs name has to have officer in front of it.
Ilfukuupbill the bug
I guess it's name is Eat It. Kind of a cute name for a cockchafer.
Okay, Officer what?
Trips again
Trips have spoken.
Destroyer of India and bringer of leaves Frank
Bungy the bugg
I did my best
Maybe just : Hanz
I really Wana help giving this buddie a name.
Maybe : rainbowsparkle
I would like to know wtf a cockchafer is, and no I will not jewgle it
A Fleshlight
Btw I think tyronemo would be a good name for little buggie
On /an we got trips on 'quarter pounder with cheese'
I suppose thats OFFICER Quarter Pounder With Cheese, now. May his service to Her Majesty the Queen be ever dutiful.
Dubs and you burn it alive
Thats the most autistic name I have ever heard, please have a vasectomy.
Rozman foxbron