I don't like Erdogan, but toppling these Islamic dictators always means chaos and more Muslims coming to Europe and more 'globalization'.
They should be used as a buffer between Europe and the Muslim world.
Turkey may be the exception as they have in the past had moderate success in being a secular modern nation (Ataturk times)
Geert :)
Always put a smile on my face.
Erdogan's asylum was denied in Germany, maybe he'll come to The Netherlands!
Who the hell does he think he is?
Just mindlessly saying what everyone is thinking?
I love this man so much.
he will rule the world
plus it also means turkey will become degenerate and "progressive" meaning more pride parades there and leftists there, honestly I'm fine with the islamic regime
Libya was also
Look at them now
Thanks clint
>israel shill
>against a democratically elected government
I don't like erdogan, but democracy is democracy.
what is there so based on it .
mark rutten the president , said he is AGAINST REFERENDUMS = DICTATOR
LOL , dutch true colors = dictators and pedophiles.
t. kebab
lol , dutch people only see themselfs as a democracy , all others are bad countries.
pedophiles i say . all of them . hide your kids from them.
Democracy isn't perfect, specially when done by mudslimes.
hide your kids , they fuck little boys.
all pedophiles in holland that were arrested , were dutch white men wiht blond hair and blue eyes.
you cant deny fact.
Geert Wilders is a stupid retard, another degenerate. He would be based if he was christian
The difference is that the military was loyal to the regime in Libya wheras in Turkey they are the traditional defenders of the Turkish State.
Libya only happened becase the West intervened.
based geert indeed.
Also daily reminder that we actually have the same ease in getng guns as lards, just go for your permit so you are defended against islam.
And turkroaches in here, die with erdoshit, your country might be something to like from now on.
Fuck islam.
>says the country run by subhuman drug cartels
geert is a kike shill and a useless politician, bad for this nation
fuck off polska fag
>just go for your permit
where/how? how easy?
Not for Turkey, m8. Turkey was literally founded by a man who hated Islamism and advocated for a strong sense of secularism.
Look up Ataturk.
I'm telling the bitter truth. The West won't be saved by dumb xenophobic-liberal demagogues. Only christians can save the West
You seriously think the West didn't intervene now in Turkey?
They want Erdogan gone, there is propaganda against him in International media for years
What a bullshit.
If he weren't from liiiiiimbuuuuuurg, I would like greet. Make holland greet again !!!
>t. pedo
I seriously have lost complete respect for this fucker.
that ship has sailed, you can't make people accept 2kyo kike tales once they're done with them
Don't fall for this shit, Dutchbros. Back during the Canadian elections last year we had tons of stealth-leftists shitting on our Conservative PM calling him a "kike-shill" in order to defame him.
It actually got to the point where lots of Canadian Sup Forumsacks started believing it, and well, we ended up with le Weedman.
Harper was a whore to the chinks and the jews.
Still voted for him, but I have no illusions as to what he was or wasn't.
kike-shill or not, the alternatives are all pro-eu pro-multiculti pro-globalist neoliberals
geert isn't perfect but he's all we got.
Just as democratic as putins or kims over 100% votes for? Erdogan is not from a legitimate democracy
wtf are you talking about? geert calls israel "the cradle of WESTERN civilization" and used to live in israel
t. mohammad
no you retard. but you'll call everything you don't agree with invalid. go fuck yourselves. I swear pol is flooded with kids
>but toppling these Islamic dictators always means chaos and more Muslims coming to Europe
Internal coupe is different that an external one.
Pro-EU might not be 100% positie but if you truly believe we shouldn't unite now more than ever, you're absolutely mental. It's like you're wishing for another blitzkrieg, soon tm. Just remember, the netherlands a shit during wars.
>geert bleaches his Indonesian hair
>pol falls for it, thinking he's blond
then Holland is dead and no amount of xenophobia will help
>that were arrested
Simple, they don't arrest brown Muslim ones.
>xenophobia will help
typical potato
Are you autistic? I'm literally pointing out one invalid aspect of a certain persons legitimacy. What are you sperging about?
you mong, Erdogan is the one sending rape refugees to Europe
Erdogan was legit elected and has a huge following there. you're just saying: HURR I DON'T LIKE HIM SO THE ELECTION DOESN'T COUNT
kill yourself.
i'd rather that the entire country gets nuked than share a future with muslims
Tell that to the Assyrian Christians he genocided with his Kurd proxies.
fukkin BASED
This. To this point, Iraq was an ersatz state Frankensteining together incompatible groups. Turkey is a self-created ethnic state with high homogeneity. Totally incomparable.
>i'm retarded and I can't read information so i'm going to spew bullshit
I mean unite to fight em.
So what you're saying is Hitler was a great guy and shouldn't have been opposed either?
>I mean unite to fight em.
my bad senpai
mmm risolles
No one likes brown toothpaste. Get out.
>Saddam, Gadaffi and Assad
wew lad, this will bring balance to the Middle-East
Sup Forums we can make Erdogan die tonight! Here is how:
You're right, but really, this puritan stuff just not going to happen. Might as well dig his own grave.
Sandnigger detected.
Its legal in muslim countries to marry a 12 year old against her will.
I don't want to attack you, but you are full of shit.
Why 12, why not 11 or 13 ?
Get ready to be bent over to the BBC and learn to enjoy it.
> if only we could make some regulations
Ill just leave this here:
Yes actually. Shame he lost because modern Germany is fucking gay and a sprawling shit hole. I visisted Berlin and all I saw were shit skins "ALBBULLAH HULLAH DULLAH" everywhere
My wife is indo she doesn't like geert. She's even from Limburger just like him
He really, really needs to become prime-minister.
ook genetisch superieur, kakkerlakje
geert is zeker het antwoord op het moslimste vraagstuk, de finale solutie zo als men dat zegt
>tfw i chose to study dutch at age 12 because i was bored
This guy is based as fuck. How did he ever get elected, though?
because believe it or not, the dutch population has a pretty big softcore nationalist vibe to the country.