Because of increasing liberal divisiveness, the 2020 Election could well be suspended

Because of increasing liberal divisiveness, the 2020 Election could well be suspended.

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it doesn't work that way

why not? you lefties seem to think that the constitution can be screwed with however you see fit, why not abolish the requirement to have elections or abolish the term limit?

How is the constitution being screwed with?

This is the kind of divisive nature we're talking about. You liberals had better stop your little "Impeachment" nonsense too, because there could be severe repercussions if you support it.

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inb4 the nigger President

Literally everyday conservatives circumvent or pervert the constitution.

You now say some dumb ass fucking shit like this.

Please, immediately, post haste, kill yourself.

If you don’t recognize Trump as a traitor now then you never will and you have my pity.

>Literally everyday conservatives circumvent or pervert the constitution.

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The left is pushing for hate speech laws, essentially eroding the first amendment, and pushing for gun control and gun bans, annihilating the second amendment. I think its only fair that, if you can erode amendments, so can the right.

>muh whataboutism

what areas of the constitution exactly does the right "pervert"?

I bet you could not even show how trump is a traitor without using unproven conspiracy theories or MSM sensationalism.

Many Republicans are stepping forward to put an end to this, and trust me, the ringleaders will be brought to justice. You don't do this to a sitting President during a strong economy.

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Pushing to change existing laws is how democracy works sometimes. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it unconstitutional. Deciding to cancel elections on the other hand....

Shut the fuck up you annoying larping faggot.

>what do they pervert hurrrrrrr whataboutism

Literally no whataboutism was posted. The fact is that you have selectively circumvented constitutional law for 3 years to prevent an old and fat reality TV star from being prosecuted for his litany of REALLY poorly covered up crimes.

>inb4 witch hunt

Turtlefagg intensifies. Must...not...disappoint...daddie twump


Stopped reading when you went full boomer. Log off old man.

fuck off to /pol vlad

You do when the sitting president is a Russian agent. Everyone who has been anywhere near his presidency is either in prison, under investigation, testifying against him, or laying low. Let’s see his tax returns and hear what his personal attorney has really been up to in Ukraine.

How about letting Turkey invade Syria? There is no good reason for that unless you are compromised by Russia, China or Turkey.

Both of you could be investigated by the Senate.

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>The left is pushing for hate speech laws
no they aren't nazi dipshit
you just think you shouldn't be punched for talking shit

inb4 durr sandniggers durr
Trump supporters are utter pieces of garbage

That’s ok I’ll just say “I don’t recall” over and over like Lewandowski and Sessions.

All I hear is the sound of you sucking some Trump cock right now. God. This whole thread had been a Trump-Lover circle jerk. I can’t understand the blatant blind following of the president and everything he says. The man has a 42% approval rating currently, and has never broken the 46% mark in his approval, yet y’all worship him like the goddamn messiah. Never saw this shit when Either of the Bushes were in office, or even Reagan, and at least HE was popular enough to warrant a big following. Hell, I don’t even want Trump out of office, because I’d much rather an idiot be in office rather than a fucking psychopath like Pence

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Pence is about to be in contempt of Congress so I wouldn’t worry about that happening.

Good. That asshole would LITERALLY set our country back 40 years

I don't think you realize the Senate has areas that could serve as a dungeon for some of you mouthier liberals.

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Where Mitch visits at the stroke of midnight to reveal his true form and feast on liberal souls.

The truth is we need to get this country back on track if we're going to have another round of bi-partisan tax cuts. Impeachment is not only a distraction from duties Congress needs to do, it is also punishable by law, and the Impeachment Co-Conspirators will be arrested by Capitol Police.

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>the 2020 Election could well be suspended
L0Lno Sup Forumsitard

Absolute fucking dumbass, please never breed.

you contralefties seem to think that the constitution
can be screwed with by suspending the 2020 Election

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You can't hack an election if it doesn't exist.


No more political ads!

OK because of the outcry in this thread
The 2020 Election will not be suspended, but for security reasons that again, the liberals are at fault, only Trump's name will be on the ballot.

God damn it
forgot the picture

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Ohhh kinky senate sex dungeons. Now OP is really speaking my language

We already have confirmed intelligence reports that the Chinese are trying to make the Democrats win. This way if we cancel or suspend Elections Congress can then appoint Trump as President for an indefinite period of time. It really does depend on whether liberals want to start acting like grown children or if they're going to keep "resisting" and trying to upset a successful Presidency.

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Good job Russia. You made a good meme! You guys should definitely run with this.

>Elections are SUCH a radical liberal thing

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And I wouldn't forget that while Nancy Pelosi might have started an inquiry, but we're still in charge. Don't make us send armed Capitol Guardsmen in to break up this ridiculous attempt at political theater.

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To dreeeaaam
The impossible dreeeaaam

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shittiest fucking larps itt

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Fuck gotta love some Man of La Mancha references. Makes my inner thespian loser heart so happy

This whole presidency has been a shitty LARP

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