good luck everyone
Good luck everyone
*blows whistle*
If this was done in America, there'd be a massive Saving Private Ryan-style ending that completely destroys the emotional impact.
How are you feeling, Darling?
That was the original plan but the set looked too shitty to use and they cut it out. Just a happy accident.
The whole scene was done on the friggin spot. There was no plan and even an intern added a good idea to the final shot (I think the intern suggested fading out to the field modern day)
>Character says "Darling"
>Audience laughs hysterically every single time
British """""comedy""""".
It's so silly to think and cliche to say it but it is the most profound series ending of all time.
Just because of the nature of the show. Those aren't men lost forever they're entire family lines.
War's a waste of white people.
Good riddance.
>Fat loser that shitposts about race on a imageboard waxes poetics about war and the lost of white ''''''''people''''''''
Get out of the basement and get a fucking gf, you permavirgin cuck.
Without a doubt, the best ending to a TV show.
That's not M*A*S*H
The only good European is a dead one. The Great War was the greatest.
"Who would have noticed another madman around here?"
Gets the brain train chuggin
>Fonz walks into frame
>Audience starts clapping hysterically every single time
Definitely the best season.
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
>ww1 was a century ago
>eventually people will feel no connection to it emotionally just like the Napeolonic wars
People already think it was just "pointless and had no reason". As if millions died for no reason. It wasnt a good reason but popular understanding of history has always been atrocious. Ask someone about the korean war. Hell ask them about vietnam. The answers youll get will be terrible.
Why do black people pretend to feel a connection to slavery times? I bet they honestly couldn't give less of a shit.
WW1 was basically about culture catching up with the technological advances of the time. European monarchies still thought warfare was a right of passage for a young generation so it was still celebrated with pomp and grandeur. All of that went out the window once a soldier first had a mortar shell land next to them.
i feel like the extent of your knowledge about ww1 is listening to that dan carlin podcast
terrible post
Germans were using the assassination of this Archduke as an excuse to make a territory grab.
The nobility did see war as glorious and wonderful though. Thats why Haig until his dying day continued to have delusions of grandeur about cavalry and the romanticized charge. Read a fucking book you faggot.
and what book(s) praytell have you read about the origins of WW1?
Shock troops by tim cook is good. Not about the origins but a great book nonetheless. I meant read a history book in general rather than shitposting.
are you saying you haven't read a book on the origins of WW1 yet feel entitled to speak about it and even admonish others to 'read a fucking book' when called out on displaying ignorance?
because that's how it looks to me.
Except Haig was part of the reason the British learned the lessons from the Somme. He was a pragmatist that incorporated new tech and strategies.
Youre still wrong and don't know what you're talking about. My original point remains correct.
More like the Eternal Anglo was using a 100 year old treaty with a non-nation as an excuse to dismantle the competing central European powers while weakening France.
Sup Forums please. Foch had it right. The complete dismantling of Germany was the only solution.
How would even know if it's correct or not since you plainly admitted you haven't read anything academic on the subject?
>This mad
He said the machine gun was over rated. Arthur Currie was a man that learned from past mistakes. Haig was one of the worst generals during the war. He was an aristocratic ass that cared little for the common soldier. The only reason he incorporated things was because of the advice of those around him. If he actually learned anything he wouldn't have still believed in cavalry long after the war.
I said read A book about the war which i have done. Again, read a book nigger.
I couldn't believe how many feels that ending gave me. I think the reason the ending was so effective was because, after following the characters for such a long time and really liking them, it was kind of sad to know they all died in a pointless war.
Not to mention that trench warfare is the worst kind of warfare to be a part of and having to go into no man's land basically resulted in being gunned down by a machine gun, stepping on a landmine, or getting killed in the enemy's trench
terrible war to be a soldier in. if you even managed to stay healthy in your own trench
"Germany" hadn't even been a thing for that long anyway. They had what, three Kaisers?
Which Time Team episode is this?
So let's break this down. You have openly admitted to have one read 1 (one) book on WW1 which was exclusively about Canadian campaigns in the war and not about the origins or the essential spirit of the war, yet carry yourself like an authority on the subject and feel confident to tell others to 'read a book (singular i'm assuming, once they've read 1 they would be on your same level of knowledge),' when your overarching simplifications are called into question.
My only question is are you too young to legally browse Sup Forums? I'd be really embarrassed if I was talking to a grown-ass man who felt like you.
Most soldiers only went over the top maybe 2 or 3 times a year max. You also spent most of your time in one of the back trenches. It still would have been fucking awful but its not like serving was an automatic death sentence. It also highly depends on which part of the front you were assigned to. Much of it was relatively quiet.
k. You can leave now since youve contributed absolutely nothing to this historical discussion
Neither have you lmao. You made 1 sweeping statement and then got defensive when called out on your ignorance, ironically admonishing others to 'read a book', when you've read only a single one, not even an academic text, as if that makes you some kind of WW1 expert who can speak on every aspect of the war.
What actual reason was there to fight WWI be a sport and tell us all
holy smokes
The austro-hungarians wanted territory in the balkans and used the assassination of Ferdinand as their CB. The guy was as unimportant as they come but thats beyond the point. When the kaiser was asked to support Austria in the event of russian intervention they basically gave them a blank cheque and told them to go for it.
Because france was allied with russia the krauts attacked them through Belgium fearing a war on two fronts. The krauts have always wanted "their time in the sun" and the prussian aristocracy saw nothing wrong with achieving that through aggression. Nobody thought the war would turn out the way it did. They saw a quick victory like they had in the 1870s Franco-prussian war. Britain was dragged in because of their defence of belgian neutrality but really it was the krauts threatening their naval superiority.
It can really be surmised as "rich assholes want more and are willing to kill to get it"
National security was a primary concern for the belligerents. Germany felt surrounded by two hostile powers, one of which was growing much more powerful every passing year, France was fearful of imposing Germany on her border, Britain's policy for centuries was to see to it that no power could dominate continental Europe and Russia was keen on not seeing their interests in the Balkans gobbled up.
>highschool level of understanding
>uses 'surmised' when he meant summarized
You're still here eh? And still contributing nothing i see. Read a book m8.
There is no reason to remember facts about wars, there is supposed to be a "war day", or better a week, where people are treated like garbage, denied basic rights, sanitation and sleep and are shown real crime scenes or even have guts of dead people or animals thrown on them.
People glorify wars, view them almost as plays, everybody wants to fight for something without realizing what it implies. This thread is a great evidence of what people do with their "knowledge": endless "actually", shitposting, ego stroking with "my information is better than yours". No one benefits from this shit and doing stuff like that with science or at least fiction makes much more sense. "gifts of history, lessons of history". Nobody fucking cares. "My knowledge > your knowledge, Me > you" is all the modern war awareness comes down to.
What's important is you found a way to gratify your ego
>implying the British elite learned anythkng from WW1
They're the same people who started WW2
>gets offensive.
>gets it back.
Americans truly cannot handle the banter.
>britain started ww2
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and let you explain yourself before i call you a retard.
Britain declaring war on Germany escalated it to a global war.
That has nothing to do with the subject. Thats just Sup Forums you goon. That's what happens when nothing is ever sourced.
That's because Germany was a clearly aggressive and untrustworthy country. Should they have sat idly by and waited until the krauts inevitably came for them? It was as clear as day Hitler dreamed of European domination. He wanted an ally in britain rather than an invasion but who in their right minds would side with the Nazis? That cuck Mussolini and the japs (which was barely an alliance at all). Britain did nothing wrong, in fact it would have been wrong to do nothing.
top b8
With sources it's the same shit: people just get higher level sources or different sources or go into the territory that is obscure and yet important so only opinions are left. And as always nothing is born out of discussion. I'm from a slav country and can say that war discussion is never resourceful and yet never stops. Just an insanely complex and convoluted story that is used for different agenda.
I still don't see why they should've gotten involved in European affairs. Poland was completely foriegn to Britain, irrelevant to the empire and the squabble it had with Germany was based on some Prussian shit nobody could be bothered trying to understand. Communist Russia was a far bigger threat to Europe than Germany was at that time.
I dont think any war documented like it was will be forgotten in quite the same way. Theres not loads of film but theres enough with photograhpy and the amount of veteran testimonal footage. This is a good watch for quick rundown on WW2.
Your test was successful user
Welcome to 4chans
Because the eternal Anglo is morally superior to all others. The source of and defender of freedom. The eternal kraut is the devil to their godliness. What kind and just god would let the devil ravage europe?
>Britain did nothing wrong
besides creating israel and being responsible for the fuck fest in the middle east today. the english being relevant in the world stage is the greatest and most unfortunate accident that ever happened in history
top fucking lel, be sure to wave at the cctv on the way to the knife bin
What is this war day you speak of?
>giving the repressed and most hated group in Europe a home to fuck off to was a bad thing
t. Hitler
I personally don't give a fuck about them or the sand niggers but the jews clearly needed their own home.
They're total cucks now but their legacy lives on in the Commonwealth
Churchill knew the only way to weaken the international jew their own country.
My brilliant idea to achieve the world peace. Basically you make people experience the horrors of war firsthand so to make them less trigger-happy.
weak bait famalam.
The original shot is a weird shot where they all run out and """comically""" fall over but then they slowed it down, added music then transition shot to poppy field and became keno
End yourself and your entire family. Dig a hole next to a dandelion and bury yourself so you can be partially redeemed as a waste of molecules.
What show?
Season 1 has brian blessed in it whose fucking based
Mr Bean: Kraut Killing Adventures