I want to fuck my friends daughter

I want to fuck my friends daughter.

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Guess you'll have to wait a couple of years OP

Hang yourself, you ugly, friendless, lonely, pathetic waste of resources. I assure you, you won't be missed.

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Nope, she's ready to go now.

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bump for... for.. FBI

Not the most flattering of pictures .. But i guess each to their own. I wouldnt waste time chasing that.


Die cunt

Mod here, what's up?

Sorry OP. She’s probably too young to even know what it is, let alone want to fuck you back. Even if you did anyways, that’s a Real fast way to find a nice little hole in jail with your name in it

2nd mods here to the rescue

he'd be in a little hole, after being in her little hole.

Let's hope he spends those years in jail..

Now excuse me I'm gonna go fap to that pic

And then someone else will likely be filling his little hole

yes officer it's this comment right here

No you don't, you're just a confused deranged person

Mean. But true and kinda funny.

Is she old enough? Remember user, the legal age is 16. So please tell me she's over that number.

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OP let’s talk on Kik if you have one. Mines TerminusJ

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If shes 16 yet i will eat my basement dwellers issue fedora

Yes, she's legal.

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kids these days are having group sex in fucking kindergarten

Worth it? Worth it. Its called jailbait for a reason boys.

yeah sure she is