
>what do you think of France?
>what do people in your country think of France?

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>Whiny, but I guess the point to our existence is to strive for better than what we already have, without endangering ourselves. We've done our conquests this way, and we're going about our lives this way to this day.
>Think that everyone else is a bunch of cunts. They can't stand successful French people which is annoying.

c'est la vie fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndrome_de_Paris

>>what do you think of France?
They are cool but have some really shitty immigrants.
>>what do people in your country think of France?
They are generally liked by Americans.


2.It tends to attract the most obnoxious, stuck up pieces of shit of this hunk of land.
3. low strata people: le rich man, medium strata: european, high strata: le cultured man, shekels and mobility trough EU territories.

>what do you think of France?
I want to like you but I've only ever met pricks, Swiss frogs too.
>what do people in your country think of France?
Rude people desu


>Never been but I want to. Great history/culture and whatnot. Looks awesome.

>The classic stereotypes: baguettes, wine & cheese, being stuck-up, etc.

Can be quite comfy, yes.

Nothing and no one cares.

We were your main enemy for a millenia insolent swine.

>>what do you think of France?
great country with great philosophers like levi strauss, sartre, foulcault
>>what do people in your country think of France?
quite good, our francophile feelings derives from meiji era when french culture was introduced to japan

Frenchmen are viewed as a nation of cowards and cucks.

Looks beautiful, la. I'll see you in 5 years.

Need to get what done first?

Just getting my life in order desu. I am a mess.

Cheers. Good luck! Hope wanting to coming to France is enough of a catalyst to get you there, and clear out your shit!

Russians are faggots and we should burn your country.

they like Napoleon and Louis de Funes

Nation of oui-wuzzers and très-bieners.

this but ironically

>Destroyed our empire and condemned us for a gorillion civil wars for 150 years
>Arrogant fuckers who should fuck off


>what do you think of France?
i have huge hopes on france
>what do people in your country think of France?
mostly neutrally-positive views with a trace of underestimation as result of your role in ww2