What are some things you've learned that really fucks with you as an adult?

What are some things you've learned that really fucks with you as an adult?

For example, it really bugs me that we are all just chemical reactions being driven forward by processes that were not intelligently created but rather just are. The very first cells were created because it just so happens that when these dead, non sentient atoms just so happen to arrange themselves in this particular order it makes some sort of structure that just so happens to do a very specific thing in the universe.

Or that it just so happens that atoms and forces work the way they do- and we are very lucky that it is just this way. If it was changed pretty much at all then we would not be here.

Fuck with my mind /b.

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I found out, that my haircutter has raped two of his customers and has now closed. That fucking sucks, I now have to take the bus to reach the next acceptable haircutter.

Your very existence is driven in every way by your DNA's demand to be replicated as it is in every other living thing on Earth.
You are nothing, nothing but a vessel designed to operate in such a way as to survive, sustain, succeed and mate, after this your life is essentially over, your DNA didn't expect us to live past our use by date.
As a result of our need to strive to earn/survive we have hit upon medicine that not only prolongs life but also satisfies the needs of those whose DNA was not able to pass on before, IVF fills the need for DNA dead ends to continue at any cost.
In conclusion. imagine that your whole body is just a machine to pass on your lineage, that is all, everything else you do is driven by this too, we think that we are in control but behind this flimsy facade that is thought lies the true master demanding to be obeyed.

We are living in a simulation—statistically speaking.

You will die twice. Once when you cease to function. And again when the last person to remember you is not here anymore.

All that shot about error correcting code built into quantum physics is bullshit. It’s an interpretation of the math put in a way that current understanding of the universe can explain

Financial success depends entirely on making friends. Anything else is window dressing. If I ever get a chance to kill all humans in one go, I will.

That just blew my fucking mind...

Also you’ll have to find someone new to rape your asshole, brother.

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Oh so deep. Have you just watched coco you unoriginal soft retard?

So you’re saying we’re nothing more than a virus?

no u

Someone explain entropy to me in a way I can understand.
Then explain how human consciousness was able to arise in the universes closed system hypothesis

Maybe just kill yourself instead of everyone else. Other people also got unfairly treated asshole, move your ass and try to better your situation.

Right in the feels

We've heard this already. Say something new that is slightly philosophical.

So what. This is all we got. Let’s try to enjoy it as it lasts. This is coming btw by someone who’s had crippling depression after having strokes. It’s meaningless by its default but it doesn’t mean we can’t make it something different. The prison is in our mind, not outside.

>The prison is in our mind, not outside.
Absolute truth. I will never escape mine.

Fully agree on financial success being based mostly on friends. The last part is just you being edgy

Recently I have thought about an alternate simulation theory and I am starting to come around to it. Here's why;

What are the chances that there's quantum particles sitting in a low energy field, and there are virtual particles, constantly existing and annihilating each other, and then you zoom out, and you have 3 quarks holding each other together using a force that interacts at just such a scale that they all stay together to form a neutron or proton that its self also has other entities tied to it using another different force that just so happens to also work at that scale, and then you zoom out and the properties of that atom also interacts in specific ways to other atoms, and then you zoom out more and the atoms can form a structure that executes code, zoom out and you have a cell, all dead atoms reading information contained in its self to manipulate the world around it to ensure its own survival, and then you zoom out and have an animal, complex living creatures with a sense of self that can remember and execute knowledge through an invisible "mind" that can organize thoughts and decide what to do with this stimuli almost instantly. And then you zoom out and you have many forces all overlapping and interacting with each other in a very complex but understandable way with beings that can understand and utilize it. and you can zoom out more and more until you get solar systems, galaxies, and then the universe. Now think of all of the individual atoms and forces all interacting with each other at once and work 100% perfectly. No lag. No errors.

We can't possibly be in a simulation. Unless we are in a simulation that is simulating an entirely different universe- (Universe B) where things make sense for us- but we are really in universe A where the rules are all different but it makes sense in universe A because we could simulate our Universe B since the rules allow for that.

Idk, it all fits together too cleanly for it to be real- But here we are.

No, we're a vehicle to move the DNA around until it's propagated.
You could conceivably consider life on Earth as a virus if you wished.

*statistically speaking
I don't want any statistics, but what type of statistics are we talking about exactly?

Its only so neat because your mind makes it that way.

Ever recall a dream? Makes loads of sense when you dream it, but not at all when you recall it.

Agreed, but first you must see the ludicrous nature of our existence, we can play this out any way we choose, but behind it all your DNA is still trying to get you to fuck/breed/mate.
Look how ridiculously easy it is to impregnate a woman, 50,000,000 sperm vs 1 egg.
What are the odds?
Women are effectively fertile from early teens or so until their mid-fifties (healthily), men from their teens through until death of old age.
All year round every chance we get, it feels good so we'll do it, this is all by design.

Try and play a different hand all you want but this is the only game in town.

Crippling depression and strokes?
Did I ask? Irrelevant.

Try mushrooms.

the mind is just a plaything of the body, unless you spend time training your mind not to be.

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"68.4% of all statistics are made up." - Vic Reeves

Then why do I not intend to breed?

Because two males cannot reproduce.

Some men are more equal than others.

>nothing but a vessel
The fact that there are more elements being expressed from my body than homeostasis and virility brings this into question. Our DNA isn't a convenient selection of explicit functions. Our DNA isn't even the only thing that helps propagate what you'd consider a fully-formed human being. There's more at play.

You've oversimplified the situation.

>your DNA is still trying to get you to fuck/breed/mate
And when you replace the layers that you've peeled back to discover this, lo and behold, there is more to the ludicrous nature of our existence. You are opting to make it a certain way, you are selectively choosing what you want to see, what you want to remain.

Reproduction is ages older than playing chess. However, playing chess now exists, and is part of a larger process itself.


life is

In other words, the "your only motivation is passing on your genes" thing is entirely bullshit.
If it were true, gays wouldn't exist.

We're all just information.

But if you're dead anyway, would that second time really matter?

Maybe from a very small standpoint breeding is at the core of existing, but on our scale we don't need to breed like crazy anymore, we can have 1 or two kids and be fine forever. The reason we exist isn't to breed but rather the reason we exist is because we did. Who knows how many microscopic lifeforms have died out before eventually one became a functional cell that developed/started with the splitting behavior.

Life could be VERY common to exist given the right materials, heck, with a perfect environment and some electricity and heat we could probably cook up simple life pretty easily. After all, it did happen on its own at some point.

Little genetic fuck ups could cause it, it happens all the time in everybody.

>we are all just chemical reactions being driven forward by processes

how do you know were not proceses driven forward by chemical reactions?

For fucks sake user.

Imagine spilling your cocaine or weed on the carpet, you can recover some from the carpet but not all, the part you can't recover is the entropy. Even if you don't spill it, some will stick to the straw or the table or your fingers and you can't use it. That's the entropy of the system.

Human consciousness is a consequence of the universe experiencing itself. You know how a photon's existence is instantaneous with it's destruction? Meaning the moment it's created in a star to the moment it is absorbed on your retina, no time has passed for the photon, relativisticly speaking.

The photon dies on your retina, and the optic nerve is an extension of your brain. We are just like plants, absorbing the energy of the universe, converting it into usable energy, in this case vision itself.

Time is an illusion, a function of speed. Speed is relative. Everything converts energy to something usable, whatever the hell energy really is.

Don't even get me started on how stars are alive. Life comes from life. All matter is alive, on different time scales. Stars live, birth planets, die and seed other stars. The universe is alive.

We are the universe experiencing itself.

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Entropy is the evening-out of energy. Like ice in a glass of water, the heat energy will transfer till homogeneity and only water is left. In the same way, stars and the cores of planets will eventually lose all their heat until every part of the universe is at the same level of energy. And without differentials this energy becomes essentially unusable

This is mechanized through passive "loss" of energy; In every transfer, some energy is spread into the surrounding environment. Repeat this into infinity and there you go.

With the universe literally comprising everything I find it hard to believe that we will not be in godmode eventually. We are building things using parts of the universe- the very thing that is part of everything, so I would imagine that the potential for a creation to be able to reasonably do pretty much anything is at least feasible.

Don't get me started with photons user.

Both instantaneous and slow.
Quantum entanglement is really my cup of tea lately. I am thinking of all the ways it could be used to transmit data and how it's fucking incredible we have this option, All you'd need to transmit data from 2 locations instantly is to have a machine read the spin of a pair of entangled photons as either a 0 or 1 bit, then we can have a receiver read the spin of the other photon and invert it from a 0 to a 1, (Because the spin is always the opposite from the other photon, so a transmitted 0 becomes a 1).

Of course I am no quantum scientist, and I am 100% wrong most likely. but it's very neat to see how people theorize and develop new tech. I only know very bare-bones stuff about it but I might start doing some crazy math stuff to try and be literate on the subject.


It's computing with the fabric of reality and some really cool shit. People don't realize it, but we doesn't some futuristic really cool shit.

There's about a dozen times I could have gotten with girls but I didn't because at that time I thought they weren't quite hot enough.

Now that I'm older, I realize that I was just using that as an excuse for being so insecure, and I regret all the missed opportunities that I will never ever have again.

entanglement cant be used to transmit data.

its just randomly 1 or 0, and once you measure one of them, you know the properties of the other has to be opposite.

>What are some things you've learned that really fucks with you as an adult?
Any things a dildo if you're brave enough.

It is perfectly possible that you are wrong and you and everything you know was meticulously planned and put together by a higher consciousness of which you can never possess any meaningful knowledge, and given how little anyone knows about the universe and the origins of the life process your assumptions about the nature of reality are just that.


Okay, there's always a work around.
For example, transmit data as 1 second pauses for yes, 2 seconds for no data being transmitted.

If you want a bit to a 1, then you measure the photon, and if the bit is a 0 spin then you would hold it for 2 seconds and then the receiver would know to ignore the data because it is not desired, you then reroll and as it turns out it is a 1 spin, so you hold it for 1 second and then change it, the receiver would see that a 1 spin stayed for 1 second and changed, so it can infer that a 1 is the desired bit. Next you want a 0 bit, you roll and get a 0 and hold it for 1 second and the reciever gets a 1 and now it has a 0, and you keep rerolling to get your data, now imagine something like this but in a much smaller timescale. You could transmit pretty fast if you just made the design more streamlined. Basicly using time signatures to indicate extra information like a secret code.

Top kek, youre both wrong. Research toxoplasmosis and homosexuality. There is a parasite that literally highjacks your body and make you want to buttfuck dudes because they repeoduce via feces.
So weither its your DNA trying to reproduce or the DNA of a parasite livong in a host, there is still an effort at reproduction being made

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Basicly what I said here, except add that we could never know because the higher beings walled us off.

Ehh no. I think we have more control than you let on. The human mind trumps the physical needs

By the end of the century we will be more than 10 billion humans who all need food, energy and water meaning that with todays options we have no chance of feeding everyone of them and that will have a big impact for the world itself. So if we don't start taking care of africa and building a solid society for them they will continue to fuck like bunnys and doom us all. Who ever finds a solution to build a soild and good society in africa in the next 40-50 years will be probably be called the opposite of Oppenheimer

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I cant believe that asshole was cheating on you

To some people yeah

Good thing ol' Elon will keep us out of the red.

I dont understand this.what about india and china? Theyre developing amd still seem to have a population problem

Transition, and I think that the actual wealth of the entirety of India and China aren't spread evenly, I am sure some areas are way worse than others and still shit kids.

I'm of the belief that there is a higher entity than us who manipulates these laws and science of nature. The probability that we exist and keep going as we do is so unlikely that it blows my mind. I dont think religion has it right. I just think that even as big as the universe is, we are too improbable to not be deliberate

>what about india and china
The thing with those two countrys is that they have developed wealth in the last few decades even if they have still a lot of people. A wealthy society means that they start having a lesser birth rate. Just look at china 20 years ago they made a law that every family is only allowed to have only 1 child because of over population but in the last 10 years they changed that law that every parent who was the only child is allowed to have 2 childs because the birth rate started to go back. The reason for that was that they started developing a wealthy society so people were busy. Same with india the birth rate of them started to go back becaus of the technology the west developed for them.

Ok, I see what you're saying


There's no way to "hold" one of the spins in a measurable way. And to entangle particles they have to come out of the exact same spark of energy, meaning they would have to be next to each other.

You’ll always be on Facebook, never deleted, until the end of time

From my understanding there is no way to predict the spin while it's unobserved but by measuring it (you need to add energy to measure it, it doesn't really know if you're looking, it interacts with the equipment we need to observe it) and by adding that extra energy an actual outcome is decided and both photons react to it. they don't need to be excited by the same energy, they just have to both come into existence from the same photon. the actual energy of the 2 photons are not 50/50 of an entire 100% but rather they will be 60/40 or something, but that doesn't really matter, we are looking for an entirely different signature it gives off.

Imagine twin telepathy, but when you poke twin A's left arm, twin B's right arm feels it. But if you mirror your results from B you will always know where twin A was touched, even if you can't see him. Even from across the universe.

You're completely right. But the photons don't just go back to randomly spinning after they've been measured.

You could think of it as each particle carrying a little set of instructions. The instructions predetermine their spin and are created with the particle, but there's no way to figure out what they actually say untill the particle is measured. And the only way to get new instructions is by entangling new particles

And if what you're saying were true, it would violate laws of physics as it would mean a faster than light transfer of information

Oh, I thought they would revert to a random state when they stop being observed. I fucking love science, can you send me a good link or something to dive into about this specific thing? I haven't ever heard of this and can't find it.

We aren't really sending any information anywhere- we can deduce what the other side has as an answer when we observe ours and vicea versa, the only thing we need to turn it into usable code is a system to read the do's and da's we get.. "How it works" is well known, but actually using it for something is still being thought out.

Well, it wouldn't work, there's still a lot of stuff people have to figure out, and I am making a bunch of assumptions but what I am really saying at the bottom line is that I fucking love that we are in this time and we get to see all this crazy shit we haven't even thought of being used and developed right before our eyes. and I am glad that I am not stuck 300 years in the past and wondering about things we all know today. Life, existence, and reality is VERY interesting, and we all get to watch humanity unravel all the mysteries of our very being.

Say you prepare identical envelopes with identical messages, and send one to your mom and one to Tau Ceti. Once both have arrived, one recipient or the other is not communicating with the other instantly by opening their copy. They're receiving something from you by regular old slow transmission.

People listen to Drake and think it is actually music

So if mom's has a red card in it, could we infer that Tau's is blue for example if there are only 2 possible colors of cards?

What may I be confused on that leads me to thinking in terms of process of elimination?

When mom opens her envelope and sees her card, what happens to Tau's.

Nothing. They are identical. Or opposite, if you like. But mom and Tau haven't communicated by opening their letters. They have only learned something about their own that lets them make an assumption about the other's. They had no input into the process.

This veritasium video was pretty good
