So... I dreamed about a person, if you can call it that. He is Daemon. He asked why I didn't smile and I woke up

So... I dreamed about a person, if you can call it that. He is Daemon. He asked why I didn't smile and I woke up.
It may seem like it is nothing but if you know Daemon then you will understand.
So... Do you know Daemon? Let's talk about him and his illogical existence.
(Pic not related)

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what is a daemon

He is the original. Something neither logic nor illogic.

Found more interesting talking about that Báltica

(It's a Baltica~~~)

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wow, this daemon thing is interesting

but you said hiss illogical existence now you are saying neither logical neither illogical.make up your mind

You can understand the logic because that is what we have. You can understand the illogic because it is what is not logic.

But what is beyond that? Daemon. He does not do something to produce something.

He is. That is the limit of what I can think.

Sorry sorry.
But his existence is illogic because logic cannot express it. Though he is not illogic because he came before it... So what should I say?

did daemon came before god,demonand existence itself

Who knows... I heard a person talk about it after I had my dream but later I tried searching withouth finding anything related.

Ah, I found a page. Daemon dot org
It was weird.

i know him he like the angel


stop playing whit this

buh this is disturbing

whit that?

bruh this guy daemon sound familiar to me

So you know him too?
Or you heard about it somewhere?

What angel?

Is this like the daemon in His Dark Materials only it's a can of Baltica?

I listen that name in a part of my school bruh

Op dreaming about boys, fag status confirmed

You made me realize I'm speaking as if I have seen anything other than his smile. Like... I heard things but not really saw it.


>Post some faggy shit with feelings
>Doesn't post about the based cheapest beer
>Cortala con tu wea maraca con sentimientos
>Matt daemon doesn't even love you.

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smile more...

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>Posting about Matt Daemon dreams.
>I only remember his smile.
What a fag.

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It's not like it can't be anything else with se same name or anything, there must be some edgy stuff with the name.

Though if it smiles in some creepy way... then maybe you got the same Daemon.

Who is Matt Daemon? I'll search but I am sure it is not what I'm thinking about.

you need to smile more often

Baltica tier posting for the people.

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its matt damon faggot

you are confuse about wo i am, you are talking about Matt Damon, not about me

When the last of (((Them))) is neutralized. Then I'll smile.
In the meantime I'll have a Baltica, the second best thing next to happiness.

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Solo deberían sonreír más, no lo creen así

>Dive in the occults beyond logic searching for a smile.
>Ignore that essentially life sucks and then we die.
>What a waste of baltilocas for a thread.

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Suit yourself.
If anyone want I can detail a little about the dream. There are a couple of things I have not talked about yet.

>He doesn't know this is now a baltica thread.

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Ya se todo sobre nuestro encuentro, y se que tu no eres el

That is a little of what I heard, but with boredom.
He is bored, the only thing an all-powerfull beaing cannot escape.

Se que hablas con el ahora mismo, debería de ser más agradecido de los consejos que se le dan.

Well... no but actually yes.

>Being from Chile.
>Having dreams.
This doesn't compute.

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english faggot

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>Open Daemon tools in my dreams.
>It tell me to smile more.
>Wake up.
>Still being a Chilean piece of shit.

Please do not be a fucking retard all your life. Dreams are points, worthless bits of bullshit. They mean zero. Grow the fuck up.

>Be Socrates.
>Fuck boipussy and theorize on morals.
>BE the wises mofo under the sun, just because I ask questions.
>Theorize o Daemons, inner gods of perfect knowledge.
>Some retard take me literally and now I'm drinking poison.
>Another retard from Chile thinks what I wrote was true.
>Why live in the first place?

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I know. Like I said, it is because I heard someone talking about the same thing I dreamed about.
I think I had said it earlier?

>Think again you turboretard.

I don' have a reason to live or to die so I just keep going with something I can change if I decide so. Enough reason to live for me at least

Yeah sure. I just wanted to share it since it was interesting to me because of the changes my life had after the dream

>Be Sartre.
>Dedicate my life to solve the paradox of existence.
>Culminate with the discovery that living means searching for a reason to live or fail to do so and die.
>Some Chilean subhuman nows uses that as an excuse to keep on living a mediocre existence.

Chile is the place Philosophy goes to die.

I need to read Sartre someday.
For now I'll keep thinking things my way be it good or bad. Thanks for your kind words Mr. Chielan Lover

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John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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one time I tried to use the contrast between grey and a green sewer to create peace by exposing it to dew-y blue looking mist while I was asleep, and I realized that satan is a jackass and woke up

Don't really know what I'm supposed to say at that

neither did anyone in the cafeteria down there

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