Does anyone know of any good Christian anime?

Does anyone know of any good Christian anime?

Im a christian weeb. I like anime, but some of it is too vulgar for me. Any good Christian anime out there?

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I accidentally found this kek

You come to place that is 99% vulgar, fuck off you larp, saged.

wow who knew demon slayer was a christian anime

any suggestions for christian anime for real tho?

define Christian? what elements need to exist or not exist? or is your definition thematic?

christian as in what? there's plenty of wholesome shows if that's what you mean

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I want it to be not vulgar and I want it to be god honoring

The best you can hope for is some christian symbols being used, but you wont find one that pushes christian ideals as "correct" per se, but many animes have christian characters, or some story elements where characters encounter and have dealings with the church.

Kiri Kotomine and his dad Resei are both men of the cloth. (Fate StayNight/UnlimitedBladeWorks/Zero)

Shiro Kotomine (No relation to the above) from Fate Apocrypha

Rurouni Kenshin had an arc in season 3 where they protect some church lady named Magudalia. Dont remember anything else tho.

Trinity Blood, main dude is a priest. And a vampire-eater

Trigun, main dudes best friend is a priest. And an all around badass.

Cant think of any more right now. Evangelion has many religious references but tells a story all it's own. Still one of the best.

Fuck it, watch The Devil is a Part-Timer, too, because it's just funny as fuck.

Boku no Pico (My Pico)

Memorable quote:

"Christ has always and will always love you, my Pico. Never forget that."

"Why can't we go to church everyday, sir?"

It's about an atheist feeling the spark of Christ after witnessing young boy Pico's lost soul. He feels Christ call to him to guide him towards the Lord. So he befriends the child and they both practice Christianity. With the help of the Lord, he fixes Pico's broken home and they all become close to God again.

definitely wholesome with elements of christian rlegioun

as long as they pish the message of Jesus crhsit

Bible Black has strong Christian sensibilities and morality


WOW!!! sounds like an amazing christlike show! Will definitely watch it with my family especially young children

sounds good. do they talk about the bibke

Ikr? I like to watch it with my mom and her church friends on Saturday evenings to get us extra pumped up for Church. I recommend lighting a candle or two and eating comfort food. I can feel God with us

dragon ball super (heck every other arc in dbz) is basically a Christ story allegory

ok I'll invite the parents. The kids miss nana and papa! I'll make the family famous Mac and cheese :)

ok my son like that show

That sounds great
Have fun and blessed be

The Castlevania anime could have been, but they decided to take it in a typical "religion is corrupt and evil" direction. This despite the old games actually having a reasonably positive view of the Church and portraying it as having legitimate effective power to combat evil. They twist this a bit in Dawn of Sorrow where they show that a Shinto ritual can also seal Dracula away, suggesting that it's religion in general which has power and not just Christianity specifically.

ya stole ma joke ya jew

Attached: reeee pepe.gif (400x204, 44K)

No man, unfortunately Christianity was thrust on the Japanese around the meiji period, it never really took on in the mainstream but does/did have its small devoted sects. Many of which were involved in massacres and slaughters (people killing them, they were not the aggressors) the result of which basically has the Japanese population as a whole generally see the church as greedy, corrupt, and self serving. This is illustrated in nearly all their characters. Most characters mentioned in my post are antagonistic. Sorry, but this is generally the norm.


It may not "honor god" but Wolfwood (the priest) is a fucking amazing character who has to balance his own past and the weight of his actions with his love of helping children and his relationship with god. He speaks to god sometimes in his scenes, or references him. That's the best I can think of.

tanks :)

blue exorcist wasn't *too* vulgar, so i would reccomend that, although i thought the writing towards the end rushed. If you just want "christian" though, its ok

Ive watched that and no they talk about sex so no