Erdogan was escorted by the Iranian airforce to Tehran. Can anyone confirm?
Erdogan was escorted by the Iranian airforce to Tehran. Can anyone confirm?
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I thought he was trying to go to germany.
OP's mom fellated me. Can anyone confirm?
They denied him permission to land.
Why would he go to Tehran? He went to Germany I think.
He's not going to make it all the way to Tehran that fast.
Iranians are saying it on social media. Idk if it's true though
>They denied him permission to land.
breddy funny after all the roaches germany DID let in lol
He got denied in Germany, currently flying to London
Good point. I don't know when he was actually trying to land in Germany though.
Iran are shia holy land, no chance they would take their enemies in.
But Turkey is as much as 25% Shia
One the one hand, Turkey is doing shit abroad that fucks up Iran's foreign policy and allies.
But on the other hand, Iran's leaders also fear a coup at some point in the future. They see it as a possibility that they'll be kicked out and forced to flee and beg for shelter in another country. They'll sympathise with his plight and might offer him temporary asylum.
>Can anyone confirm?
Yeah bro, coming right up. Someone here on Sup Forums knows for sure.
Yeah, it makes a good deal of sense to me. Have you heard anything about Erdogan flying to London now?
Fair enough. I had high expectations
Too many rumours. We'll just have to wait and see where he ends up.
He just reestablished relations (made peace) with Russia, Syria and Iran.
Nothing makes sense.
flightradar24 ???
>leader of a Sunni country receiving sanctuary in a Shia country
It is weird. It's almost as if the coup was planned.
>Dictator receiving sanctuary by a dictator
>I know nothing about islamic sectarianism
If he were seaking sanctuary, he would go to Saudi Arabia or another Gulf State dictatorship. He wouldn't head to the most powerful Shia country in the world.
>iran is ebil, goys
Don't fall for the bullshit. Wahabbism, the main Islamic fundamentalist group, is behind all of the terrorist attacks. Since 1970 the Saudis have spent a $100 billion promoting Wahabbism. The media lumps all terrorism together to divert attention away from the Saudis.
Shia terrorism accounts for only 4% of Islamic terrorist attacks. They perpetrate essentially the same number of attacks as Christians. While Shia Iranians are portrayed as the evil country of the region, the Shia terrorism they fund is significantly less than the Wahabbism terrorism that the Saudis fund.
>tfw you realize Iran was giving us intel in the early days of the Afghan war until Bush named them in the Axis of Evil
We could gave repaired the relationship. There's literally nothing wrong with Iran that isn't much worse in SA.
We gotta get rid of Assaud! It's the only way to fight ISIS!
Pootin is a threat to whirl peece!
Here's the source
I was just relaying what I heard from Iranian nationals that I know. I am aware of Islamic sectarianism and everything else you mentioned.
Tag team Saudi Arabia
Yeah I think it's clear now that he actually just stopped for fuel.
The links are on my computer, but there is a 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency report that admits establishing a caliphate state was a deliberate attempt by the US, Turkey, and the Gulf States to isolate Assad. The whole thing is a joke. We funded, armed, and trained ISIS to establish the caliphate and continued doing so until as recently as last year. The only reason we stopped was because Russia intervened and proped up the Assad government.
I know m8, I was just impersonating the average Amerifat (and Britbong, sadly).
I know, just trying to have a conversation about it.
What's it like having a woman run your country?
He should go to Canada or Sweden.
Why Canada?
Contrary to underage Sup Forums posters, nothing inherently bad. Two of our greatest leaders have been women.
>Elizabeth I
>Margaret Thatcher
(Victoria and Elizabeth II don't count as leaders because they're figureheads, but still good figureheads)
We'll see how May turns out. People are uneasy about a non-Brexiter being the new PM, but most are willing to give her a chance. She has an authoritarian bent, but these are extreme times. She might end up being based, she might end up being satan herself. Time will tell.
Why did all your Brexit politicians bail out as soon as they won the referendum?
What are you talking about?
Boris is our fucking foreign secretary.
No one quite knows, that's the dodgy part. Some kind of elaborate conspiracy? But then wouldn't it have been easier just to rig the count? And if it was Cameron/Osborne's emergency backup plan, then Osborne would have retained a cabinet job. Instead, May swiftly got rid of him. So I'm really not sure.
It could just be infighting and personal ambition. They all cucked each other and paved the path for May. The Tories are infamous for it. Gove really could have cucked/stabbed in the back Boris because he was deluded enough to think he'd stand a chance. Politicians really live in another world. Look at Jeb, he really thought he had a chance. He had no idea how toxic his family was, he thought it was still 2004. Lives in a bubble. So it could be coincidence. Time will tell.
You silly boy. It's a token appointment. May will still make all the big decisions. She's appointed him to;
>give him a stake in her govt so he's not on the outside working against it. she's keeping him muzzled and on a leash.
>he's popular with the people so cutting him out entirely would affect her rating
It's similar to Obama appointing Hillary as foreign sec. Give her a stake (and something to put on her CV for her future run) so she and Bill wouldn't stab him in the back.
>Implying cleared people don't lurk.