Why can't countries like turkey handle democracy?
Erdogan was democratically elected remember...
Why can't countries like turkey handle democracy?
Erdogan was democratically elected remember...
so was mama merkel, and here we are
so was Hitler.
She hasn't attempted to become Chancellor for life, unlike a certain right wing politician from German's history.
Franky I'm not confident that Germany can handle democracy either...
They seemed much happier under a dictator.
With the current economic stranglehold on the world; democracy is the illusion of choice.
I still believe that a republic as described in our constitution is the best form of government for us.
America elected Obama and Bush for 2 periods
>implying that there is real democracy in world right now
They weren't so bad.
None of them tried to sieze control of the media or anything.
fuck off with your democracy you stupid shit head
The uk democratically decided to leave the eu...
People get all confused about the meaning of democracy. Democracy ain't only about electing someone in power. It's about Rechtsstaat.
yeah...and they want to get in again
you dont have the right to speak..
No we don't. Sorry, the wishful thinking of your German masters does not necessarily reflect reality. Tell them we're really flattered that they're so upset, but it's time we went our separate ways.
But the new York times and cnn and so on reported that you regretted your choice, and we know they only report the truth.
American education.
Its an interesting book though.
I don't know where have you been in the last 200 years, but democracy isn't really working anywhere.
Democracy is the biggest scam ever invented.
>literally means the rule of majority, nothing more
>unironically supporting it when dumb people and women are the majority almost everywhere