It's hard to have a civilization when everyone steals your shiny rocks.
itrely meks u tink
>no rocks in Asia
>rocks in Eastern Europe
What a shame, baboons can't handle working with technology, and thus turn everything they touch into shit.
Why is the golds on the USA, Canada and Eastern Europe? We has a tiny useless colony and Eastern Europe is shit.
If they meant slavery, than all of South America should have golds.
wow I hate western civilization now!!
The US was a colony and it turned out pretty well.
The original had South America excavated too. Goes to show that BLM niggers will do anything to make it all about themselves.
We'd already dug all of ours up while we were doing most of our development.
>Implying China does't own most ressources there
I'm sure the blacks are actively sending their money to help rebuild Africa
I didn't realize that all the infrastructure we layed out in Africa is suddenly gone now. Even more baffling is how the world's largest supply of natural resources is apparently barren now.
so those rocks symbolize all the dindus I assume?
>be more civilized, like Africa
wouldnt the water fill in the hole?
>colonial power
>no rocks in spain or portugal
>no rocks taken from south america and central america
really makes u think
Wealth isn't a fixed sum. Therefore trade and commerce are not a zero sum game.
Also Africa is the most resource-rich continent on the planet. It's not our fault if nigger leaders steal all the money to buy limos and build palaces.
>people think this is how capitalism works
Africa still can't into water
So that's where this Chinaman's gravel went...
Meanwhile, Botswana has a 30 year average GDP growth of about 9%
>implying there are no resources left
>China is there to mingle with the high quality locals
>SEA, India, not even on the map
>"Act outside of your self-interest honky!"
But essence of civilization is sophisticated system of relations and interactions that creates environment of massive cooperation between people that don't even personally know each other, not shiny rocks...
So where did all the money go that Africa received for all those resources, surely they reinvested it back through proper taxation and meaningful social projects and infrastructure....Oh wait.
>niggers actually believe this
We should just give them gold and diamonds and watch them fail just like the Spanish mercantilists. Civilization is built upon scholarship, hard work, and innovation, not minerals.
At least those niggers that can't into drawing things left south america alone.
I'm thinkin' I'm thinkin'
Canot even stop thinkin' it mad me think really much
Except Africa is FULL of resources, far more than we ever had in Europe. Niggers only have themselves to blame for not figuring out how to exploit them. I'm sure China will be happy to show them how, anyway.
>white people go to africa and set up irrigation systems
>black people rip it apart for copper
>black people complain they are hungry and can't farm
literally retards
That's probably the most terrifying thing is that the Chinese could easily swindle Africans out of their insanely precious resources. Look what's happened to the USA with China. It's pretty damn scary.
>south america not plundered as well
100% propaganda.
All the shit I own was taken from Africa
>China and Japan conveniently clipped out of the pic as to frame rich white 1st world countries for everything wrong with Africa
Where are you from?
How do I even spell neo-colonialism?
That image triggers me because it's half true. Western powers and corporations do exploit them for resources, and continually meddles in their politics. But the person who made this clearly thinks Africa was some kind of civilized utopia before colonization. It triggers me how ignorant people are about basic history
>using chemicals for cooking oil
But why
Don't you know? Europeans colonized China and Japan too. They just learned to imitate us better than Africa ever did.
>all our wealth comes from Africa
Negroes are naturally degenerate and stupid.
>Native africans never amounted to much more than straw huts on their own, when left completely untouched, despite being surrounded by immense resources
>have the gall to complain about foreigners utilizing what they could have for centuries
Yeah, I'm sure your oneitis will really prefer your "superior intellectual capacity" to Alpha Tyrone's LONG, DOM BBC.
>mfw this image just keeps getting larger every time I see it
>Comic is implying to fill the hole with the stones we took
Well, it said it, not I. Export all blacks back to Africa.
African niggers weren't going to do anything with their natural resources other than worship them or piss on them, the same way all sub-80 IQ animists do. Better that such things were put to good use.
Didn't south america have like 10x as many nigger slaves as the US? But they still want it to be about them of course
The rocks should be in south america because that is where most of the nig nog slaves went anyway
wtf I hate maps now.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
B-b-b-but they took our shiny rocks!!!!
Why do they want us to apologize for being born white? If they could choose what colour they were born as why did they choose black?
we whites are the master race because we build the best countries which is why every other god damn fucking race wants to live in them
>that moment when the black guy told the chinese who was complaining about the shitty ruler that it was shitty because it was made in china
pretty funny fåvæ
#WeWuzKangz #KrackaKilla
>mfw I created the original with only 2 screencaps
What's wrong, Jamal, you mad that your feeble African mind couldn't compete with the white men? Does it bother you that you did nothing with your resources until the white man came and showed you how to build? You should be thankful you aren't on a reservation somewhere while your nation is overrun by white people
>whites leave
>still has a shit ton resources
>still has some of the largest amounts of fertile land on earth
I guess the western colonialists were just better at being africans.
>be zimbabwe
>be prosperous and fertile as southern rhodesia
>kill all the whites and form your own nation
>now have to ask for billions in aid to feed your starving population
Once you red pill someone on africa there's no going back.
How about you go fuck yourself friend
California, Florida, Spain and Portugal look like they have nothing to do with the exploitation of Africa. Time to move to one of these places, gents. Live free!
They still have priceless gems and untapped resources in abundance over there but their inability to come together and kill one another for petty reasons pushes them back. It doesn't really matter what was extracting so long ago, they could bounce back at any time but refuse to because of old-world ways.
Wow, Canada's a colonial power? Awesome!
And apparently so is Switzerland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, etc.
>black ignore the fact that most gold and silver was also plundered in south America specifically Mexico for silver
It's true, and it's not just africa that's being cored