Why are all our sports teams so fucking good?

Patriots: 6 time champions in the last 17 years
Celtics: Literally Hayward coming back and one good trade away from being a dynasty (AD is coming)
Red Sox: One of the big favorites to win it all
Bruins: Rounding into playoff form

It's almost not fair. Not only that, we are the smartest city in the country with the best culture, education, and accents.

How are we so perfect?

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that’s funny, I don’t see boston in the team name, nor do they appear to play their games in boston?
those are just as much hartford’s or providence’s wins.

>Boston exists and those meme places doesnt
Pats still playing there
>Meme places exist and Boston doesnt
Pats fuck off somewhere else

Not hard to figure out autismo

Aww ehh New Jersey jets fan

I hope everybody in New England dies in a nuclear blast

>bombston """fans"""
>always drunk
>bandwagon as fuck
>defend cheaters (brady, ortiz)

>always drunk
wtf I'm Boston Strong™ now!


Imagine being a 5'9" retard that actually takes pride in players that are bought by some Jewish tycoon owner and live in your state for 5 months a year on 2 or 3 year contracts
>the best athlete Massachusetts has ever produced is Jack fucking Eichel
top lellingjej

you forgot
>defend players like Brad Marchand who intentionally endanger opposing players



Southie in the thread. No one likes us and we don't fucking care.

you're right, better adjust down those champtionships and...
> oh wait that's 75% of the fanbases, fuck
and you are retarded.

shit, so close, im in change of Championship Adjustments here at Central Athletics and I was about to make championships dependent on your criteria till i realized you are a salty old woman.

Man I wish I was in the same room with Celtics and Bruins haters, I would smash everyone one of you fucks out of existence

>being an internet tough guy


>saving pictures of naked men on your computer

>being an actual faggot

I'm not the one that downloaded a pic of a naked man

>being that triggered about being called out for being a faggot homosexual that you feel the need to make a Sup Forums generic response like "saving naked pictures of men on your computer". Own it queer.

don't bully Jack Eichel like that

denial is a hell of a drug user

>b-but you posted the naked man

Don't project at me faggot

own what? I don't own any pictures of naked men. I thought we'd been over this. you should probably bring this up with

>wow that thing you just did was kinda gay
why is faggot banter so shit-tier?

>being this insecure about your own sexuality

>why is Boston banter so shit-tier?

please refer to

You pussies can't even talk shit. I can't imagine how let down your fathers are about raising little bitches.

A city with so much grit and heart deserves to be rewarded

Check our banners out maggot


Trust me nobody in Boston is seething. We are the best breed on the planet.

chicago and la are better

How many banners do those shit cities have? Are you even trying?

the 90s bulls are tied with the best team of all time.
the soxs were champ in the 2000s, and now the cubs are doing great.
our soccer teams are pretty.
the bears are the only shit stain

Paul Pierce with the wheelchair just so he can go to the locker room and take a shit was top bants. Lakerfags I know are STILL salty about it.

>your 2018 NHL All Star Skills Competition spirit award winner

>Being this jealous of Brad

also the black hawks? that wasnt too long ago. you a fag

>outshot by Hillary Knight
>she is 5'11" and you are 5'9"
>everyone at the skills competition cheered for her and booed you
>she is attractive enough to pose for photo shoots naked, while you are notoriously ugly
>she is a respected role model for young women and you are known for being one of the dirtiest players in ice hockey


Are you seriously comparing Blackhawks to the Bruins? You just wrecked yourself



Wait who considers the accent good?

Imagine being this upset.

The Boston accent is one of the most known in the country

All these Boston haters wish they could have teams and a history like ours. We will left our mark in sports and history, what has your shit city accomplished?

imagine defending a unsportsmanlike ugly manlet who gets outskilled by women

Upset? I'm fucking ecstatic Brad Marchand is making women's hockey look so good in comparison

Here are the top 5 championship cities since 1991:

1. Chicago 11: NBA (Bulls 6: 1991-93, 1996-98); NHL (Blackhawks 3: 2010, 2013, 2015); MLB (White Sox 1: 2005; Cubs 1: 2016)

2 (tie) Boston 9: NBA (Celtics 1: 2008); NHL (Bruins 1: 2011); NFL (Patriots 4: 2002, 2004-05, 2015); MLB (Red Sox 3: 2004, 2007, 2013)

I'm a New Yorker. Please call me "sir" you fucking townie fuck

only themselves
most known for being annoying


>since 91

Haha being this selective

>admitting you're dog shit


Brad's face when

Well faggots it's been fun. Going to lay my head down in beautiful Boston and sleep peacefully. Keep being jealous, we love it.

I hope you find a nice cardboard box so you don't catch a cold from the sidewalk

>being this arbitrary
wew lad at least start at the new millennium

be careful, hear theres a bombing problem
chicago still wins i think

What is the Boston accent? Better on men or women?

Those owls rightfully belong to Bangor tbqh

>What is the Boston accent?
>Better on men or women?
do you prefer explosive diarrhea noises, or nails on a chalkboard?

What's food like in Boston? Do they have any pizza style?

Yes, but its owned by Canadians

they;re thinking about thos beans

Mass and Colorado are the only states in America that aren't obese. Let that sink in you fat fucks.

>Mass and Colorado are the only states in America that are slightly less obese.


I think you meant to say "Rabbi" and no, its back to the delousing chambers with you

Show me on the doll where the priest touched you

>live in New York

Dude, by virtue of living in NYC, I'm automatically more successful than you. Get that through your thick beantown head.

new yorker is right, they actually matter on the world stage.
boston is great backdrop for crime films though

Nobody cares about your rat infested Bronx apartment or irrelevant city bro

all of them were shit for at least 40 years other than the Celtic until recently and they were shit for 20


Bostonians are more obsessed with us than their own city

Lel yeah sure. What made up cheating scandal about Brady or the Red Sox did your newspapers report today

>Complaining about rats
Take care of your own 5ft 9 rat problem first and then get back to me

None. We're more focused on the worlds finances than stupid shit like that

Yankees have 27 championships. That's the only argument I need

imagine being that seething
go stuff some more canned bread into your face you fucking queerlord

>all these salty NY trash gathered in a Boston thread to tell them how obsessed they are
Oh no no no...

There's literally no difference between Boston and Philly to us. To the rest of America, you're our suburb. When you want to fly overseas, you have to come to MY city to use our airport.

I see Mass license plates everyday. You've never seen a NY license plate in your life

>being this wrong

bostoniggers BTFO


Boston is a shittier city than NYC.

t.new yorker

What time is last call in Boston? 1 AM?


Okay Bostonian. Tell us how obsessed you are with these (you)’s as well?


The back of your head look like a sirloin steak burger muhahahaha

Holy shit last call in Boston is 2 AM. No wonder so many Bostonians are home shitposting instead of out at bars.

Real cities like New York and Chicago and Miami and Vegas party into the early morning. That's why New Yorkers or Chicagoans rarely post here on the weekends.

bombston is a shitty city filled with fat white people who think theyre superior because they have a retarded accent.

>w-we get to drink for two more hours that makes us great
Only literal degenerates consume the fermented jew let alone do it all night.

Oh that's right, that's because Boston, NYC has hot girls everywhere and at every bar instead of pasty white townie trash with annoying accents.

>imagine being a retarded bostonian working a toll booth arguing about their sports superiority like a neanderthal while mere miles away people that matter are learning at some of the best higher education institutes in the world

roooooooollll that beautiful bean footage

I'm not even sure why your trying to impress me with your fables bro. I have been to places all over the world. NYC is no different other than having more traffic, aggressive panhandlers, and too many niggers.

You have never left your city simply because you cant afford to, not because its great.

>imagine being a leaf, full stop.

You really don't think NYC has the highest concentration of hot girls in the world, considering that people from literally the whole world live here?

Do you think people from around the world are impressed by Boston? I've experienced the """"nightlife"""" in Boston, sticky frat boy type bars and all. I enjoy looking at all the homely looking locals there