NATO nuclear weapons sharing

Under NATO nuclear weapons sharing, the United States has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store

>Incirlik, Turkey
>60~70 Warheads

in b4 the real happening

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Who the fuck came ever with the brilliant idea to give turkey nukes?

And also italy

Does anyone seriously think the turkish military intends to use nukes?

And also germany

Yeah it's a really good idea to use nukes in a civil war in your own country......

It needs to by done slovakbro. We must become one with the nuclear!

> NATO nuclear weapons sharing

You idiot, they're still under US control, in a US base and only the President of the US has the launch code. There is no possible way to arm the warheads without the President's authorization.

why would we nuke our own lebensraum?

What's wrong with Italy?

Stop being so melodramatic. Nothing will happen. It never does

>implying the military government won't be more secular than the current regime
>implying a military government struggling for legitimacy would have any motivation to nuke its own people or anyone else

For the non-political

Turkey troops are just securing the nuclear silos. Nothing is going to happen. They are basically acting as security guards to ensure the nukes don't fall to Muslim/Arabs/domestic opportunist terrorists.

As the nuke facilities are secured by Turk troops. Then US/NATO will coordinate further actions. We do these kinds of drills all the time in the US Army

t. army vet

>implying they can't just smash them to make "dirty bomb"

Come on already.

Someone please explain to me how the Military coup will come nuclear weapons launch

>Stop being so melodramatic. Nothing will happen. It never does

False flag?

I mean

IS there no way? Really? You'd be satisfied in your safety handing a US warhead to some rando just because they didn't have the launch codes?

if they're guarding against them being hijacked, doesn't that mean they can hijack them?

if they get seized and the handlers go rogue, thats the problem

Absolutely. The warheads are literally the best technology the US can manufacture, with numerous failsafes and lockouts that can prevent them from ever being armed again even with the correct code after being disarmed.

Here's to hoping the rogue turks use those nukes on Russia and WW3 ensues

They'll just reset them to default, like you do when you forget router password.

Go look up the Cuban missile crisis mate

Russia aborted because it had no control over the nukes and the US did

U238 is shit for a "dirty bomb", a lighter element would be far superior. Cesium 137 or Cobalt 60 are far more preferable. The IAEA even says that U238 does not represent a significant risk unless there is fission, which is another reason why we use it for reactor fuel.

>he thinks the codes weren't sold

I live about 5km from one of those military bases with American nuclear weapons. There have been demonstrations and such before, dunno how I feel about it myself.

they always switch sides and fuck over anyone in a heartbeat

>asking a bunch of sandniggers to join NATO in the first place

Well they're not going to set it off where the base is going to come within 5km of getting btfo so you can just sleep comfy knowing that if something HAPPENs so badly that they have to nuke themselves that you won't have to suffer.

they were extremely oportunistic and backstabbing in the history and they canĀ“t fight for shit and are corrrupt af

The base isn't going to nuke itself user.


Nuclear warheads are only used as a means of implied defense, I wouldn't be surprised if the US gave them faulty nukes just for the sense of security, real nuclear weapons are only to actually be used in end game situations. This is not an end game situation.

It's called ALLAHU AKBAR

i prefer this one

They wanted to show how not racist they were

France, Germany and the UK were generally centralized, straightforward, and efficient. There may have been some eternalness going on here and there but you generally knew what you were getting into with a war or alliance.

Italy was typcally seal in people and government, decentralized, open to attack and taking of equipment by Africans and Arabs etc.

>Lazy tax avoiding low productivity populace
>Lost men and equipment to fucking spear chucking Ethiopians
>Couldn't be counted on as a military ally , fumbled in the Balkans delaying Hitler's invasion of USSR
>Military and intelligence services not known for discipline, not the type to trust with launch codes and secrets
>Corrupt southern European politicians = blackmailable
>Same people who claim to be super Catholics and eternal guardians of the Vatican put a militant atheist into power followed by open winners

I'm a fedora btw. I just find it duplicitous that the same Italian grandmother who kisses a picture of the Pope on her great and every morning also has a picture of anti theist Il Duce, while marrying a guy with mob connections because he was a provider- the very type of people Mussolini tried to stamp out.

By that logic any military can hijack any missile silos at any time.

Even the Venetian Black Nobility bounced to Germany when a good chance came up.

This is an accurate video of Italian governmental proceedings

Kek the differences between Italians and Spics are few and far between.
*night stand

There is nothing to gain from doing that senpai

"Incirlik" as in Incirlik AFB (Air Force Base). They're not in Turkish hands.