What hobbies should I try Sup Forums

What hobbies should I try Sup Forums

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I don't know, op, what do you think?

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I've bought models before but I'm bad at assembling them and so my ocd kicks in and I just throw them in the garbage

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Being a responsible and respectable productive member of society

Any hobbie that actually requires skill.

You will suck at first, but you will be better everyday and you will laugh at your previous you. Best way to release endorphin into your brain.

Then one day people will say ''I wish I magically have what this guy has''

Don't, and must not, do any hobby that requires no effort at all. You will be tempted to try any hobby that releases endorphin right into your brain with no real effort nor skill (Masturbating, gaming, drugs).
If so, no one will look into you ever. Or one day you will say ''I should have stopped long ago'' and probably have wasted best of life already.

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buy an interesting car for 500$ then do whatever you want with it

I don't know what do you think user?

>pic related


Oh you want me to use glue to paint?

take a closer look at my image. i am suggesting you take up competitive semen chugging as a hobby

I can't paint with cum

you aren't trying gay enough then

try wood or metal working fun and can make some cool things but also gain some useful skills

Has getting a job been suggested?

Honest answer, woodworking. There's nothing better than the smell of wood. It's not only productive but it's a massive timesink and it's away from your computer, which is a positive.

I started to going to Planet Fitness gym recently. It's actually fun and you feel good and ready to fuck your woman afterwards. Never had better sex than post workout sex.

Bonus: it's one of the most affordable hobbies there is.

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I'll give you some wood to work with, homo.

not op, but how does one get into this hobby? it's quite painful in the beginning

Planet Fitness.
How goes it, you fucking pussy?

I did some wood working stuff in the past but I'm pretty bad at that kinda stuff
Yeah I plan to go to the gym whenever I stop being a pussy

Guitar is pretty fun, some Metallica songs from the early 80's thrash albums are nice to play.


Make sure not to grunt to loud risking yourself hernias because the staff have security cams Topkek

you big bitch

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D&D sucks, don't ever get into it.

I think skateboarding is a fun hobby. It consumes a lot of time but learning a trick feels really rewarding.

I actually brought a skateboard a few years ago but I gave up on it

This is bullshit
dnd is extremely fun you just need to learn it with a few buddies who know what they are doing

>discord_.gg/Sup Forums

Server with no rules
Do whatever y’all want

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Hardest part is just walking through the door. Once you're in it's easy Street.

I was only sore from the first 2 visits. This 18 year old kid I go with gave me a jug of protein powder that's supposed to help with recovery and to build muscle mass. Works for me.

$10 a month for the membership. Can't beat it

Why though?
I recently got back into it after 6 years because a friend wanted to learn it and I'm really enjoying it, despite me being shit at it.

No user, it's garbage. Oh sure, it's all fun, you get a great dm, play for the better part of a year. Then one person drops out for a new job, then another is intermittent because of school. The one who pushed for weekly sessions? He checked out awhile ago when his friend left. Still, you wait on hiatus for awhile, nothing changes. You start up again and it's great fun, even if it is only 3/5 of you + DM. Until that guy drops day of the third session back in and finally kills it. It's great fun, till it's not.

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my dad's kind of a /fit/ness buff so i could probably get some good info from him. He's always talking about it, it's just that I don't have the time or ability to stick with painful activities for long

I had to wake up early on Saturdays but I am thinking about getting back into it

Balisong flipping

>Planet Fitness

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>skate or die OP

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