4chin dwellers:

4chin dwellers:

If you're sent back 600 years to the past from this age..
Do you think your current knowledge would assist you at all?
What skill do you have and what would you do?

You may bring only one item from this current age to that age.

Attached: f4rej5a.jpg (401x500, 54K)

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What do I bring? Fucking penicillin ffs that's around the time of the black plague. Also fucked because English might as well be a different language.

No. All these incels would die. They don't know shit.

Survival? Easy.
Interaction? Not only will I not understand a damn word they say, but the social dynamic is completely alien to me. One fuck up and I could end up as a Christmas ornament for some walled city.

The hardest thing about this is that almost every cool useful item we have today would immediately become useless in isolation, in a setting without electricity and fuel and other supporting industries.

Maybe something like a bicycle, Franklin stove, surveying transit, or microscope would be good. Probably the most useful knowledge would be understanding of sanitation and germs. I might attempt to work with metalsmiths and construct a steam-driven turbine, that could be used to pump water or power a grain mill.

i would take electricity. Then i would probably be known as a wizard and be under some kings rule until i pissed him off then he'd off me

Just being able to read, write, and do basic math would probably get you decently far. Granted, you would need to learn the language over time, but the fact that you can already read/write means you could probably get some scholar/noble/ecclesiarch to take you in.

whats an incel? sorry am not following trendy words nowdays.

Attached: Screenshot_20190715-012942_1.png (1080x315, 54K)

>bring them knowledge
Burned as a witch
>bring them foresight
Burned as a demon
>bring them technology
Murdered by the church as an antichrist

>bring a modern day AR15 scoped to 100 yards and 10,000 rounds of ammo
rule the fucking world

You can make windmill or watermill for starter.

For me I would really like to bring guns, but sadly this will soon be junk once its out of ammunition.

The fuuck.

>10000 rounds

How many people do you think we're in the world 600 years ago retard

As I look into things further, if you went exactly 600 years back - to 1419 - you wouldn't be that bad off in terms of language. You're not having to deal with Old English at all at the point, but rather it's the tail end of the Middle English era and almost into the Early Modern English period. It would be a little tougher than reading Shakespeare, but I think with immersion you could pick it up fairly quick.

That was the worst definition I’ve ever seen

Assuming you can prevent the locals from understanding how your gun works, you'd probably only need to blow through the first 1000 rounds or so to get your point across, and then use the remainder sparingly when someone gets uppity and you need to give them a reminder of what you can do.

350 million global population.
But with the ability to kill any man or beast from such a distance you would be seen as a god of war. You would conquer any nation through fear after firing just a 100 shots. You’d soon form alliances with kings who want to worship you for your ability. Then you’d have armies and nations working for you.

Imagine bringing back a gag shocker and being the most feared person there

Even if they understood it, they don’t have the precision machinery or materials to recreate it. As long as no one snuck up on you while sleeping and stole it you could be a damn world conqueror. Spread your seed to thousands of women who want to be impregnated by the war god.

you're not missing anything. just a bunch of pots calling the kettle black.

They'll probably drown you like they did to witches for those act but hey its fun while it last.

feelsbadman. I was thinking of bringing an ebook reader with a solar charger but I guess that would get be burned

I still can't think of anything that can last for life to bring there.

Culinary would be nice though, be the best cook that people bow down for your meal.

Right. Because they didnt have armor, and you dont need to sleep, and you wouldnt be a gigantic fucking target

How about a fucking compass?

compass already long exist way before 600 years ago, why'd you need to bring one?
you can use the sun, the moon and the stars for navigation as well. might as well just bring a zippo lighter.

INvoluntary CELibate

Not a convenient compass that fits in your pocket. Don't try to tell me navigating by stars is equally convenient. Go break out your sextant on a stormy night faggot.

What would I take? Hmm I will have to come back to that.
But i would do ok after getting used to the language (assuming I get to go to England).

I would establish an accountancy to track peoples money - rich people, mechants. They dont yet have double entry accounting yet. Same bitches money.

I would also demonstrate the poser of gunpowder andtake bids from kindoms for the exclusive right to my wonder dirt.

Then I would show the king STEEL and sell my knowledge to him exclusively. Make bank.

By now my reputation is getting pretty big. So I would go to the king of France and ask to be given his best ship builders and clock works masters. I would have them build a nice sefaring ship, send them to what we know of as the new world, and begin extracting wealth. The clock makers would be set to making a gimbals mount for my next invention the compass.

Yes i would do very well. But probably die a horrible death from syphillis from fucking my brains out.

engineer FTW - my current knowledge would be extremely helpful. I would bring back an encyclopedia Britannica, it's one of the better general knowledge tools that works without electricity.

Oh and I would take a steel Claymore sword.
Proof of my superior wizardry

I could be the best surgeon in the world, despite being a forklift driver atm

yes with advanced knowledge od sanitation and even rudimentary anatomy you would do well I think

*chiurgeon, FTFY


Even *with* a sextant, you'd need a good timepiece, star/planet position tables, and the ability to do the math.

Some form of technical manual that explains how to make chemical formulas and said uses for each formula.

Then using book set up shop as an alchemist/scientist/specialized blacksmith.

Use my newfound power and money to rule or at least be in some position of authority. Knowing my luck tho if I go to 1419 I'll just be stuck in the bush with the natives, if we aren't moving location too.

>I could be the best surgeon in the world, despite being a forklift driver atm
Okay but what does this statement have to do with ass to mouth

I'd bring a gun to kms the moment I got there
no way I'm adapting to their lifestyle after living so long here

A Swiss army knife, Those things come in handy. Also the Cherokee would be amazed by the way I could start a fire with the magnifying glass.

Right so these are reasons to bring a compass

Sent back 600 years but to where? If it's to your current location I'd probably try to impregnate as many native American bitches as I could before getting scalped and I'd bring a PSP to pass the time

I'll bring penicillin and a cold.
Be the patient zero and have everything dead by infection. I'll be the god of death.

Stay at your current position, only the time change.

A cold virus is not affected by penicillin you simpleton


I could surprise you by starting fire using water.

And the best part is that you would be dead by now.

The trick would be in not getting killed or imprisoned early on.

Are you from 600 years in the future?

600yrs no knowledge I have now would be really any useful. Id bring an axe with me

I'm a martial artist with comprehensive knowledge of agriculture and biology. I'm also huge, hung and know what mushrooms will kill you and which ones let you talk to god so tbh I'd be fucking set. I'd overcome the language barrier eventually.

No but I learned how at nevada dinner few years back, lost a 50 bet too while at it. it's legit ridiculous but hey it does starts fire.

Is that water in a sandwich bag or plastic bottle?

In 1419, the just in the beginning of the Thirty Years' War in germany, you should really consider bringing something that makes you valuable for the upcoming leaders of war.

Therefor, I would bring a big book of the history of that war (pro-tip: encrypted so that only you may read it). This way I could always stand on the side of the victorious and give them hints which they think lead to their victory. This will keep you in a good place and you may take part in looting cities with everything that comes with it...

At the same time you also have to keep history intact and avoid time travellers paradox by not changing history because otherwise you may disappear and your knowledge becomes useless once you change the path of history... sounds quite bothersome

Similar trick but this guy using a droplet held by finger and he burnt a napkin.

How about just memorise the location of natural resources (coal, copper, tin, silver, etc.). Buy the land cheap, start digging, make vast profits. Hire servants / bodyguards. Live life of luxury.

Or, the one thing you bring with you is a bar of gold. Skip to
>Live life of luxury.

>get killed by the first person you try to buy stuff from with your gold

The armor of the period would do absolutely nothing to stop a bullet from a modern rifle.