What are you guys drinking tonight?

What are you guys drinking tonight?

Yes, I am actually consuming pic related. It's not that bad.

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had 1 old fashioned, drinking another glass on the rocks

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i had some water an hour ago

Pour some Four loco in your asshole.

OP, what does that taste like? I've never seen it at the gas station.

whats the gold one taste like

>smirnoff ice
stop making fun of me I know girly drinks aren't cool but if I'm drinking alone at least let me drink for taste

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Nice user, I enjoy old fashions.
Hell yeah man, I also had some water.
I'm going to have to pass, maybe tomorrow

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High Life and spiced Cap'n. I dunno how you stomach Four Gold or Four Loco.

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Ayyye. Me too. I used to drink gold. But now if I smell one I'll gag and wretch like sucking a construction workers dick mid-summer after his 14 hour shift.

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Like a standard monster original or rock star original with a somewhat alcoholic zing after. It's the only flavor I drink but I do hear the sour apple is good.

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stealing a fuck ton of alcohol from my parents, gonna get wasted. rum, vodka, some wine. the good shit.

I'm drinking

1.5 oz Fireball
1.5 oz Vanilla Vodka
3 oz apple cider
Cinnamon and shit to flavor

Its supposed to taste like apple pie, and alcoholic cider is better than non, but it's all good.

Apple is good!

>Smirnoff ice.... Drink for taste....

They taste like shit and are weak af

Ayy, I am going to have to try sour apple next. I like Gold right now but I could see how you could get sick off it.
Sounds very fall and cozy.
Parents alcohol sounds somewhat depressing but free alcohol does count as a win in my book. Have a good night man.

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Had a frost blue 4 loko that tasted awful 2 days ago. It only got worse when i spilled half on my blanket on my bed and now my blanket has been smelling of rancid artificial flavors.

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Anyone else in here depressed drunk? Who wants to share their reasons for drinking? Mines pretty gay
>miss gf
thats it. I feel like a fag.

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My condolences.

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I love the double cinnamon. Its candy cinnamon and real cinnamon at the same time. Maybe if I get drunk enough I'll cum in one and shoot it all.

Nigger cum

Dry cleaners my dude. That smell wont dissipate quickly.

That's not a bad reason. Shit sucks to get back into the single life, just keep fighting. I'm drinking because it provides me comfort and entertainment. I live in a boring city in the midwest and drinking has just been the norm.

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I dont know why I said dry cleaners when i meant laundry mat.

What else have you tasted before?