What keeps them going at their ages? They’ve won so much for so many years and they still want more

What keeps them going at their ages? They’ve won so much for so many years and they still want more.

Brady’s position doesn’t require running and strength
Not sure about Federer, he’s probably juicing

Problem is neither handegg and tennis are actually sports so it's not like it's required for them to be young or anything.

Fear of boredom.

Low IQ. All they know is sports so once they retire they won't know what to do. See: David Beckham

Beckham didn't give a shit about retiring though.
he was more concerned with growing his brand.

Doesn't winnng becomes boring after a while?

Both Federer and Brady had long droughts

what is an actual sport then?
>don't say divegrass

basketball, rugby, f1

-taking care of their bodies
-high sports IQ and skill so they know how to avoid unnecessary movements and loading


should have named another sport so you run out of synonyms

sophisticated ahead of the curve/corrupt doping regiment

born before 1990 so not estrogen-laden soyboy foetuses

actually are freaks of nature and this post millennium period will be remembered for the Greats

Are those hands a meme and manipulated or what is going on?

Argentina is another good one.

yes, we're great at all the relevant world sports

>relevant to anyone besides CEOs of multinational corporations and banks that want something to watch while they drink champagne and eat caviar on the balcony of their luxury apartment or the deck of their megayacht in Monaco

>Car speed running is a sport
ok sweetie

you need big hands to grip a football and whip it correctly. hand measurement is a big thing for NFL scouts when it comes to QBs

Who said Argentina is good at F1?

anabolic steroids