What's the most illegal thing you've done?

What's the most illegal thing you've done?

(Im not employed by the FBI)

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i see you internet police

See this!?!?! i understand the 4channers culture and therefore I am not emploued by the FBI.

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evading arrest
possession heroin in excess of 1 ounce
Resisting arrest
Plead it down to 28 months shit sucked

I am not an officer either. I am fellow Hentai watching 4channer that also does illegal activities.

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Any current illegal activities that you haven't served time for?

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I sneaked alcohol into a dry country for my whole team on a business trip. We were going to be there for a week and I brought 5 32oz bags of booze behind the liner of my suitcase. The penalty for bringing it in was prison and deportation - but I'll be damned if I was going to sit in that hotel w/o some scotch to drink.

I stole a creme egg from a shop once.
About as illegal as you can get really.

Yes. All types of drugs are super fun. I also drink alcoholic beverages. I would also break the law in your position.

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>so close

Whats the adress of your living area?

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Nice try officer you ain't never gonna catch me.

I used to look at porn when I was underage! Don't tell on me

I am no officer!!! See this image attached!?!? It is a green frog post. Only 4channers do this and not officers.

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haha me too! Whats your adress of living? We can be 4channer bros!

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Hmm, I suppose you're right.
I guess we could do a hookup and talk of dastardly things
>1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 20500

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Ha! You fool. I was tricking all of you. I actually am employed by thr FBI and im coming to put you in prison!

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How could you do this to me?

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Justice will always win!

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I stole a few thousand dollars of product from a few companies I worked for. I've fucked under aged girls a few times, like 14-15 age range.

damn im an FBI agent, but thats pretty bad. wgats your adress so i can come to your living area and arrest you.

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7000 Michael Canlis Blvd
Bring snuf porn please. I need to beat it before we go.

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