SPREAD THESE: >Hillary blames White People for the Dallas Terrorist Attack youtu.be/3qaeVwWr2eU >Clinton Gave Non-Cleared Individuals Access To Classified Information youtu.be/mJ0YEchTwEc
INTERVIEWS >PAUL MANAFORT on Fox News about the #NeverTrump Movement's Demise (7/15/16) youtu.be/gnLVNDzo0hk >TRUMP ON FRANCE TERRORIST ATTACK WITH O'REILLY (7/14/2016) youtu.be/T5Wn4tMFYT8 >Trump with Greta on France Terrorist Attacks (7/14/16) youtu.be/BQCamCKjsXY >Bret Baier Donald Trump FULL Interview (7/13/16) youtu.be/IrAsSCd1ic4 >Eric Trump with Hannity on VP Selection (7/13/16) youtu.be/pO8s5Cw4k8I >Newt Gingrich with Hannity on VP Announcement (7/13/16) youtu.be/vxKYhQFRKWY
>Always reply to Texan posts! >They are your friends! >Like a non pacifist Canada!
Elijah Butler
We've passed the halfway point of the Year of the Fire Monkey.
More Happenings await.
Asher Baker
>Atlantic City, dodging taxes, using bankrupcy to screw over all the people who were hired for said failed business and never got paid. Working with the mob in the late 80s and early 90s. How do you refute this?
Oliver Turner
We need to find a way to have Pence achieve his memetic potential.
How can we best have Pence harness Positive Meme Energy? What does he have going for him?
Chase Powell
cnn has stopped broadcasting protesters getting shot
Joshua Green
Is Pence going to be VP or not?
Adam Roberts
Erdogan the ISIS sympathizer is about to get his shit kicked in.
Long time coming i say.
Elijah Reed
Jayden Foster
she's gonna be on Lou Dobbs tonight and >Fourteen California Donald Trump supporters filed a civil rights lawsuit Thursday, saying that San Jose's police failed to protect them from violent protesters after a campaign rally last month.
Aaron Collins
You know Trump made a bad VP choice when Trump himself was regretting it last night...
baka, baka, smmfgdh
gg Trump, gg
Andrew Long
>mfw that turknigger who was spamming pictures of dead american soldiers is now having his dear leader overthrown by the military
Dominic Brown
Will Obama declare martial law? He's already told the military & national guard to stand down.
Dozens of Bernouts I know online and off were considering Trump after Bernie endorsed Clinton.
They liked his trade policies. They liked his support of the LGBT community after Orlando. They liked how honest he was, there were probably millions of Bernouts on the fence looking at Trump waiting for him to do something to earn their support.
What does he do? He picks a VP that repulses and conflicts with all of Trump's appeal to moderates and independents as well as Trump himself. It barely makes any sense.
Trump picking Pence could actually give third parties massive amounts of votes. Which may still help Trump but things would be better if those votes actually went to him instead of somebody else.
Isaac Gonzalez
... i hope the military wins turkey has been causing a lot of problems
Xavier Bailey
He's fairly personable on camera, shouldn't be too hard. We'll have to wait for the first interview.
Cameron Brown
>a Muslim is supporting a Muslim are you surprised?
Ryder Rogers
nothing, that was and is my main problem with him
He's too low energy
Brayden Jenkins
Trump is fucked no matter how he goes forward/ He could either
1) Stick with Pence. But that means we have to deal with fucking Pence, and people who care will see that Trump's got mixed feelings about him, which only hurts the VP pick more
2) Switch to someone else. This would mean no more Pence but the establishment will never forgive him for this, and the press will go fucking insane over it, calling trump crazy and indecisive. This could help trump since its more press time, but i wouldnt be too confident about that
Elijah Gomez
Is it confirmed the French terrorist was 100% Muslin
Alexander Edwards
Isn't this the guy who burnt his papers after the Colorado steal?
Wasn't he the guy who said "I'll never vote Republican again" and "I've been Republican my entire life, not anymore"?
Jaxson Watson
Hopefully secular turks are not niggers
Christian Young
I haven't seen anything yet.
It possibly may be another hoax. We'll see.
William Gray
I head that Pence is on Hannity tonight.
Nathaniel Hill
>Day of Rage scheduled for today >Turkish coup happens Am I the only one who thinks this can't be a coincidence? We've heard absolutely nothing about the BLM protests today. They're fucking sliding us IRL.
Aiden Moore
That's just some senile retard.
Jack Phillips
Oh shit, Ollie North up on Dobbs.
Asher Scott
Is the roach battle good or bad for Trump? Will it have any impact on the presidential race?
I don't know shit about Turkey.
Lucas Stewart
Man Trumpgen is dead.
Angel Rivera
"Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S."
Yeah, unbiased reporting. Nbd.
Luke Gonzalez
Honestly, I don't know who the fuck he is But look at his early videos, then look at his last video It's weird I think he's some kook
Eli Campbell
confirmed for ruse
Ian Flores
Add to number 2 that Trump would look like a total asshole for making Pence give up his gubernatorial run and then backstabbing him.
Trump is all about loyalty, I don't see that happening at all.
Lincoln Morris
Matthew Clark
Yes, they found his ID in the truck and his name is literally Mohamed. He was "of Tunisian ancestry"
Nicholas Baker
>But that means we have to deal with fucking Pence, and people who care will see that Trump's got mixed feelings about him, which only hurts the VP pick more Nevermind the 25% of the Republican base that wasn't voting for Trump previously. You completely ignore the positives of the pick and claim Trump is fucked. Rly makes u think
Camden Hernandez
I was just looking. 7 months ago he looked relatively strong.
Now he looks like my uncle before he died from liver failure.
Isaac Rogers
Shill more. Pence was a safe pick, the VP is for the establishment. Reagan got HW and Trump gets Pence. He needed to draw in more Republicans, he is getting around 70-75 of Republicans. The Pence pick is to calm the Never Trump crowd. Expect Colorado to be Trump after the convention.
Levi Price
can we please design a new logo for Trump/Pence?
The TP one is freaking awful.
How about this one?
Kevin Barnes
Dominic Watson
Military has been supporting ISIS and being belligerent towards the US and Russia as well, not just because of Erdogan's orders.
I'm starting to feel like a military coup isn't going to change actual policy or dynamic at all but instead just give it a new face. The US has sparked the majority of Turkish coups in the past but this one seems completely out of Obama's monkey hands.
Tyler Mitchell
They are pushing this nonsense that he was simply an angry guy.
Bentley Gutierrez
If the coup is successful it'll be good in the fight against ISIS.
There's been evidence that Turkey manufactured chemical weapons and detonated it in Syria, framing Assad, also Turkey has bought plenty of oil from ISIS; Erdogan is one of those despots that controll the media and supress critics.
If he is deposed, it's good FOR THE WORLD.
I'd say it would be good for Trump too.
Kevin Miller
William Gutierrez
So many fucking happenings lately lads
>Trump picks his VP >Trump is gaining in the polls >Long awaited Redacted 28 Pages 9/11 Report released >A fucking Military coup in Turkey >Nice Bastille Day islamist attack >Dallas >BLM Chimpouts
wew fucking lads
Colton Hall
That's a damn fine logo right there
Nathan Phillips
His name was Muhammad Bouhlel. The only evidence that he "wasn't a muslim" is that he ate pork and drank alcohol. Anyone who has read the Qur'an knows you can break every rule in the book as long as you martyr yourself and kill some , you still go to heaven.
Jackson Morales
Everytime I come here to get my Trump news I come out with a boner since you guys can't stop posting lewd stuff.
Grayson Sullivan
This one is pretty MAGA.
Ayden Turner
LMAO I cant believe Trump actually picked Pence!
What happened to our guy? Why did he pick such a lightweight?
James Evans
I'm enjoying this coup so much. Nice to have a Happening where you don't have to feel bad for anyone.
Isaac White
woah that's a good one. saved. Good bumpersticker
Brandon Torres
There was also a machette man today (likely jihadist but the MSM never announced any details about the attacker) who attacked a vigil honoring the 84 who died.
William Wright
>How do you refute this? The first thousand times this has been brought up in trumpgen? Casually and with ease. Not worth the effort at this point. Find some new material.
Colton Allen
Lou Dobbs going 100% to bat for Trump against a guest who was careless with his words.
I love this man.
Ian Hill
>the MSM never announced any details about the attacker
Coulter's Law in full effect.
Gavin Scott
This one is perfect.
Carson Campbell
Hudson Morales
There are two factions in the military. A secular pro-American faction and an Islamic pro-Erdogan faction, that's what I've been told by Turks I know.