


so much shit happening atm, the world is a clusterfuck

help me mom

stop shitposting. nothing is gonna happen. finland is basically nato, so all borders will be respected. MAD is still in effect.

fucking norwegian attentionwhores

Reported, you immature little cunt

Stop shitposting OP
Mene nukkumaan

Russia is bro_tier

I havent received any txt for pickup so nothing is happening

the previous thread was shitposting you autists

>Non Finland ID

fuck your prayers, send vodka.

Lol would be funny if they actually did. Finland would be like: "Please Sweden help us against Russia"

That is true! I saw some igors outside firing them AK47:s, good thing I had my knife and got rid of them.

like you fags could do anything

fuck finland

Finland would ask us for help? what would our 30k Swedish armed forces do against a russian invasion?
>Håll käften snorunge

the world would be better off without finland

No link? So it's nothing then.

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

Yeah we could.
Åk tillbaka till Finland.

Pssh the Finns have nothing to worry about.

butthurt baby in the island :DDD

Du är ju helt jälva efterbliven
Gå och lägg dig, lilla pojke

Tror det är du som är lite trög. Fått i dig för mycket alkohol ikväll eller? Försvarsmakten kan rövknulla Ryssland utan problem.

So just parked leopard here, to wait them ruskis, our commander said they will be here in any moment. Wish me luck boys

>russia is actually bro tier
>falling for the jew memes

pls staph :D our memes so stronk even russia love us (no hiv :DDD) :DD