Why is my forehead so fucking big

Why is my forehead so fucking big

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Kek fivehead

cuz ur hairline is receding

Because you have ugly fucking parents

get a new hair cut, fix your acne, and get a nose job. there, life fixed

You have very nice eyes bro..

Never heard anything about my nose

You look like your name is kailma-

God hates fags.

Looks kinda small to me

Because the rest of your head is to small

yikes dude

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Mine too lmao

Why am I so big?

Attached: Jon Sudano 2.0.jpg (1280x1707, 210K)

It's not big. Your forehead is wide. You have a wide and short cranium, which is an indication of some mental defect. I'm not trolling. You may be retarded

rent it out as advertising space

You're balding and you have a clear forehead compared to your cheeks which makes it look emptier.

It's perfectly normal. "standard" is brows to hairline = brows to end of nose = end of nose to end of chin. If one of them is slightly bigger or smaller it's still normal though unless it's a huge difference as in your forehead being 1.5 times the distance from your brows to the end of your nose

And this - the new hairstyle part - in case you're talking about the width

For some reason this made me laugh so hard

fetal alcohol syndrome, your mom drink too much alcohol while pregnant.