Post your age and the number of girls you've fucked

Post your age and the number of girls you've fucked

>10 fucked
>17 sucked

Penis pic optional

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>fucked a fat chick when I was 13 freshman year
>Been in a relationship since I was 15 and have sex regularly when we see each other.

> 39
> fucked approx 25

>0 fucked
>1 sucked, but never finished
Fuck my sex life.

Don't worry it really is so unimportant when it comes it comes

>1 fucked
>3 sucked

Got in depression for 7 years, wasted a lots of my sex life while having this dick

Attached: 78687987.jpg (1238x928, 205K)

>1 fucked
>1 sucked, but never finished
do relationships really count tho

Get out there and put that big thing to work.

i wish mine curved up. its 7" and curves down.
great cock bro.

>Fucked more than 1
>Has cigar stub

Attached: xdoubt3.jpg (938x477, 58K)