ITT: Post girls with this kind of thick elastic band and I make them say blacked/bleached

ITT: Post girls with this kind of thick elastic band and I make them say blacked/bleached.

Attached: 1569488172991.jpg (1080x1080, 281K)

This is the original, for reference. I'll bump with previous requests.

Attached: 1569488336996.jpg (1080x1080, 279K)

Fuck off nigger


Attached: bleached1.jpg (2795x1707, 1.2M)

Attached: bleached.jpg (2795x1707, 1.05M)

Attached: image (1).jpg (1938x3000, 1.12M)

Attached: 1570506608676.png (406x640, 546K)

On it.

Attached: image (2).jpg (1938x3000, 1.42M)


Attached: 34464FAF-838B-4474-8C61-86477AA51998.jpg (720x405, 89K)

bleached ?

Attached: E689BC41-D862-476B-A3C9-DEC10D8E6A52.jpg (640x793, 321K)

Here ya go.
White guy on nonwhite girl.
I can do blacked on nonwhite girls and bleached on white girls, ofc. But you'll have to ask for that, I assume the default if you don't say anything.

Attached: 1570506608676BL.png (406x640, 367K)

Attached: 1551042465524.png (596x747, 610K)

Attached: IMG_4772.jpg (964x1933, 116K)

Thanks man


Attached: 6652cf08-30ec-44c3-b3d9-4796f82d1adb.jpg (719x1280, 153K)

up next
What should I do here?

Attached: 34464FAF-838B-4474-8C61-86477AA51998bl.jpg (720x405, 105K)

The cowardly fucking losers have created a new thread.

this is weak but eh
these don't have the band so without instructions idk what to do. tats?
ok trump

Attached: E689BC41-D862-476B-A3C9-DEC10D8E6A52bl.jpg (640x793, 344K)

Attached: 37b6ee78-583c-477d-bda1-2c81b1cc83c0.jpg (719x1280, 151K)

Anything you can good sir

Attached: 1570418315558912_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.21M)

I'll try a tat, I guess.
This one first tho.

Attached: c243667d-254d-493e-9724-949f80a46d37.jpg (939x1348, 357K)

Oh wait this doesn't have the elastic band. But I tried something a little different.

Attached: (1080x1080, 1.24M)

Attached: 1551042465524bl.png (596x747, 658K)


Attached: 46519671128064_n.jpg (1080x1349, 153K)

Attached: IMG_4772bl.jpg (964x1933, 193K)

Attached: 6652cf08-30ec-44c3-b3d9-4796f82d1adbbl.jpg (719x1280, 180K)

Attached: 37b6ee78-583c-477d-bda1-2c81b1cc83c0bl.jpg (719x1280, 183K)

do my sis pls

Attached: cvbcvb.jpg (1066x800, 105K)

Attached: c243667d-254d-493e-9724-949f80a46d37bl.jpg (939x1348, 391K)

Can do.

thx osm

Attached: 46519671128064_nbl.jpg (1080x1349, 182K)

Attached: 75467456721.png (466x688, 434K)

Attached: 1809607685.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

Attached: 8765897695789.png (502x971, 606K)

Attached: 56832456.png (426x821, 499K)

damn this took forever. How does it look?
queued up

Attached: cvbcvbbl.jpg (1066x800, 180K)

Attached: 645374373563.png (1050x862, 1.75M)

Attached: 356874534.png (930x930, 1.64M)

Attached: 23457656867.png (1051x799, 1.98M)

Attached: 75467456721bl.png (466x688, 290K)

Like shit

Attached: 83567546485.png (929x930, 1.53M)

Damn. What would you like to see? Maybe a progression?
Sorry to hear that. I agree it's weak. That kind of band is hard to work with.

man, just do what you think will work and be best

Attached: 345723458.png (929x928, 1.48M)

I have this idea of her getting more tatted up and wearing more blackedwear as time goes on. Just because it looks like a fitness timelapse kinda.

Attached: 56832456bl.png (426x821, 291K)

I tried to improve it.

Attached: cvbcvbbl2.jpg (1066x800, 179K)

Good idea

Attached: 67435605684.jpg (1077x1010, 228K)

Thanks man. Looks good enough for a fap sesh lol

Attached: 6D9F3493-32A5-448D-A24C-ED8D202C3ABE.jpg (1080x1214, 93K)

That edit is so sexy, great thread idea.

Attached: 356874534bl.png (930x930, 1.01M)

Doing this next.
Thanks user

Bleached isn’t a thing, faggot. Kys


Thx man

Could you do this girl?


Attached: 568567967.png (459x968, 703K)

up next

Attached: 6D9F3493-32A5-448D-A24C-ED8D202C3ABEbl.jpg (1080x1214, 170K)

damn good content user

Nice work bro thanks!

Like so?

Attached: 079A37D6-904D-40C2-B6B7-3DCFA735B29Abl.jpg (750x824, 183K)

Attached: 568567967bl.png (459x968, 455K)

Attached: 031A8723-3FE4-4E8B-B794-F17E0EDDF477.jpg (1242x1546, 1.68M)

How about this slut?

Attached: 5440697A-7584-468A-8BCC-DE4CE806343F.jpg (1125x1271, 170K)

Attached: 1E5C87C3-5B88-4284-BA38-D523D388F16B.jpg (1242x1310, 1.55M)

Attached: F042C4D7-E1CC-4D7F-B604-3D24B73EC8EF.jpg (1242x1291, 1.67M)

Attached: 745685469466.jpg (571x1061, 128K)

Attached: 031A8723-3FE4-4E8B-B794-F17E0EDDF477bl.jpg (1242x1546, 1.76M)

Hot, thank you

Attached: 5440697A-7584-468A-8BCC-DE4CE806343Fbl.jpg (1125x1271, 208K)

Attached: 1E5C87C3-5B88-4284-BA38-D523D388F16Bbl.jpg (1242x1310, 1.64M)


Attached: 0A0C639B-C95A-4EAE-9A45-2E60CD034148.jpg (1125x820, 139K)


Attached: 71C0CD11-4EA2-4B8D-A838-FC833A54AE95.jpg (1125x1907, 305K)

Attached: F042C4D7-E1CC-4D7F-B604-3D24B73EC8EFbl.jpg (1242x1291, 1.74M)


Please do mine

Attached: C68EDD6E-314B-4D06-B8E1-47EBE6169C67.jpg (1080x1349, 96K)

Would work or nah?

Attached: IMG_20190517_150128.jpg (873x960, 167K)

Here ya go.
Can do.

Attached: 1E5C87C3-5B88-4284-BA38-D523D388F16Bbl.jpg (1242x1310, 1.63M)

If I had a picture of her sucking a cock, could you make it black?

Attached: 0A0C639B-C95A-4EAE-9A45-2E60CD034148bl.jpg (1125x820, 168K)

I could *try.* I know how to do color adjustments but that's a very hard thing to make look good.

You got email? File too big

I have a Discord, if that works.

Attached: 71C0CD11-4EA2-4B8D-A838-FC833A54AE95 bl.jpg (1125x1907, 355K)


It's a private pic so email would be best bro. You'd really be helping me out lol

I made a throwaway. [email protected]


Can i get a bleached and a blacked, and anything else you can think of?

Attached: ABCE6BD5-0D35-4D3F-B2EA-10DFDF3DE93F.jpg (1125x1696, 360K)

Damn she's hot at

Thanks so much this just made me cum hard

How does this look?
I'll do my best.
Glad you like, user.

Attached: C68EDD6E-314B-4D06-B8E1-47EBE6169C67bl.jpg (1080x1349, 168K)

Good enough for me! Thanks man!

Attached: IMG_20190517_150128(1)bl.jpg (873x960, 208K)

I know it's not a thick band user but please can you give it a try? literally been after this specific shop on Ellie for months

Attached: ItKmgTD.jpg (899x698, 146K)


Attached: 08535dd6a51e46c4b32ce82f5e2b9e13.jpg (1080x1270, 190K)

These are up next. Was working on user's private picture.

Attached: 6D9516BF-A8DE-40B6-83C2-D14FCFF1CA65.jpg (1199x1230, 257K)

Attached: 5E4C70E6-B688-43AE-A279-DBA7C671193B.jpg (807x1207, 163K)